16 Years

Only Fools

A warm breeze rustled through the tree leaves, carrying with it the faint perfume of Korean Lilac and cherry blossoms. Spring was here, and everything was alive again. Baby leaves nestled amongst older leaves in the trees, little unopened buds were sprinkled over the bushes and shrubs. A pregnant rabbit slowly hopped through the clean grass, nibbling here and there. Her mate sat nearby, watching her with one eye and their surroundings with the other. New life was abound in the ancient forest.


The breeze ruffled the dark black hair of the young man perched in a tree, his colorful wings lazily fluttering open and closed. Jungkook was waiting, as he had been for the past half hour. Where was Namjoon? He was never this late.


Jungkook shook his head and took off from his branch. If Namjoon wasn’t going to come to him, he might as well go to Namjoon himself - just to check if he was okay, of course. With a snap of his fingers, Jungkook’s image faded away and he soared through the air, invisible and silent.


Jungkook had planned to take Namjoon to the crystal caves on the far edge of the forest. It was a special occasion - Namjoon was turning 16! Of course, Jungkook had mentioned the caves to Namjoon before, but they had never had the chance to go before. Jungkook hoped he could impress Namjoon, a surprise for his birthday. But apparently, Namjoon had other ideas.


As Jungkook soared above the power lines, he searched the streets around Namjoon’s house. He didn’t have to go far though. A block down the street, he spotted bright orange hair - Namjoon’s new color. Jungkook prepared to sweep down and smack the boy’s head. Maybe tweak his ear. But Jungkook stopped short halfway. Who’s that?


There was a new person next to Namjoon, arm linked with his. The boy was handsome and they seemed close, heads together as they talked quietly. Jungkook pursed his lips as he glided along behind them, calculating eyes taking in their proximity and attitudes. A bit close, aren’t they.


The pair were headed to town, probably to go on a date. Namjoon forgot me? Jealousy seeped into Jungkook’s veins. Namjoon had forgotten him, forgotten their proposed hang out, in favor of this- this stranger. Namjoon had so little time, now that he was in high school; he had promised to meet Jungkook.


Now, Jungkook could throw a tantrum like a small child. But he wasn’t like that. He was grown, and he knew when he wasn’t enough. He knew that when feelings change, nothing good would follow. Was this his punishment? For falling in love with a human? Because there was no other explanation for his current heartbreak. I love him.


Jungkook landed on a lamppost and watched as Namjoon walked away from him with the stranger, now hand in hand. I can never have what they have. Maybe he could have tried harder? I’m only a simple fairy. It wasn’t hard to fall for Namjoon. It was stupid to consider…


Jungkook shook his head and turned to head back to the forest. No point crying over spilled milk. He’d play his role as the forgotten-best-friend-who’s-in-love-with-the-lead in a kdrama. This is my punishment, after all.


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