
Becoming Bulletproof

Trigger warning!! This chapter contains detailed violence, as well as one instance of homophobic slur. If you wish to skip this chapter, you will easily be able to carry on with the story without being confused, though you may miss small references that come up later. 

Thank you for reading <3

      The night had become cool, a swift and mischievous breeze rushing through the trees just to fade to nothing and appear again from another direction. Hoseok pulled his hood up over his head, popping in one earbud and swiping through the tunes on his mp3. It had been such a good night, and he could still feel the leftover adrenaline high from performing lingering in his veins. He had been slightly disappointed in the fact that Jeon Jungkook had shown virtually zero interest in actually joining his dance academy - they could use talent like him at the aspiring professional level. But they still had a great after party at Jin’s place, and all the boys had enjoyed themselves immensely. He smiled to himself, recalling Jungkook’s flat-out refusal of the multiple offerings of Soju, and how after just one drink Jimin was showing off his body rolls to a rowdy chorus of good-hearted jeers and catcalls. Jin had even enjoyed himself, though he was nervous about the younger boys drinking and retired from the partying early citing a desire to “get back to real life - and studying”. Hoseok was pretty sure the older boy was just exhausted and relieved it was all over; the student class president had to recover his energy for the next big project, whatever that may be. And, Hoseok thought warmly of his peer Namjoon; it had been so great of him to come out and support them. The guy seemed not only friendly and chill, but also struck him as honestly good-hearted, solid and dependable. He had real best friend potential. Of course, Jin was irreplaceable, Hoseok thought, smiling to himself. But Namjoon would make a great addition to his group of friends. I wonder how his rap show went? 

    Lost in thought, ears full of  music and the scattered wind, the young man didn’t hear approaching footsteps. Instinct kicked in a few moments later as Hoseok felt a presence behind him. The young man pulled out an ear bud, starting to look around, and he was punched in the face. 
    Vision flashing, Hoseok  shouted an expletive of pain, gripping the side of his face as he stumbled. But before he could get his balance back, he was struck again hard in the back of the head. His knees hit the concrete as he bent over double, gasping. He cried out as a boot slammed into his ribs, and was thrown sideways into the gravel, digging pinpricks into his shoulder. He rolled away quickly reflexively and managed to get up on one leg, but two pairs of hands grabbed him roughly by the arms and shoulders, pinning him back down.
    “Is it him?”
    “Yeah, idiot look. His hoodie says it right on there, ‘Seoul Dance Academy.’”
    Another kick crashed brutally into his ribs, tearing a gasp of pain from Hoseok as he fell back down to the ground, groaning. 
    “Well let’s do it then. This little doesn’t deserve any mercy.”
    Hoseok lifted his throbbing head slowly, eyes swimming with pain. “Wh-what the ?” he spat hoarsely. “Who the are you guys-”
    A black boot swung out again, making contact with his jaw. The side of his face exploded in pain, and he felt hot blood rush into his mouth and down his throat, making him choke. What was going on? Who were these people and why were they attacking him?
    A rough hand shoved his face down into the hard concrete, scraping his cheek and the beat-down escalated; fists and boots of at least five men pummelled him, punching and kicking him over and over until he was yelling, then screaming, and finally crying in agony. His howls were snatched up by the wind and carried away into the night where no one could hear them. Begging them to stop didn’t do anything but make them hit him harder, and soon Hoseok was crying out desperately for help from anyone, anyone please -
    Abruptly, the blows stopped. Hoseok lay trembling and crumpled on the ground, blood leaking from his mouth and nose as his body curled into a ball. His breath came out in ragged gasps, and his eyes were rapidly swelling into slits so that he could barely see. His head was a spinning viciously, the pain was making him feel nauseous and there was a ringing thrumming in his ears, but every word from the mouths of his attackers pierced through clearly.
    “Y’think that’s enough? He’s gonna pass out soon.”
    “We don’t want to kill ‘im.”
    “Ah, . It’s just bruises Hanjun. Didn’t we say we were gonna do this thing proper? We’ve gotta make sure.”
    “Well what then?”
    “I say we break his legs.”
    Tears leaked from Hoseok’s eyes as he laid helpless on the ground, terror pulsing through his entire body. Why, god why, please no, he begged in his mind, Why, why-
    “Ah man, that’s too much. How’re you gonna break a guy’s legs?”
    There was the sound of a small scuffle, heavy breathing, and then a deep voice rose up. 
    “You guys are . I’ll ing do it.”
    Pain surged brutally throughout Hoseok’s body as hands pulled at him, unclenching his balled up form and dragging him across the gravel. They pulled him up onto the flat concrete. He felt hands lift his left leg and pull it down straight so that his calf laid against the concrete curb at a slant. Panic was bubbling up in his chest now, flooding through him, taking over the pain. No no no no why please no what the  is going - 
    “You’re never gonna dance again, .”
    - no oh no NO PLEASE NO PLEASE NO -
    There was a whoosh of air as a foot came slamming down, followed by a sickening snap. Hoseok’s scream ricocheted through the street. And then everything went black. 



I'm sorry Hobi. I love you. <3 

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