author's notes: I am here to give reviews!



kang naeun // queen bee // leesungjoce // accepted

Hello! Sorry for giving you a bit of a wait! But hoorayy you're the first person to apply! First I'm glad you put the facts as the "traits" part I accidently put traits instead of trivia UGH x D
Anyways. This girl is really good for the part. Shes so high maintenence and pretty uptight. But I love how you added a soft spot for her. Its so sad that she went through such tough times as a kid. Nobody deserves to be treated that way. 
All in all, there seems to be no problems with your app! It was pretty interesting to read too, thank you! You're Accepted

choi inha // the leader // bapoverflowers // accepted

I loove the way you did your app actually. Like the way you set up your personality part is really smart and clever! I'm glad to see that you watch the show and are as obsessed as meeeee ahhh. She seems to have a lot of history (not all being good) and it is really interesting to read. The whole history with her family and her ex is amazing ahhh. I'm keeping the short and sweet, you're accepted!

Gong juhyun // the queen bee  // milkaeu // accepted

Sobbing I am so so so so sorry for being late! YOUR APPLICATION IS BEAUTIFUL ALL THE PINK AND EVERYTHING OMGH IT MAKES ME FEEL WORSE ABOUT THIS LATE REVIEW! I love how her nickname is like her full name and means princess... looove. Her personality is honestly perfect and I really like your writing style it's so niceee. Her trivia/likes/dislikes section is really good too. Gongju is accepted!!! 

Jang Kyungri // party girl // cryingjpg // accepted

Hi, Lani! Firstly I'd like to apologize for being a bit late (not too late for you hopefully). Yubin is a great faceclaim for this girl, she looks like she's been through a lot. Her background is actually pretty interesting. It's cute how you included her little soft side, the side of her that nobody really gets to see. I also want to point out that its so sad that her parents are somewhat ashamed of her!!! Aww... Cute but great! She's accepted.

name // plotline // username // status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt luctus mauris, a semper ligula scelerisque a. Morbi ullamcorper arcu eget tincidunt maximus. Nunc a arcu dapibus, euismod lectus dignissim, fringilla turpis. Etiam ultrices tempus fermentum. Fusce commodo at felis in luctus. Fusce sodales pulvinar bibendum. Aliquam vitae tortor orci. Sed sapien felis, eleifend at sapien vel, fermentum finibus elit. Nulla ullamcorper vel nulla ac vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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uhm, no need to bother you, but are you going to continue this fic?
i really hope you do, i love the concept a lot!!
Chapter 4: omg thanks for the review. youre sucha cutie omg <3
Chapter 4: thank you so much for the positive review!
i'm so glad you like naeun ❤️
Chapter 1: That moment when you have no idea who the face claims are for like half of the guys. LOL.
i was wondering if i could possibly use a different layout??
if not, it's ok, just wondering :)
Chapter 2: who would i even pick omg
I. Love. You. For. This lol xD
This is my shoooooow!
Seriously thought I read the title wrong xD
dang. im already attracted to this. It sounds so cute. and love that the people won't know who they're paired up with.

I'll try and see if I can find the show. looks interesting.
Chapter 1: is it bad that i already have a favorite whoops
i am sooooo into this !!!