Chapter Four

Bad Dreams

Jin’s Point of View:


They have Jimin under an observation room. When I walk up to the glass I see him sitting on the bed, staring blankly. The life in his once sparkling eyes is gone, dark shadows take shape below them. His skin was a sickly pale.


“Oh Jimin, what have you done to yourself?” I press a hand up against the glass.


“He has been like this for nearly a month, very delusional. He talks about -well more like talks to- a person named Hoseok. Was Hoseok a lover, a close friend?” The doctor asks me.


“Yes, he is, was, his lover, but now Hoseok is deceased for a little bit over three years,” I say sadly



Jimin’s Point of View (Three Years Prior):


Hoseok holds me around the waist as we sat on the hill star gazing. We talk about anything and everything, but avoid the topic of our future together. We stop talking for a moment, enjoying the company that we gave each other, the silence was soothing.


“Jimin,” he says, breaking the silence, “I need you to stand up.”


“Why?” I ask.


“Just do it.”


I stand up, he gets on one knee. “I want you to run away with me to America, and I want to marry you there.”


“Hoseok, I don’t really know what to say, I really don’t. I can’t really just leave my family and friends; everything,” I cup his cheek, “but I will think about it.”


    Hoseok slides a plain gold ring on my finger, “Just in case you change your mind.”


I regret not telling him no, just so he could have had an answer before he died. I felt as if it was my fault that he died, when it was a mugger looking for cash and he was the unfortunate victim of a crime committed by a low life. I couldn’t stop loving him, I couldn’t stop loving his corny jokes or the cheesiness of the way he spoke to me.


“I miss you, my hope, and I still love you no matter what.  I never knew how much you did for me, things you were unaware of that you were doing, till you were gone. I am sorry for not giving an answer that night. Yes, I would have gone with you.” Tears drip on the fresh soil of his grave. I press a gentle kiss to the headstone.



A/N: Hey guys, I haven't been feeling so well emotionally. My dad was in the hospital this week and I have had so much homework. On a much better note, I got three new Kpop albums, the highlight of my week. XD
An Explanation: Jimin is imagining that he is with Hoseok again and this time he said yes and promised to follow. (If you still have questions don't be afraid to ask because the plot is somewhat confusing.)


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Sugathefirst #1
Chapter 6: I hope your dad det well and you do good in school and home work ;) ! But the story ...... speechless I don't know what to say about the story
Ice_Snow #2
Chapter 6: Awwww I thought they'll live in different realm D: together with their Jihope babies ; u ;
yoonmii #3
Chapter 4: demon hoseok the dead hoseok from the past???????? I'm so confused:l
Chapter 4: I really couldn't understand. Chapter 4 is totally different story.
jessie00 #5
Chapter 3: OMG!! Love it !!
yoonmii #6
Chapter 2: Is it over:(???? I want more...i like this story. Please update soon
Ice_Snow #7
This is good
I can imagine how y jhope is already kjafddaklslasggsjafklasdf
Chapter 1: Woah, is this based on the Baku? (I was gonna say a Drowzee but I doubt Pokemon has anything to do with it).