More Than Anyone

More Than Anyone

It happened on a typical Friday night, as you prepare to head out of the office, your phone vibrated, indicating that you have received a message. Thinking of who it might be, you reached for your phone on your bag whilst walking downstairs and eventually slipped because you are not looking. You closed your eyes thinking that you will be hurt but as you open it, you realized that a muscular arm was able to catch you as you fall. It was Jackson.

“OMG Karen, be careful when you walk on stairs, as it is easier to fall while you’re wearing that heels.” He said as he help you stand up.

“Oh, thank you. I’ll remember that. Thanks again and sorry for the trouble,” you said as you successfully tried to regain your balance.

“No problem. I’ll be on my way then.” He said as he waved goodbye.

Now that you’re alone, you remembered to check your phone again. It was a message from JAEBUM.

JB: Hi babe, are you off work already? Let’s go out tonight. My treat. Wait for me in the practice room. I’ll be there as soon as I finished my schedule.

YOU: Ok. I’ll wait for you.

Time check: 5:41PM. Without you knowing, rain started to fall outside. As you walk to the practice room, you keep on thinking of how your date with JB would be as it has been awhile since you went out. With that on mind, you’ve reached the practice room, it was empty. You walked into the room and sat comfortably on the couch. As the atmosphere of the room was cozy, you fell asleep.

After a while, your phone started to vibrate and woke you up. Checking the time, you’re surprised to see that it’s already 9:30PM. And was even more surprised that a blanket was wrapped on you. Looking around, you saw Jackson having his practice at the corner. Noticing that you were already awake, he stopped the music and walked towards you.

“Oh, you’re up. I brought you a blanket when I saw you sleeping earlier. Why are you in here? Didn’t you go home already?” he asked whilst wiping off his sweat and sat next to you.

“I was waiting for JB, he told me that we’ll be going out to-..“ before you could finish your sentence, you remembered JB. Reaching for your phone, a message popped out.

JB: Hi babe, I’m really sorry. I won’t make it tonight. My schedule has been extended. I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you next time.

“it’s ok. It’s not the first time this has happened. I understand.”

JB: Are you upset? Don’t be. I’ll promise I’ll make it up to you.

After reading the message, you can’t help but let out a sigh. “Are you ok?” Jackson asked as he studied your expression. You lightly shook your head, “I guess I’m not. Do you have free time tonight?” you abruptly asked him. “I’m free. I’ve finished my practice a while ago. Why?” he asked as he stared at you. “Would you like to grab a drink with me?” you asked as tears start to form in your eyes. “But I don’t drink alcohol,” Jackson said. “It’s ok, you can just come with me.” You said pleadingly.

 Jackson stared at you with a puzzled look on his face, then he nodded. “Arraseo. I’ll come with you. But you can’t be drunk, okay? Jaebum hyung will be mad at me if he knew this.” He said as he grab his coat and started to walk towards the door.

“Where do you want to go?” Jackson asked as you head outside of the building. It already stopped raining, but traces can still be seen as puddles of water are still scattered on the ground. “Just a canned beer will do. I just wanted to unwind a little.” You said as the two of you head to the nearest convenience store.

 After buying your drinks, the two of you headed to the nearest park and sat on the swing. With a can of beer in your hand, you started to stare at the sky. Unconsciously, tears started to flow from your eyes. Sitting beside you, Jackson noticed it and asked, “Are you alright?” You shook your head, wiped your tears and let out a sigh.

“I guess I’m having a hard time being JB’s girlfriend.” You said as you gulp down your beer. “It has always been like this, he will say we’ll spend time with each other, but cancel it due to his schedule. At times, I’ll see photos of him with other girls on news. I’ll ask about it but we would only end up fighting,” you paused, as you open another can of beer. “I know I should be understanding because that’s part of his work, but sometimes, I just can’t help but be jealous. Often I would wonder, what if we just break up, would that be easier?”

Jackson just looked at you as you cry. Then without saying a word, he walked towards you, took out a handkerchief and gave it to you. As you accepted it, he embraced you unexpectedly. Surprised, you eventually started to cry as hard as you could as he pat your head as if he’s consoling a child. You stayed like that for a while. “It’s okay. Just let it all out. You know that I can lend you my shoulder anytime right? Don’t worry. I’ll always be here for you.” Jackson whispered to you as you keep on crying in his arms.

Time passed. As you calmed yourself, you broke free from his embrace and started to wipe out your tears. “Let’s go. We need to get home, it’s already late.” You said as you stand from the swing and started to walk absent-mindedly. Jackson is just following and looking at you from behind. And as you almost bumped yourself into a nearby post, he quickly approached and grabbed your wrist, pulled you away and dragged you into the opposite direction.

