We are not ordinary


"But daddy I don' want go to Korea alone" I sead maybe just maybe my father will listen what I have to say.

"You have to go and you will go no excuses now go to your room. Your flight is day after tomorrow."he sead and I know thet I can't do enithing to change his mind.

With that I went to my room and lay down on my bed.I was angry why do I have to go to Korea, study there or live there when I will inherit his job as mafia boss 'the best' in Russia. Maybe he just can't tell me reason but that is stupid I am maybe his little girl but I whant to help him with everything not be protected I will find out what is wrong here.I heard knocking on door and stealthy I hoped it's appa and that he will tell me I don't have to go but I know it was just my bodyguard. I sead "COME IN"  and with that my bodyguard Jin came in with pouch of fast food I cried "OO MY GOD JIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THENK YOU" he just sead "You and your period" I can't belive how does he know I am on period but I didn't ask he is Jin he knowes everything. I took pouch and started looking what will I eat first.

~time space~

After actio movie  I remembered thet Jin might know why I have to go to Korea  so I asked but his answer was just "Don't hate him Chae-rin he just wants best for you and write now that is sendind you to Korea  but there you can learne aboute mafia in diffrent country by night and have some fredoom by day. It is good for you and what do you know maybe you will find love there." I wasn't angry just frightened of not understanding what will hapen next. I swear sometimes Jin understand's me bether then I do, thet is probably becouse he is my bodyguard for 10 years now but not just bodyguard he is my friend too. We mach whery good  back when we where younger I would break barbies head and he would repaired them thet is just how we where.so I promest him I will try to fit in and I thought it. He left to his room and I whent to my bed.  Maybe it will be good experience if not I will find way to come back but I will try my beast and when I do so I don't fail. With that thoughts I fell asleep.

~Next morning~

I heard voices so I woke up. One of maid's then came in my room and sead "Young lady please wake up it's your last day in Moscow you are going to say your goodbye's to your friends and  you are going on your last mission before you go to Korea". "Okey okey " I whined "I am up ". I got dressed and went out.





            Sory if first chapter is short bath I promise next will be bether. If you are reading my story thenk you and I hope you will like it  


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