too much gossip can kill you

weirded out

Ignoring Seungcheol's following stare, he quickly went inside. Most of the seats were occupied and groups huddled in each corner of the room. He found a seat, the one beside the windows which gave him a clear view of the school's huge, grassy field (Clićhe, he knows, but its just perfect for him.)

Mingyu put his bag down and immediately, the boy in front of him snorted. He put down his book (How to speak English 101, a great classic) and looked at him directly. "Shades in a school? How tacky." Before bursting into laughter. 

Uh, rude much? Mingyu honestly doesn't know what this guy's problem is, but if he doesn't stop soon, he'd probably get a fist to his face (or not, it may not look like it, but Mingyu is a pacifist). 

"Oh, sorry." He says in English in an exaggerated tone. Mingyu can't tell of he's being genuine or sarcsatic. Either way, this guy seems like the least creepiest man he's met today so...

"Okay?" Mingyu replies in English as well. He sits down and takes of his shades, throwing them haphazardly into his bag. "Whatever." 

"But really, I am sorry." The guy smiles at him. He puts out his hand suddenly, looking sheepish all of the sudden. "Boo Seungkwan,   sorry if I offended you." 

Mingyu shakes his hand, but retracts it quickly when he felt the same goo on that creepy guy, Seungcheol. 

"Uh-huh, none taken." Mingyu discreetly wipes his hand on his pants. Seungkwan turns back around to read his book and the only noise Mingyu could hear was the chattering of noisy students in the background. But it didn't last very long.

"Hey Mingyu, you wanna hear a secret?" Seungkwan asks, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Mingyu thought that Seungkwan was a very open person if he told strangers his secrets.

"Sure." Mingyu shrugs, leaning forward and resting his chin in his palm to appear bored. But in truth, he was thrilled. It wasn't everyday Mingyu was told a secret.

"I heard that our professor is dating one of his students, which means that he's probably in here right now." 

Ah, gossip. Mingyu frowns, looking around the room for anyone suspicious. He realized with a start, why a boy?

"Why is it a 'he', though?" Mingyu asks, which Seungkwan laughs at. He pats his head. 

"Oh, Mingyu. You're so innocent." Seungkwan closes his eyes for a moment, hand resting on Mingyu's head. He shoves it off. "Didn't you hear? Our professor's gay!" Seungkwan said, shouting for the whole world to hear.

Mingyu narrows his eyes at him. "So him being gay was just another rumor?"

"I don't know, Mingyu. That's all I know." He says, turning back around and leaving Mingyu confused.

Mingyu spies on the other students before shrugging. Its not his business to mind. Silence comes again, but it is short-lived. 

"Hey Mingyu, want to hear another secret?" Seungkwan whispers and Mingyu groans inwardly. 



The bell rings loudly, signaling the end of class. Students quickly flee from the room and Mingyu feels like he knows every single person in his school and their darkest secrets.

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