The Escape


A story of a realistic love. 

Not everything goes the way you want it to. Not everything in life is like a sappy drama or a well writen novel.

Books and movies have definite outlines. An introduction, rising action, and a conclusion.

But what if one of those elements are missing?

Does that mean that you arent going to have a happy ending?


Imagine seeing the person you love being with another. Imagine seeing those eyes filled with love looking at someone else, when you want them to be looking at you. Imagine wanting him by your side, when you think he looks better beside her.

Life isnt fair the things you want dont always come your way. The things you long for may have not been ment for you. Seeing them together already hurts. So why cant I brake them apart? Why cant I be selfish just once and take him for myself?

Its because I dont have the courage.

Why does the source of my happiness have to be my source of sadness? Seeing him makes me so happy yet so sad. Knowing that the guy you love can be happy without you hurts. Knowing that he doesnt need you in his life hurts even more. I dont know whats going on inside his head. He makes my heart turn in different directions I just dont know where to go. Im just so confused. What do I do? 











A/N: Dont worry im not actually depressed.

I just randomly decided to make a sad story...

Anyways I hope you enjoy!



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