
BestFriend with Mr.Popular
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Lisa POV I walk in my house surprise to see bambam mom sitting in the living room on our couches. "Mom!" I said running toward her giving her a hug. "Oh my pranpriya you've become a beautiful women now." Bambam mom said as she held me tightly. "I've miss you so much." I said pulling away from her hug. "Oh come on i brought someone with me," bambam mom said as she pull me with her into the the kitchen.   I've already know the person she was talking about exactly, but what's going on between me and him doesn't have to come between our family relationship, since both of our family are close Bambam mother treat me like I was one of her own, and my parent treat bambam like a Son, and if they ever found out me and bambam right now are at no talking situation, they'll be very disappointed for both of us.   "There she is," I heard my dad said when we enter the kitchen.  "Bambam, look who it is," Bambam mom said as she gently pull me in front of her to face bambam.   We both stood awkwardly infront of each other, bambam awkwardly scratches the back of his head, while my left hand was lay across my right hand.  "Well are you guys gonna hug or say something to each other?" My mom said with a confuse look on her face. I let out a nervous chuckle, just when bambam shift his body to give me a side hug.  "It's good to see you again pokpak." He said after he had lean back out from the side hug he given me.   We successfully got over the awkward situation, now were on the dinner table our parents exchanging stories of both family, while me and bambam just keep quiet the whole time. I catch him looking at me a few quite times, but I tend to ignore his eyes. Both of us were surprise when our parents started targeting us with questions about our love lifes.  "Well you two tell us about your girlfriend, and boyfriend." I literally almost choke on my food I was chewing inside
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good read
great story!
Chapter 23: W-W-WHAAAAT????!!!!
Chapter 23: LISKOOK
Chapter 21: Awwww i ship them since the beginner~~~~~
Now~~~~ about the 2 last chapter~~~ engagement party, wedding and honeymoon! ^-^
Chapter 21: I honestly don't know how this story is going to end anymore. The next two chapters are probably gonna be so unexpected for me, but I'm looking forward to this :)
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 21: Gosh liskook til the end. I loved it *grins* hahaha. Tnx for the update Author-nim I really missed you. It's been awhile, how you doin Author-nim? Hope you update again soon lol. FIGHTING!!!♥
NomiKizuki #8
Chapter 21: I was hoping for bamlisa
JKLLS97 #9
Chapter 21: OMG !!!!!!!!!! I didn't aspect this but also i don't complain any of this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: LizKook forever!!!!