
BestFriend with Mr.Popular
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lisa POV I hurriedly tie my hair up in a messy bun before I left my house for the day, i woke up trying to forget what had happen last night, just thinking about it put me down. I told myself multiple of times not to think about everything jihye had told me last night, but i had a hard time trying not to believe everything she had told me. Walking out of my house, a cold strong wind blew on my face, as well for my body which gives me chills a little bit, gently rubbing my arm. I stood there having second thoughts if I needed a jacket or not, I waited for the wind to blew once again but nothing, so without any waiting I started walking off to school.   As I walk to school, I had a few flashbacks with bambam when we were little.   Flashback~ "Pokpak, why are you crying?" Young bambam ask with a confused look on his face. "I'm scared." I said in a shaking voice. "But it's just a bad weather," young bambam said until he was taken aback when I hug him tightly burying my face on his shoulder. "Are you scared of the thunderstorm pokpak?" Young bambam ask innocently while he comfort me, I shook my head yes in reply. "Don't be afraid lisa, I got you now and forever." Young bambam said while he made a pinky promised to me. End of flashback~   I was brought back to reality when I almost had a heart attack when someone honk their car at me, looking back there i saw a car. When the window were roll down, i saw bunch of guys wearing my school uniform hollering at me to get in the car, saying they'll give me a ride, but i kindly declined their offer. From what had happen last time in detention, im very cautious toward guys that I don't know personally, or guys in my school in general except for bambam, jungkook, mark and bambam other friends.    The car won't leave even though I declined their offer, so then I start panicking even though it was daylight, I didn't feel safe at all with the car following from behind I felt so scared. I quickly speed up my pace but with the car still following from behind I'm still scared to death, a lot of thoughts going wild in my head.    I felt so relieved when i saw the bus stop, which a lot of student in my school got off the bus at the bus stop, I quickly catch up to the other students to walk with, looking back at the car that was following me, it wasn't there anymore. It must have drove off when I ran towards the other student.   Pulling out my phone, I check if I had any missed calls or new messages. 15 missed calls from bambam, 1 new messages from jungkook.  I gasped out loud, I totally forgot about jungkook, opening his message, I wasn't suprised of what he was going to say, ~you left me didn't you? Okay then I'll see u in school :/~ I let out a sigh as I read the text message from jungkook.   I finally reach the school gate with the other student I had walk with earlier, entering the school I avoid all the death stare im getting from other student, and the whispering going on, that I can perfectly hear. "Isn't she ashamed?" "Jinja! She's so pitiful." "I heard she's trying to ruin jihye and bambam relationship."  "did you hear about last night as well?!" I walk away pretend that I didn't hear their comment while I just ignore them.   Walking with my head down in the hallway, i heard all the whispering getting louder and louder. A figure catches my attention, it was jihye along with her two other minions hanging around their lockers, i immediately ignore her gaze and walk off, so that's how everyone is so against me today, jihye must have told them a twisting story of what had happen last night, I thought to my
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good read
great story!
Chapter 23: W-W-WHAAAAT????!!!!
Chapter 23: LISKOOK
Chapter 21: Awwww i ship them since the beginner~~~~~
Now~~~~ about the 2 last chapter~~~ engagement party, wedding and honeymoon! ^-^
Chapter 21: I honestly don't know how this story is going to end anymore. The next two chapters are probably gonna be so unexpected for me, but I'm looking forward to this :)
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 21: Gosh liskook til the end. I loved it *grins* hahaha. Tnx for the update Author-nim I really missed you. It's been awhile, how you doin Author-nim? Hope you update again soon lol. FIGHTING!!!♥
NomiKizuki #8
Chapter 21: I was hoping for bamlisa
JKLLS97 #9
Chapter 21: OMG !!!!!!!!!! I didn't aspect this but also i don't complain any of this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: LizKook forever!!!!