extra one


“Hakyeon hyunggg, I’m going to the hospital later to meet my brother so come with me. He’s been wanting to meet you” Hongbin says to Hakyeon sitting next to him, eyes not leaving the movies they’re watching together. As expected, at the mention of hospital Cha Hakyeon sprints so fast and hides in his room. Has Hongbin told you Hakyeon hates hospital? (Oh right, everybody knows) “What is your brother doing at the hospital? Did he get into an accident? Oh poor boy.” Hakyeon asks voice concerned, half peeking from his bedroom door, scared that Hongbin might drag him out. “What, no! I told you he’s a nurse there” Hongbin says making his way to Hakyeon’s bedroom to . “Oh that’s worst. Ey, I wouldn’t want to even step my feet there. Ow, terrifying. Wait don’t come closer. Yah, go away!” Hakyeon locks himself in his room when he sees Hongbin at his door. Hongbin, on the other hand, is laughing hysterically on the floor. That kind of reaction from Hakyeon hyung will never be not hilarious.

Hongbin waits for around 10 minutes at the hospital’s cafeteria until his brother gets there. “Yo baby brother cutie Jaehwannie is here.  Oh, did you come alone?” His brother says not seeing anyone with him and sensing the lonely vibe from him. “Yeah Hyukkie has to fly to Hong Kong, and his housemate has a phobia with hospital so he didn’t come. And hyungg, stop calling me baby brother I’m no longer a baby” Hongbin says glaring at his hyung but his lips turn to a pout. (yeap, not a baby, at all) “In your dreams, baby brother. I’m still your big brother, and yes a year gap still counts” Jaehwan retorts with a stern voice but uncontrollably fails so he ends up laughing, with Hongbin joining not a little later. They can’t seem to be serious with each other, always coming up with some weird and crazy things. Imagine having a hyperactive kid that can’t stay quiet, always have things to do. Except for the Lee family, they have two.

“Oh by the way, do you remember that handsome doctor I told you? The one that was transferred here.” Hongbin has a hard time remembering because he can’t even recall a time his Jaehwan hyung not talking about handsome men. But he remembers this transferred doctor, his height is kinda impossble not to notice. Apart from that, he can’t remember much but he nods anyway. (he’s not up to getting nagged at for not paying attention to Jaehwan’s words, of course) “Well, I got assigned under this doctor and wow, he’s even more handsome up close” Jaehwan says with a dreamy smile, sparkly eyes swooning over the said doctor (oh my God, Jaehwannie are you serious?) “Are you about to drool over that doctor hyung? How about I tell Wonshikkie about this?” Hongbin says with an eyebrow raised, lips into a lop-sided smirk. “No don’t!! You know he gets jealous easily. Tch fine, I was just kidding anyway” This time Jaehwan is the one pouting and Hongbin pats himself in his mind for his mini victory.

“This Cha Hakyeon must be lucky for being his soulmate. He seems kind but he’s too quiet for my liking” Hongbin’s ears perk up at the mention of ‘Cha Hakyeon’ “Hyung, where did you know about Cha Hakyeon?” Hongbin is getting so curious now. “Oh, it’s the name on that doctor’s wrist. But I’ve never heard anything about him. I accidentally saw it when he was signing few days ago. That doctor really has a nice handwriting.” But Hongbin didn’t really pay attention to Jaehwan’s last sentence. “Uh, is this…doctor’s name Jung Taekwoon?” Hongbin asks with a little bit of hope. “Oh yes yes, that’s him. Wait but I never told you his name.” Indeed, but Hongbin sees that name everyday on Hakyeon hyung’s wrist. “Because, that Cha Hakyeon you mentioned is Hyukkie’s housemate, the one that is terrified with hospitals” Oh, the fates really have its way on Hakyeon hyung, he’s allergic to doctors and hospitals, but he’s gonna spend his life with his soulmate, a doctor.

“Oh, so they have never met each other yet?” Jaehwan lets out a creepy smile when Hongbin shakes his head, and Hongbin immediately knows that his brother is up to no good. “So, wanna make a bet on them?” Yeap, here we go. “But hyung isn’t it too early?” Hongbin reasons. “I know, so? That makes it even more suspense. And perhaps we can help them meet. Who do you think would initiate their first kiss? I bet on Dr. Jung” Jaehwan says with a confident smirk, all Hongbin could think ‘Oh this is bad, not good’ but he’s in anyway. “Fine, I’m in. I’ll go with Hakyeon hyung” (Have I told you these brothers are crazy and weird? Oh, I did) “Okay, so a brand new phone for me and a new DSLR for you, how does that sound?” “Fair enough” How can Hongbin resists such a fine offer (and a fine camera). But unfortunately all their attempts to bring their Hakyeon hyung and Taekwoon hyung together fail badly. Until this one night, months later (what months? It was almost a year later) that Jaehwan gets a text from his baby brother saying Hakyeon might broke his leg and are on their way to hospital. Jaehwan thinks It’s their lucky day because Dr.Jung is on night shift too.


