Start Again

More Than Enough

It was the smell of bacon that woke her that morning.


For Momo, that was an embarrassing fact to face. She’s an adult for God’s sake, and yet just a whiff of bacon, jokbal or any meat for that matter was better than any alarm. She was wallowing in her early self-pity that it didn’t register to her until after a few minutes that she wasn’t in her bedroom.


The bedroom was the picture of sophistication, like the ones you stumbled on lifestyle magazines. It was the complete opposite of her bedroom which is a massive jumble of different knick knacks she finds in garage sales and bargain stores.


This had always been Mina’s lifestyle plush beds and elegant bedrooms. It made Momo wonder how Mina had ever fallen asleep (so soundly as a matter of fact) in her hard bed all those years ago.


She searches for Mina and wonders where did Mina ever find the strength to walk after last night. But Myoui Mina despite looking breakable had always been a workout junkie. Mina is probably in the gym or out for a morning run.


She spread out her arms and landed in an almost dramatic fashion back in the bed. Her mattress had never felt so plush as Mina's. 


So, it wasn’t a dream after all.


She continues to live in a daze, she sinks deeper in the sheets, inhaling the sweet scent of lavender and amber. It smells so soothing, so inviting, so Mina.


This bedroom has been their entire world last night and before that Mina’s car.




 She remembers the rain brutally pounding on Mina’s car windows and lightning slicing through the torrential skies. And between fast fingers and quick breaths, Momo remembers holding on to Mina. It was so simple, yet the gravity of her touch was enough to still Mina’s fingers that were fiddling with the buttons of her white polo.


“I’m- I’m holding you again,” Momo whispers more to convince herself on who she has back in her embrace again.


The lustful need in Mina’s eyes dissipates into something else, a whirlwind of emotions that calmed as soon as Momo utters those words.


“I’m holding you again,” Mina whispers back in a creaky tone, that awfully sounded like she was trying to convince herself too.


She remembers Mina’s fingers, her damn finger setting a spark as she traced the outline of her face.


 And then there were Mina’s eyes, a gaze no word could describe, was it love? Longing? Happiness? Probably everything… Just like how she’s feeling. Love, longing and happiness she thought she’ll never feel ever again. Happiness that only holding on to Mina could give.


Momo pulls Mina close and just held her. They remained in each other’s embrace for God knows how long.  It wasn’t until Momo felt Mina’s shaky back and heard the soft sobs that she stirred.




“I’m holding you… I’m holding you again,” Mina’s words are muffled as she clenched tightly on Momo’s shirt.


And not until that moment, when Momo heard those words that it dawned on her how deeply she wounded Mina. How selfish could she be to think that she was the only one suffering?


“I’m sorry... Mina,” She raised Mina’s gaze to face her, before pressing her forehead against her.


It made her feel so damn weak that after all the pain they went through, the only word she could muster was a sorry. There must be something, anything that could mend their broken hearts better than an I’m sorry. Something that could stop Mina’s tears, something that could stop her tears.  

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Mina. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for being so damn insecure… I’m so, so sorry…I should treat you better; I should have…”


“No, no… Please,” Mina shook her head, her tears betraying her smile. “Look at us, look at us now.”


Mina presses a gentle kiss on Momo’s lips, a kiss worth more than anything in this world before reassuring her with a tender confession.


“We found each other again, right?”




“So, you cook now?”


Momo greeted the gorgeous girl in front of the oven. Instead of noticing the shy smile on Mina’s face it was the ostentatious love bite on her neck that Momo saw first.


Damn… was I that rough?


“I try,” Mina answers while trying to evade the splatters. “You still love bacon and spam for breakfast, right?”


“With all my heart,” Momo answers back while taking the tongs from Mina and taking over the kitchen duties. “This is like my Christmas and birthday but better. So, are you going to share this meal with me?”


“Nope. It’s all yours.”


