Lucky Nothings. Take #1

Lucky Nothings

Lucky looks around as she finds inspiration.
She spots the words of encouragement from Keeper and Poptart,

Her mind still a blank canvas, waiting for that first splash of colour
The first contact of brush to paint,
The first , the first swirl,

The cheer from Keeper makes Lucky want to write some more, she does not want to disappoint.
As she picks up her brush and attempts to start again...

The young girl takes in her surroundings, she closes her eyes and twirls her brush,
No rainbows or random unicorns and puppy dogs, instead the sound of music fills her head
A soft acoustic melody plays as after , colour after colour her previously blank canvas now filled with abstract swirls of silver and blue.

Now Playing ... 바로 나야  - 2AM (Feat. Glam)

Next ... Love Song - Sara Bareilles


Thank you to kpopartory and dream-keeper88 for helping me ^-^

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lol found this in the random story lol

random story, rule!!
I liked it! I liked the way you told the story! Good job!
uwaaaa, lucky~~ <br />
*pauses dream high*<br />
both you and poptart updated at the same time, her poems and your... err... 'nothings'? <br />
melancholic... and sweet<br />
<br />
thanks for this ^_^<br />
weee ^_^ another one from lucky... i'm not familiar with these two groups, but.. yeah, i enjoyed reading ^_^
@kema yeah, she'd be lost as in New Zealand. Thanks, my dreams are... weird though. Hmm.. next chapter idk lol<br />
@kpopartory thank you ^^<br />
@ static yes. very, very weird combo. I have no idea how those two came together o.o
lololol. weird combo..but yeah...weird lol
I love it! Nice story!
Keke, all thanks to you two =D