 “Hey, Jackson, this is not the road to my house. It’s in the opposite side.” You loudly said as you try to match his phase. “I know, but I think you’ll have to stay in my place for tonight. There’s no way I’m going to let you go home alone in that state. That would worry me too much. And besides, my apartment is much closer from here than your place. So it’s safest for you to stay there for tonight. It’s already late, I’ll send you home tomorrow morning.” He said as he keep on dragging you by your wrist.

You didn’t say anything, but just followed his lead. When you arrived at his place, he turned the heater on and asked you to come in. “Don’t worry, you can use my room to sleep, I’ll stay in the living room. If Jaebum hyung is here, he would have done the same.” Jackson said as he prepare your blankets.

“I doubt it. He barely even have time for me, much less to even care for me.” As you said those words, he just looked at you, sighed and then shook his head. “Alright, you go get a good rest tonight and you’ll see, everything will be okay by tomorrow. Good night.” He said as he closes the door of the room.

Now alone, Jackson kept on thinking about something. Not able to contain it anymore, he sent a message to someone.

Jackson: Hyung, can we talk?

JB: about what?

JS: About Karen.

JB what about her?

JS: She’s staying at my place tonight

JB: What? Why? Did you do something to her?

JS: I should be the one to ask you that. Did you do something to her? She cried her heart out the whole night because of you.

JB: what? Why would she cry?

JS: You go ask yourself those questions. Maybe you should pay more attention to her. I didn’t give way for you just to see her cry. I didn’t confess my feelings for her before because you told me that you like her. I gave way for you, even helped you with your confession but I guess I shouldn’t have done that if I knew that you would just make her suffer.

JB: I’m done with my schedule. Can you meet me outside? Then we’ll talk.

As soon as he read JB's message Jackson grabbed his jacket, threw a look at the closed door of the room and headed outside.

The night passed. The birds are chirping outside. You woke up as a ray of sunshine coming from the spaces on the window touched your face. Perhaps you’re still in dreamland, or it was the effect of your hangover, but it took you a while to remember what happened last night. You rushed to get out of bed, grabbed your bag and headed outside the room.

It was empty. Jackson is not there. You looked around, trying to see if there is anyone home, and you saw a note pointing to the kitchen. As you follow it, you noticed that breakfast was already prepared and another note was placed on top of it. “Good morning sleepyhead. Eat first before you head out. I’ll wait for you at the company. I have something to tell you” – the note said.

With light steps, you carefully make your way to the company. But even before reaching, you saw a very familiar figure standing in front. Upon seeing you, he began approaching. “Oppa...” you silently whispered as JB began to walk towards you.

“Hi babe, are you okay? I’m really sorry if I couldn’t make it last night. And I’m also sorry for all the other times that happened. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t keep my promises. And I’m very thankful that you keep on understanding me even though it’s hard. Thank you for being at my side even though you receive nothing back,” JB paused, and reached for your hands. You noticed some bruises on his face, but didn’t dare to ask.

“But I really think you deserve someone better than me, someone that will care for you the most, and will make time for you no matter what. And that someone recently knocked some sense into me,” he said as he pointed to his bruises. “It really hurts you know, he’s a strong man indeed.” JB continued as he lightly shook his head.

“But don’t worry, I knew it, I knew that deep inside your heart, you have always liked this person. You’re his no.1 fan before we started dating, remember? So I’m sure he’ll give you much more than you deserve.” He said with a smile, and went to give you a hug, the final one. You silently cried as you hugged him back. Maybe you're expecting this moment to come, but didn't knew it was this soon. “Don't cry, everything will be alright” he said as he wipe off your tears. “I'll be going then” JB said as he wave to you before leaving.

Several months have passed. You and JB decided to stay as friends. And you continued to live your life normally. One day, as you are walking down the stairs, you felt your phone vibrating. Without looking at where you’re walking, you reached for it on your bag but missed a step in trying to.

With your eyes shut tightly, you just waited for your body to touch the floor, but it never happened, as muscular arms caught you, right before you fall off. “I already told you to be careful when walking down the stairs right? 바보.” Jackson said laughing as he help you get on your feet. “Th-Thanks,” you said shyly as you look at him.

“So, you owe me one again, that makes it two. How would you thank me for that?” He said, even touching his chin as he think. “Oh I know, why don’t you go and date me? That would make up for it.” Jackson said brightly along with the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. Looking at his face, you can’t help but smile too. His confession was silly, yes, but cute at the same time. “Sure,” you answered as you offer your hand to him. He held it tightly and said, “Let’s go.”


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