
BestFriend with Mr.Popular
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Another day with the same old routine, wake up, get ready, and go to school. But today was more excited then any other day because it's friday, everyone favorite day of the week. The week went by pretty fast, as for lisa week it was decent for her first week, while bambam on the other hand had a rough week, he's been trying to approach lisa but failed multiple of times.

Everyone's now sitting at their normal spot in the cafeteria, its now lunch time. As usual bambam is sitting with his group of friends still blank out. "Earth to bambam," jihye wave her hand in front of bambam face to get his attention. The pass few days bambam is a bit off, all of his friends notice it but don't know the reason behind it exactly, except for mark. "Dude! What's wrong with you?" Jb ask annoyingly, "You've been awfuly quite this week, and this isn't you man."   Mark clear his throat, and elbow bambam to come back to his sense, "Nah I think bambam here is just stressing out over the party his hosting tonight, since its his turn this week." "Oh yeah! think of it, me and jackson made a bet that one of us have to get that new girl to come to the party tonight," Jinyoung blurt out, bambam turn his head to his direction and stare at him deathly. "NO! I won't allow that." Bambam said aggressively, as he stood up from the table and walk away, everyone at their table just stare at him as he disappear. Jihye quickly got up from her seat and follow bambam.   Lisa POV This week went by fast, but i'm not complaining I actually love it. It's lunch time now, and i'm now sitting with my friends at our table enjoying our lunch. Through out lunch the girls argue over what ever pop in their head, i laughed so hard where it comes to the point my stomach start hurting from laughing. I had excuse myself from the girls to go use the bathroom, before the bell ring for the next class. I hurriedly made my way to the bathroom, the hallway was empty, and quite i actually like it then the cafeteria. Finally when i reach the restroom, i walk in but then stop immediately. I had walk in on two couples, they weren't doing anything inapropriate, they were just hugging. I quietly start backping up, hoping they wont hear or see me, but the guy happen to look up and saw me, we locked eyes for few seconds but i quickly break it off, his expression was full of shocked and i bowed to him and continue to backtracks out the restroom. They look like they were having a moment, so as quietly as i could walking backward out of the restroom, I finally let out a relieve sigh but out of no where, i almost stumbled on the floor. I had my eyes closed ready for my body to hit the floor, but didn't.   I felt someone grip holding onto my wrist, when i finally open my eyes i saw a familiar face infront of me. I quickly let go off his grip and d
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good read
great story!
Chapter 23: W-W-WHAAAAT????!!!!
Chapter 23: LISKOOK
Chapter 21: Awwww i ship them since the beginner~~~~~
Now~~~~ about the 2 last chapter~~~ engagement party, wedding and honeymoon! ^-^
Chapter 21: I honestly don't know how this story is going to end anymore. The next two chapters are probably gonna be so unexpected for me, but I'm looking forward to this :)
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 21: Gosh liskook til the end. I loved it *grins* hahaha. Tnx for the update Author-nim I really missed you. It's been awhile, how you doin Author-nim? Hope you update again soon lol. FIGHTING!!!♥
NomiKizuki #8
Chapter 21: I was hoping for bamlisa
JKLLS97 #9
Chapter 21: OMG !!!!!!!!!! I didn't aspect this but also i don't complain any of this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: LizKook forever!!!!