
The Other Side

Hi just wanted to say that there a little trigger warning near the end~ that's all please enjoy the chapter 



Youngjae woke up feeling fresh. He felt completely new. As if a huge weight has been lifted from him. He didn't feel the uneasiness that he used to have when he first bought the apartment. Youngjae knew deep down that it had something to do with Daehyun. What he didn't know was if he was actually gone or not. The boy got up from his bed and sat on the edge. Last night was strange, Daehyun left him roses. Roses. What kind of ghosts makes you want to never sleep again and messes – even breaks – your stuff , then gives you a rose with a note that says 'sorry'. Youngjae thought of it for a few seconds. "What if he's in team Rocket?" The latter contemplated the idea of the ghost being apart of a kids cartoon main villain's team. The boy was thinking how Daehyun was mean, but at the same time he was nice. He always played tricks on Youngjae and the boy seemed to have a keen interest in roses.
"I don't have any legendary Pokemon so please leave me alone."

He got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom. As Youngjae thought, the mark Daehyun gave him didn't leave. Not even a slight difference in colour to tell him if it was healing or not. The boy really hoped it wasn't permanent. He took his shower and made his way to the kitchen. He made his morning coffee and sat down at his coffee table. Everything was pretty normal, except for the huge bouquet of flowers right in front of his eyes. Youngjae was speculating why Daehyun left them there. It wasn't the first time I ran away terrified. He thought. Then he remembered how it was the first time the ghost acted in such a way. It never went to the extent of talking to Youngjae. Even less touching Youngjae. The latter shivered at the idea of being touch by him. This is just weird.. The boy threw his head back. Eyes to the ceiling. Maybe he left bad. Youngjae closed his eyes, the memory of himself crying came to mind. He recalled Daehyun cupping his cheeks and wiping the tears away. Youngjae felt uncomfortable. No, actually just confused. Was it the sight of the latter crying that made the ghost stop hurting him and apologize. If it was crying, then roses should've popped on his table long ago. Although, it wasn't because of Daehyun that he was crying. Youngjae cried because he was tired and he couldn't take it anymore. Or it was a drama that made him cry all the water from his body. 'Remember'. That was a drama that made him cry at basically every scene. Even after that, the ghost still came and made his life a living hell. Youngjae concluded that Daehyun was sorry for his actions. Which made the latter feel a little better. A little, the boy concluded that the ghost knew his limits, but nothing said he would stop messing with him and his things. He hoped that wasn't the case with him.

Before Youngjae went to work to his morning shift at the dinner, he took the ouija board from the floor. He put it in a bag and left to work.


"Hold up, the ghost apologized ?" Zelo was chocked. "With a bouquet of roses?" Youngjae didn't know if the giant was trying to make fun of him or was actually genuine about his questions. Either way Youngjae felt humiliated. The sensation of heat coming from his ears was intense. He couldn't handle the reaction of his friends when they were told that a ghost said sorry by giving him flowers. Yes, he could've not told them about the flowers, but Youngjae felt the need to share it, to know their opinions and stuff. In a way, the boy wanted something to reassure himself. He had no idea how to deal with the whole situation. So he wanted his friends by his side.

"That's pretty romantic." Youngjae snapped from his train of thought by Zelo's witty remark. "I didn't know you two were dating." The boy couldn't believe the youngest. Youngjae knew it was a joke. He was used to the others jokes. But just thinking about it. It was weird. Having a relationship with a ghost. How deranged. It was kinda like that 90's movie 'Ghost' with Patrick Swayze. Hopefully it wasn't going to be like that.

Youngjae lightly pushed Zelo. The youngest was giggling at his own joke and the oldest just smirked at him. Youngjae went to work his shift. The whole time the latter was thinking about what Zelo said. A relationship with Daehyun. Just thinking about that made the boy's guts turn upside down. And not in a good way. He has never seen the ghost. What if he was like 49 years old? Youngjae was creeped out by that idea. He's only heard Daehyun's voice. The boy had to admit that the ghost's voice was nice.

Before Youngjae left for his next job, he finally gave Zelo his board back. "I'm guessing you want it back." To be honest, the boy wanted it to be taken away. Yes, it did help him know who was haunting his apartment, but he didn't want what happened previously to restart. The youngest took it and gave Youngjae a concerned look. "What? I just don't want anymore accidents to happen." And with that Zelo put the board in his backpack without talking back. They've said their goodbyes and Youngjae left for the bar.


