And Jungkook fell in love

Skateboards are the new Baby Cupids
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Jungkook was walking alone along at the Han River, using the starry night as a cover from fans and wandering eyes. His hair still wet from the fresh dye, stuck to his scalp under the hood, as he placed a hand over his face mask for precaution when a few high school girls walked past him.

Solitary walks along the Han River was an activity that Jungkook held a little too personal to his heart. And he didn't care if it made him out to be a sociopath or a cold city man. To Jungkook, it was romance. The cool water that reflected the moon off its clear surface. The shimmering city lights that bounced off the twinkling waves. The cool air and the cackle of happy laughter that could be heard from the far side of the bridge.

 It was the scenic romance that Jungkook was drunk on every time he visited the place, and Jungkook didn't want to share this with anyone. Because call him selfish, but for Jungkook, this aesthetic, was made for him and him alone.

What he didn't expect was for this romantic, aesthetic pleasure of his to turn into a real quest for love.

Fifteen minutes of silent breathing in of the cool Han River air ended for Jungkook with a phone call from Jimin. Always being the replacement mother for the one Jungkook left behind in Busan, concern laced the other Busan boy's voice as he asked of his whereabouts.

"Ya! Where are you, you punk!?" Jimin asked him sternly, though Jungkook practically see the edges of Jimin's lips lifted up in a smile.

"I'm just out on a walk hyung."

Jimin rolled his eyes and Jungkook smirked because he could actually hear the elder's eyeball roll in his sockets. "Whatever." Jimin replied before contiuning, "Come back as soon as the dye dries. We don't wanna repeat what happened with Joonie hyung."

Jungkook snickered cheekily over the phone when he hear Namjoon's loud protest of 'that was one time!' and replied jeeringly, "don't worry hyung. Unlike Namjoonie hyung, I won't be needing emergency cover up two hours before performance just because I washed my hair too late."

"I can't believe his hair turned florescent red instead of baby pink." Jimin snickered back as he recounted, "he looked like those clowns with huge red wigs!"

Jungkook could hear something shuffle in the background. Some noises and cluttering and maybe cries of help from Jimin before the phone was abruptly cut with a "Gotta go Kook-ah! Joonie hyung is on a mad streak.

Jungkook smiled at his phone as he fondly tucked it back in his pocket. Jimin really was a good elder brother.

He then looked back at the night that was still young with the fresh smell of some wild flowers that only grew under the bridge. Turning his head to the left he could make out a few people clanking beer bottles and laughing the night away. Some birds pecking at the water's edge. And a group of skateboarders.

The last group caught his attention. He'd always wanted to skateboard around the park but being an idol took away more than it gave. But longing wasn't what caught his eye. It was particularly tall individual that had interested him.

Jungkook could make out nothing more than the fact that the person was a man. His face was hidden behind a mask much like Jungkook's was. His hood was up, showing bubblegum pink hair. And for a moment Jungkook was mesmerized. The man’s silhouette shined in the darkness, radiating light as he laughed at something his friends said.

His daydreaming ended soon though, when a skateboard came sliding towards him, breaking his train of thoughts. Jungkook shook his head lightly as he picked up the board and sent it sliding back at man’s frien

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LittleRachou #1
Also, I love canon fics and even though yours isn't, it still felt kinda somewhat nicely real.. T-T