“And that, gentlemen, is how I’m about to get a brand new phone from my baby brother here” Jaehwan says too happily while pinching Hongbin’s cheeks (you can imagine Hongbin’s disgusted face) They are currently bunched up in Taekwoon’s office room (courtesy of Jaehwan of course) with them conquering the long couch there, and Hakyeon has taken his honourable spot, on Taekwoon’s lap. Taekwoon was about to give Jaehwan an earful of nagging, but he cools immediately when he sees Hakyeon (see I told you he’s whipped) “But why didn’t you tell me you guys are siblings?” Hakyeon voices out (Lee is like the most common family name) and Taekwoon chuckles because he thinks there are more important things to ask like ‘why didn’t you guys set me up with Hakyeonnie way more earlier’ or ‘how dare you make a bet on us both you brats’ but Taekwoon keep calm. “Oh, where’s the fun in that hyung? That will be too simple and less excitement” Hongbin says managing a high-five with Jaehwan next to him. Hakyeon rolls his eyes “You guys don’t even look like siblings, at all”

“Oh I can see the resemblance” Taekwoon speaks up, eyeing both Jaehwan and Hongbin who are rapidly blinking their eyes trying to act cute “Because of this beauty faces right hyung?” Taekwoon does not find that cute, not at all. “Nope, both of you are weird and crazy little brats” Taekwoon answers a bit proudly. “Taekwoonnie I was about to say the same thing” Hakyeon pouts sulkily. “Well they say great minds think alike, babe” Taekwoon says and leaning in to capture Hakyeon’s lips with his. As for Hakyeon, he melts into a blushing mess immediately at the nickname and didn’t hesitate to accept that kiss, that suddenly turns to making up. “Wow I never knew Taekwoon hyung would be this shameless. We’re just right here” Jaehwan gasps. “I know Hakyeon hyung is shameless, but wow I’m still not used to this. Oops, public display of affection alert!! Save your eyes, children” Hongbin says, of course dramatically.

“Save your eyes? This coming from the person who practically jumps on Hyukkie everytime he doesn’t have to fly anywhere. And I was there, every freaking time. My pure and innocent eyes are tainted” Hakyeon fires back after they broke the kiss. “Pure and innocent, my . We heard you and Taekwoon hyung go at it that night all the way to Hyukkie’s room, last weekend. Poor Hyukkie almost cry at the thought of you being defiled hyung. And your leg hasn’t fully recovered too” Hongbin says with his famous smirk and Hakyeon tries to bury his red face deeper on Taekwoon’s chest, as if possible, mumbling something along ‘we should’ve spent the weekend at your apartment, Taekwoonnie’ ‘oh God, I’m so embarrased’. Taekwoon just flashes and apologetic smile at both of them, but from the looks of it, he doesn’t have a slightest regret about that. “Wow really Hakyeon and Taekwoon hyung. Even Wonshikkie and I are not like that. Eww, gross” Jaehwan playfully teases.

“Jaehwannie, aren’t you supposed to take Hakyeon for his physiotherapy? It’s almost 5pm now.” Taekwoon says trying to change the subject, saving Hakyeon from further embarrassment. “Oh yes there’s 5 minutes more. Let’s go Hakyeon hyung” Luckily, the brothers are done with the teasing. “I’m going too. Hyukkie is getting off work around 5 so I’m picking him up at his office” Hongbin adds. “And don’t forget your meeting at 5.15 with the doctors hyung” Jaehwan says to Taekwoon as they reach the door. Taekwoon makes his way too Hakyeon to peck his lips softly, leaving a kiss on Hakyeon’s forehead too, whispering ‘take care’ to Hakyeon. “Oh not again, hyung” Hongbin playfully says, giggling with Jaehwan. “Alright lover boys, you will meet each other again later.” Jaehwan says dragging Hakyeon along with him, who winks at Taekwoon before leaving. Yeap, Taekwoon is sure he’s gonna spend time in that meeting thinking about Hakyeon.


-hi im back ^^ (lol i wasn't going anywhere actually) im having a thing with neo and forehead kisses i swear i think so.

-an update because #Fantasy1stWin yeaaaaayy for the boys and let's win moreeee. 

-andd yes as i said i'd probably do few extra chaps about neo, so it'll be up when it's up kkk xD

-it's almost 2am here so i probably should go to sleep now hihi take care everyone xx 



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um idk if anyone would see this but um i'll probably come up with a new chap next weekend since i hv my midsem break so if you'll wait uwu ty tc xx


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Dulanga #1
Chapter 9: This is so good. Please write more authornim
Chapter 9: I only know now u updated another Neo chapter author-nim. Well, i got lost in my life and fails to check fics update so i m sorry that i found this late. For now, i am able to free myself so i am re-reading my favorites fics including this one. ^^ Thanks for sweet chapter! This makes me smile author-nim. Love this soulmateau so much.
dontworryandcomeback #3
Chapter 9: ^_^ its a awesome update~ it was really warm :)
risstarelfcar #4
Chapter 9: Don't end it......
90sLineLover #5
Chapter 9: I think every chapter you do is a great one ^^
Chapter 9: it's way cute and adorable, it's really good story, thanks for updating, I'll look forward to the next chap ^^
Chapter 7: i was reading this story for hyukbin and the chapter was really cute <3
risstarelfcar #8
Chapter 8: More extra stories pls~~~ Don't end it yet!
Karenkitty1092 #9
Chapter 8: This was such a cute update.