Yongguk was happy to hear that his friend ghost problem wasn't messing with his sleep anymore. "Tonight is a big event. So you better be energized." Youngjae couldn't believe what his friend told him. Give me a break. Youngjae hated big events like tonight. It was always intense. A lot of drunks by the end of the night, girls going wild, there was always at least a fight in the middle of the event and lots of orders to do. Youngjae hated how clients were always so demanding when under the influence of alcohol. Another long night of suffering for the boy.

During his break, Youngjae went to the bathroom. While he was washing his hands, he decided to check on his burn. Nothing changed. It probably needs some time to heal. The latter sighed and buttoned his shirt back on. The boy hadn't said a word about the mark to any of his friends. He didn't need to tell his friends, it was just a simple burn... It had to go away eventually, right? "Breaks over..." Youngjae sighed loudly and started walking towards the exit. Kill me.


"Again?" Youngjae said as he took the newly placed rose off the floor. Once more the latter felt embarrassed. Why did the ghost do this. He got the message of apology, so what was Daehyun's deal?

This went on for weeks. Everyday for the past 23 days , he'd receive a rose. Sometimes they were different colours. Hopefully that didn't mean anything. The flowers weren't always in the same place. It was on the floor, coffee table, couch, bathroom or his bed. Youngjae was sick and tired of the roses being everywhere. It was bewildering, why did Daehyun continue giving him flowers. "It's embarrassing.." Mumbled the boy as he put the rose in a glass.

The mark hasn't even started to change colour. It didn't want to heal. Youngjae was kinda scared. Sometimes the latter swears he could feel someone – probably Daehyun – pressing the mark lightly. He still kept it a secret from his buddies. He decided not to worry them with his ghost problems anymore.


Youngjae was woken up by a loud sound from the living room. The latter was used to hearing noises coming from there, but never this loud. It sounded as if it was it's goal was to woke up Youngjae. Hell no. The boy wasn't about to go there and deal with a spirit again. He went back to bed. Ignoring the noise completely. Once more the banging woke up the boy. This time though, it was way louder. Youngjae was persuaded that the ghost was mad and probably impatient. The latter got up and sighed. I'm gonna die. This is it. The boy made his way to the living room.

Fear came and took over Youngjae's body. He couldn't believe what was in front of him. The ouija board was on the floor once again. The hell? Youngjae stared at the board. He remembered giving the board back to Zelo. The boy hoped it was all a nightmare and wanted to wake up.

He sat on the floor in front of the board. He remembered what to do. He put his fingers on the white pinter and started turning it. "Hello". Youngjae was determined to talk to the ghost. He knew he needed to be confident. "Is there any spirit here." The pointer made its way to the 'yes'. Alright let's go.

"Daehyun?" The pointer moved again on the 'yes'. "Did you take Zelo's board?" Once more the pointer went on the 'yes'. Youngjae cursed to himself. Now he had to give back the board to Zelo, explaining him that Daehyun broke into his house and took his board. Well that's if he makes it out alive.

"Why did you take it?" Youngjae just wanted information. A simple question to know if he was gonna get killed or not. Daehyun didn't reply to him for a moment. The pointer started to move, but slower than the other times.
'To talk to you.' Youngjae wanted to run away. It was too much for him. Why is this boy so confusing?

"Why? About what?" Youngjae need to know. For once the ghost wasn't being rude. This was his chance to have a descent conversation and get some answers. 'I want to make a truce between us.' Youngjae was taken aback. He wasn't expecting that at all. The boy was sceptical. He was suspicious about the sudden reply. Maybe the roses was to make up from all the terror he's cost Youngjae. But something was still bothering the lad.

"Weren't you trying to get rid of me? You even wrote on my wall to leave." That's what annoyed him the most. The thing that didn't make sense to him. Why the sudden change of heart. He hated Youngjae and now he wants to be 'friends'. The boy realized that Daehyun wasn't saying anything and allowed himself to add: "You hated me since day one. So what changed?" The ghost was quite for once. Youngjae contemplated saying goodbye since the spirit didn't seem to answer. 'I was... And I don't hate you.'

Youngjae scoffed, "You threw a shoe at my head." The boy realized how ridiculous that sounded and almost wanted to laugh. Instead the latter just smiled to himself. 'I'm sorry.' Youngjae concluded that Daehyun was trying his best to be nice. "Why did you do it?" He wanted to know why, but the spirit didn't seem to reply to him in details. 'Anger.'

