The cause

I Fell

8:32 a.m was the time that Jin woke up to in a cold winter morning. "Holy ! I'm gonna be late!" Jin always woke up on time. He was never tardy, or has he ever missed a day of work. In a rush, Jin quickly brushed his teeth, took a shower and changed into his work clothes. Not even grabbing a granola bar to eat, he grabbed his jacket and headed out his apartment door. Being a doctor is not always easy, especially when in a rush. As Jin was running, he accidentally bumped into people and apologized right after. Almost tripping at nothing, he bumped into a younger male, and causing both of them to fall. Immediately getting up and apologizing every second while bowing, Jin held out his hand so he can help the latter get up. "Watch where you're go..." The latter seemed to be in a daze looking at Jin's features. Beautiful brown orbs, pink plumbed li... "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jin asks as he sees the latter spaced out. Taking the handsome man's hand to get up, he had some trouble getting up "I'm ok, t-thank you." he said, while patting his pants to get any dirt off of himself. "No, it's my fault for running and not looking where I was going, sorry." Jin responded back, feeling guilty for what just happened. "It's fine, I'm glad you aren't hurt." The latter said in a shy voice. Before Jin responded back, it started snowing. Great. "No need to worry about me I'm completely fine, I should be going or I'll be late. You should also take shelter from the snow, your cheeks are pink. Well, I'll be leaving now, I'm sincerely sorry for being clumsy and making you fall. Bye~" Jin said, already bowing until the young latter dismissed it. "Bye~" he said in an inaudible voice. Seeing the handsome stranger walk into a hospital, his thoughts were disturbed when a familiar voice called out "Jungkookie! I got your caramel macchiato." Turning around to see his hyung with two coffees. "Thanks hyung." He said getting his coffee that he wanted. The young man looked at his dongsaeng in a curious face, something seemed weird about Jungkook. "Hyung...Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook yelled to get his attention. Snapping back to reality, Yoongi asked the latter a question. "Jungkook, are you ok?" He asked while touching his forehead. He was burning up. Jungkook never got sick, or rather it was rare to see him in such a state as of right now. "Yeah, why?" Before he could answer him Jungkook fainted, dropping his coffee and staining the concrete floor. Before Jungkook could hit the floor, Yoongi quickly catched Jungkook up, and carried him bridal style. Jungkook was heavy and stiff for Yoongi, but going to the gym with him was good help for him in the current situation. Finding the nearest trash can to throw away his coffee, he ran to the hospital that was less than 2 minutes away. Entering and yelling to the receptionist to tend to his fainted brother. He couldn't help, but to put Jungkook on a bed that was outside the lobby ready to be used. Panting and his hands on his knees, he looked up to see a doctor in a white coat and two nurses behind him running to Yoongi and a fainted Jungkook. Not being asked, Yoongi quickly told the doctor that Jungkook was burning up and fainted. The doctor's face was filled with pure shock. He was the one that he bumped and fell down with on his way to work. "Take him to room 127" he demanded. The two nurses took the fainted body and wheeled him to a corner and into a room. "Can I see him?" Yoongi asked the doctor. "Yes, once we're done setting him up and checked his current state, I'll notify you when you'll be able to see him." The doctor said and smiled softly to Yoongi, then turning around to tend to the familiar latter. "Jeon Jungkook, age 20, he seems to be healthy according to his medical records." the male nurse informed Jin. As the nurses were setting up Jungkook to the life support, and other machines. Jin went outside to let Yoongi see Jungkook, but before he could enter he asked him if he knew anything that could've caused Jungkook to faint. Thinking he finally thought of what had happened last week. 

"Aren't you tired already? Jesus Christ, are you even human? Let's go home already!" Yoongi whined pulling on the sleeve of Jungkook's white T-shirt. "Just ten more minutes, please hyung ten more minutes, then we can leave, yeah?" How could Yoongi ever say no to his little brother. "Fine, but you're gonna buy me chips on our way home, alright? Cool." He answered back. On there way back home, Yoongi was enjoying his chips when he seen Jungkook fall to his knees. "Are you alright? What happened?" He asked concerned. "Nothing hyung, just my legs, y'know." What Yoongi didn't know was that Jungkook was actually hurting right now. He didn't realize this until the next day, that Jungkook begged him to take him to the gym again. As he was running on the treadmill, he stopped to take a drink and check up on Jungkook. Jungkook was doing squats and he could see that his legs were shaking. He was always full of energy, he never looked like he had any trouble working out. He wasn't like that in the beginning. Yoongi then noticed that Jungkook stopped in one squat and not going all the way. 'Is he ok? It's his leg! Why is their a bruise on it? It's probably a bug bite? But wouldn't they be red, then?' "Jungko-" he was interrupted when Jungkook spoke instead. "Hyung, are you ready to leave?" Yoongi didn't know if he should go along with Jungkook for now and then talk about it later, or ask him right there and now. "Yeah, let's go. I'm starving!"

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turnipradish #1
Chapter 2: Really looking forward to the next update! :)
Chapter 1: Looking forward for the next update~ Dr. Jin~ i hope my kookie, i mean Jin's Kookie doesn't have a grave illness or sth like that hehe. Anyway, hwaiting author-nim!!!