If she remembered it right, Mina stays away from canned goods like a plague. The thought of fake meat had always made her shudder. When they first started dating, Mina would subtly tell Momo about the horrors of eating canned goods but to no avail. The subtleness then turned into a lecture and a few arguments and bickering later, and they decided to compromise, Mina could eat her acai bowls and Momo her bacon and eggs.


Momo’s memories served her right when she caught sight of the grocery bags in the kitchen island. Did Mina step out to buy grocery that early?


Her question was pushed to the back of her mind when she heard Mina chuckling.


“What?” Momo asked as she doesn’t think Mina would stop laughing any second now.


“I just… I just remember that one fight we had.”


“Which one? We had plenty.”


Mina had stopped chuckling, yet she was still beaming that Momo caught a sight of that silver glimmer in her smile again.


“The one where I got mad at you after that one time. We had breakfast, but I found out that after, you went with Jeongyeon and Jihyo to grab some chicken and waffles.”


“Hey!” Momo raised her hands in mock surrender. “I like the acai bowl but C'mon it’s not really filling.”


“Then having a food coma after all that is better?” Mina asked with that sly raise of her brow.


“Do you remember what we did the night before that?”


“Maybe,” Mina answers, but the flush on her cheeks betrayed her. She chuckles once again this time at the memory. They weren’t anywhere close to a perfect couple back then, they had fights, they had insecurities but they were happy, and they were so in love. They were the type of couple who would sneak away from a drinking session with friends so they could devour each other in the bathroom.


That particular night, they escape for a quickie inside the bathroom, but realized that wouldn't do and came up with a flimsy excuse that Mina had a migraine, so they had to go, before ending up ravaging each other in Mina’s old car in a secluded parking lot all night.

“Damn, I was wondering why you weren’t talking to me. I knew Nayeon would snitch.”


“Don’t blame her,” Mina tried to sound stern but surrendered as soon as Momo attacked her with tickles.


And just that quickly, she wasn’t in the mood for bacon anymore.




What follows next was not animalistic .


But there were kisses in bed, in fact, lots of it. It wasn’t passionate making out either. You can describe it more akin to two people who’s trying to get to know each other through kisses. There were grins between their lip locks, tongues playing a game of push and pull before surrendering in peppered kisses.


And there was cuddling too, no maybe to be more specific there was touching. There was a need for touching, not along the lines of lustful, but just the need to feel the other on their fingertips. Their legs were tangled, and their fingers are lazily drawing circles in each other’s arms.


“So,” Mina pulls away, her lips shimmering red from Momo’s onslaught. “How you been?”


Even if they were together for almost twenty fours, they never really had the chance to catch up. They have most likely have broken a few commandments that night, being blasphemous probably on top of the list as they scream God’s name along with theirs the entire evening. And those along with their sinful moans and gasps have been their only version of a conversation.


“Hmmm?” Momo answers while she runs her fingers between Mina’s soft brown locks.


“So, what have I miss in those four years we were apart?”


“What would you like to know?”


“Tell me everything.” Mina dark brown eyes filled with curiosity. Some of it on the nagging issue of whether Momo dated or not. “Spare no details.”


“Ummmm,” Was there anything surprising as finishing with a Masters Degree or getting a new place or rewarding herself with a car that happened in those four years?


She’s still where she was four years ago, juggling different jobs with trying to pursue her dreams of dancing. It’s like time stood still for her while Mina kept on evolving.


Momo racked her brain and found none, nothing significant.


“Ummm, well I work with the catering company, and I like it cause it’s flexible with my hours. I could go to practice almost every day. I’m applying to different places.”


She did, she tried only to get no call backs.


“I haven’t seen you dance in so long,”


Momo lets Mina’s brown hair slip between her fingers. It was something so simple, but it was something Momo thought she would never had the chance to do again in this lifetime.


“Do you like it?”


Mina answered her with an approving grin. “I love it. You look more grown up, so y Myoui Mina.”


Mina chuckles once again before pointing out, “You look younger with your blonde hair.”