"Why was I the only one that got the shoe!" Youngjae blurred out of nowhere. He was curious, he really wanted to know why he was the only one to receive a shoe on the head. Daehyun didn't say anything. Youngjae gave up and decided that maybe the ghost wanted to start over. The latter knew the spirit was probably feeling bad for doing all those horrible things. "Alright, what do you want to talk about?" They needed to start anew. 'Anything.'

Youngjae and Daehyun talked for a while. The awhile was around 3 hours. They've learned a lot about each other.

Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. He died at the young age of 23. He used to live with his mother. Daehyun committed suicide in 1983 because of depression. Youngjae didn't feel like asking why and stopped his curiosity for once. He loved to sing. He told Youngjae that he used to sing in bars or small cafes. Youngjae asked him about the roses. He replied exactly what the latter was thinking. 'I wanted to give you roses, for you to know that I'm sorry for everything I've done to scare you.' "Why a rose?" There was a silent moment. 'It was my mothers favourite flower' it was pretty touching and the boy felt compassion for Daehyun. He wasn't a bad guy. He was just scared. He didn't know who to trust. He told Youngjae that in his life a lot of people betrayed him. Youngjae was curious about his private life. He dared to ask. "Did you have any lovers?" Daehyun replied, but slowly 'yes I did.' Youngjae was wondering if Daehyun was still here because of that person. "Do you still love them?" Silence grew. 'Not anymore.' Youngjae also asked about the mark on his chest. Daehyun 'reassured' him it was going to leave at one point.

It was Youngjae's time to present himself. His name and what he did. What he likes and not. He told Daehyun about how he was trying pay his college education. He told him about Yongguk and Zelo. He told him that they weren't bad people. Daehyun seemed to want to ask about his love life and Youngjae felt discouraged. He didn't have one. He hadn't been in a relationship in a long time. His last partner was in high school. And it didn't last long. Youngjae liked talking to Daehyun and it seemed like it was the same for the ghost.

Sadly Youngjae had to go back to sleep, because he had to work the next day. He told Daehyun that they'll talk again soon. The boy did circle on the board with the white pointer and stopped it on 'goodbye'.


Hello !!! It's 4:31 am ! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had plans that took over. But I'm glad this chapter is done because the next one is one I've been planing since the beginning and I really wanted to write it.~~ 

Hope you enjoy the story!!^^ our little Daejae are getting closer yay~ please feel free to comment about what you think !! 

Thank you for reading my story ! Sorry if there's any mistakes! See you next chapter!! ^^~

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ani_xxi #1
Authornim is this fanfic completed?
ayra3s #2
Chapter 6: Aehhh...I just got the time to read the updates...whyyyyy whyyyyyy dae
Chapter 6: ㅠ ㅠ author-nim pls do something so daejae could be together.. this is heartbreaking..
Chapter 6: damn , I cried hard ;; seeing daehyun go for good but leaving youngjae behind seems that his life won't be good to see another guy like daehyun . WISH that youngjae will be see daehyun for once again (?) even it's impossible ;; huhu re-reading the chapters
Chapter 6: Oh my god :o
So, so beautiful and sad at the same time.
Youngjae was so brave to do that tho. I mean, helping daehyun to go, even tho he knew that his own heart would be broken.
Oneee moreee chapteeer onlyyy ? Noooooooooooooo ;-,
I love this story so muchhh T_T
Thank youuu ❤️
Chapter 6: Can I cry? This is so sad.. I want Jae and Dae together. Please, continue to update because I love this story.
Chapter 6: Ugly sobs. I want daehyun to move on and finally be in peace but I want Youngjae and Daehyun to be together but I don't want Youngjae to go after Daehyun. Idk anymore. Also, this fic is ending. More ugly sobbing.
Chapter 6: I'm crying ;;;;;; but i also happy at the same time bcs dae moved on, but to see youngjae broke down like that is very heart wrenching ;~;
Chapter 5: I loveee this story ❤️u❤️
Aww poor jonguppie ;-;
It's weird that daehyun is trying to not talk or communicate that much with youngjae !
Hope you update soon ^_^
Thank you so much ^^
Chapter 5: I have a question... i dont really know much about ouija board but what happens if we let go of the pointer?