“Yeah, coach wanted to go with this edgy look. It’s okay, right?”


The brown haired girl nods in agreement before switching positions.


“Gorgeous, You’re gorgeous,” Mina smiles before they return to each other’s kisses again.


“Enough about me, how about you?” Momo asked between kisses. “Other than getting a masters and getting this swanky place and that awesome car, what have I miss out in Myoui Mina’s life?”


Mina hummed while twining and intertwining their fingers together. Momo knew what was playing inside of Mina’s head. She was probably wondering how to break it gently that she had been in a happy relationship after they broke up.


“I ummm… I dated someone.”


“Oh.” She knew about it but it still kills Momo to hear it out loud.


“Almost three years but umm…”


“It’s okay,” Momo shrugged away the tension. “I mean we weren’t dating anymore, so you know…”


“I still felt like I was cheating on you,” Mina confesses gently, yet the gravity of the words was enough to sink Momo. “I still kept thinking about you, like all the time.”


“Oh, so ummm what happened?”


Momo’s expression might have look too forced or too fake because Mina quickly placed her hand on her cheek. She couldn’t tell if Mina did it to comfort her or out of pity.


“I found out that he was cheating on me and actually, I felt relieved.” Mina presses her lips against her to silence the doubts.


“You felt relieved?”


“Yeah, because I have a valid excuse to end it. That sounds horrible, right?”


Momo’s stomach twisted in a bout of anger. The thought of someone even sparing a glance at someone else when they’re with Mina was just too impossible for her. She knew she wasn’t really any better, breaking up for selfish reasons but Momo never dares thought of anybody else not when she was with Mina.


“Why on Earth would he cheat on you? On someone as incredible as you?”


“I wasn’t the best girl for him. I guess I still made him feel incomplete. I was too. Until last night, until I saw you again.”


The softness in Mina’s expression suppressed Momo’s anger.


“I keep playing different scenes inside my head,you know? I kept thinking what I would do if we meet again? If I would be like… oh there is nothing there anymore, and I could finally move on, or… or maybe we could begin again.”


“So, um… is that what would you like to do now?”




“Would- would you like for us to try again?”


“Would you?”


Momo was caught off guard by Mina’s question. Mina might be quiet, but she had always been stubborn. What Mina wants, Mina gets. So to have her throw the ball in her field and asks her what she should do, quickly rattled Momo.


What she says now could either make or break them. Maybe she could throw the question back, give Mina the authority to put a label on them.


Or maybe she could tell Mina what she’s been dying to say all this time.


“Ummm yeah… Do you still- ummm… What I’m trying to say is that-” Momo took a deep breath, the words were so clear inside her head, but here they are failing once again as her words stumbling embarrassingly. But she could tell from Mina’s amused grin that she doesn’t really mind.


They both waited for four years, what’s a few measly seconds?


“Let’s start all over again.”




A/N Thank you so much for the positive response from you guys with this fic. I apologize for updating super late, it was originally meant as a oneshot but there might be some questions that were left unanswered from the last chapter. If you guys have any questions or suggestions on what you want to see or what happen next, feel free to comment. I love discussions hehehe. Once again thank you and hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Until the next update.


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savrina #1
Chapter 2: nooooo... end already 😭
Djoker_24 #2
I loved this, reading it again, like 2000 times haha, i love you and your writting style....MIMO FTW!!
KarlaA1198 #3
Chapter 2: Es una historia tan linda.
Me encantó 😻
ninjaaaa #4
Chapter 2: This is really a awesome story. Thank younauthornimm
aglaonema #5
Chapter 2: Love it ❤️
aglaonema #6
Chapter 2: Love it ❤️
anightangel #7
Chapter 2: Still waiting for that next chapter. Please do another chapter. I love stories like these.
Chapter 2: i love this story! I get really happy everytime I read it
anightangel #9
Chapter 2: More? Please more. This story is soooooo good.
anightangel #10
Chapter 2: Ugh! I want more. So sweet. Hope you uodate soon.