Perk #1

The Perks of Being a Single, Obsessed Misfit
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September 1st.

The day that almost everyone in their youths, dreaded. Yes that's right. I'm talking about the first day of school. For me, it wasn't as bad. The first day of university was pretty much a breeze by. You get inside and you find your dorms. There was absolutely no learning involved on the first day, and that's pretty much why I didn't dread it as much as I dreaded the first day of highschool, or even middle school. I was standing outside of YYS University, under a huge leafy tree. But this huge tree was something more than just a tree. It was The Misfits' meeting spot. Everyday, when university started, I'd be used to seeing familiar faces, hiding under the shadow of the leaves, while reading some classic tale of romance. Today was no different. I spotted a familiar face, heading towards my direction, with his geeky glasses loosely hanging on the bridge of nose and his hair that was pushed down by hair gel. He fixed his glasses for a moment before continuing to walk shyly to me. Who was this, you ask? None other than Mark. Mark was pretty young to be in university, but he wasn't lacking any factor and he definitely qualified. He was smart for his age, and he enjoyed reading, to the point where enjoyed reading was an understatement. He adored reading, like I adored my laptop. We could giggle about these stupid obsessions for hours, and he'd still have something to say about his favorite books.

Now that's what I adored about him. He was bubbly and he was always willing to talk to me, even if it was just about a small topic, like books. Before I could go on about Mark, he was already here, with a book tucked in between his armpit and arm. "Hi Mark!" I couldn't hold my excitement as he grinned at me with his endearing smile. "Hello!" And did I mention how cute he sounded when he said hello? He took a seat beside me, his back leaning against the tree. I decided to continue the conversation, by asking what book he was reading. He seemed taken aback that someone like ME, the total tech freak, would ask about a book. But, Mark, being the quick-witted kid he was, pulled the book out of the crease he held it in and showed it to me. On the cover of the book was fancy wording, all in golden letters. I wasn't really sure that Mark was the kind of guy to read books that were so decorated in color. Usually, the books he's known for reading are books that are plain black or white. I was happy to see him change his style, for once.

"This book is called Agency F." He said, cheerfully. He bombed another shocker on me. Agency F? That was definitely not a common title of a book, especially a book that little, bubbly Mark would read. "It's a friend's book." Mark explained, seeing the confused look on my face. And so I was right. Of course Mark wouldn't read a book that's entitled "Agency F". But I was curious? Would Mark really befriend someone who was into THOSE kind of books? And so I asked. "What friend are you talking about?" Mark narrowed his eyes at me, confused why I would be so nosy into his business. "Oh. You don't know him. His name is Ten." He started biting his nails. That was definitely an unusual habit that he had. I get that biting your nails was a common habit, but NOT for Mark. He would prefer to play with his glasses or wiggle his ear. I felt something strange about Mark today. "Wait, Ten? Of course I know him. He goes to our school, remember?" I chuckled and he faked a laugh alongside me. "Oh. I forgot." How could Mark forget? Ten was pretty popular, I would say. He was adored for his outrageously, charasmatic dancing. And on a side note, Mark remembered EVERYTHING. From every single name, to every individual detail. I shrugged aside the fact that Mark was being awfully weird today. Maybe he was anxious for dorm partners. Maybe he was anxious about dorms, themselves. Well, I was no mind reader, so I didn't stress too much about trying to figure out what he was thinking of.

We sat under the trees for a little while, before another friendly face came skipping by, with a jump rope in hand. That was Lizanahborapia. We called her Liza for short, because none of us could pronounce her name. That was an overstatement. Everyone could. But when I had to call her Lizanahborapia more than 20 times per hour, I got sick of saying it. So now, I just stick with Liza.

When she neared the big oak tree, Mark was the first one to wave, with his book in his left hand. He rised to hug her, and she hugged him back, tight, lifting his feet off the ground. She was pretty strong, and I think it was just because of her obsession with jumping rope. It looked like a girly activity at first, but when Liza played it, you could almost consider it an Olympic sport. "Lizzy Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz." Mark hummed. She blew a raspberry and looked up at the leaves. "Hey guysssssssssssssss." She imitated Mark, making him chortle the slightest bit of laughter. We sat in silence, but the silence didn't linger that long, because in the next minute, Jin had arrived. He was the oldest out of all of us, but his mentality stated something different about him. Hee was pretty immature, despite the fact that he was older than all of us.

Since every one of us had some kind of obsession, you might've guessed that Jin has one too. His obsession, unlike ours, was not an object. It was an adjective. Pink. He loved pink, more than Mark loved sausages and pulled pork on Wednesdays. If you knew how much Mark loved those two things, you would know that Jin is a HUGE pink freak. He always wore pink, and that was what he was wearing today. He wore a pink cardigan over a pink tee shirt, with pink joggers and pink shoes. His clothing style was practically defined as the word pink. In YYS University, the stereotype was that if you were a man and you liked any other color other than dark blue and fiery red, that you were gay. Jin was not gay, I can tell you that. He's been liking the exact same girl, ever since we started university. He sometimes rambled on about how she exchanged a glance at him today, or how they were partners for math class. It was absolutely adorable, in my opinion. He would release his inner child every time he talked about something he loved. For me, it was different. I couldn't release my "inner" child, frankly, because I've already killed it. That's why I'm not as imaginative as Mark. He was a child still, and I don't think he'd ever want to lose that part of him.

When I had finally opened up my laptop, my initial thoughts were to begin animating crap, but when I noticed the numbers in the right bottom corner, I could tell it was too late. It had struck 8:30, meaning that I'd have to sprint inside the building, or else I'd be sitting here in the shade of the oak tree for eternity. The others had started packing up their things, but I was struggling with my huge laptop, that took around 5 minutes to stuff into the front zipper pocket of my bag.

  Mark, Liza and Jin were already at the doors when I finally slung the bag over my shoulders. I decided to sprint the field, hoping to make it within a minute, but the doors slammed shut, a brief second before I slid in front of it. I was late on my first day of university. I'd already landed myself a bad reputation by being a tech freak, and I didn't need more dirt to stain the ruined rep I already owned. I'd tried opening the door by pressing my foot on the bottom of it, attempting to use my push-pull method that has always seem to be successful when I was in the ninth grade. But I should've known better. Once the doors closed in university, they would not latch open again.    Instead of moping around the front door, I picked up my bag and headed left. When I was late to university, I'd usually take a perimeter walk around the university to find an unlocked corridor by the back. Instead of walking, I sprinted, because who likes to be late on their first day of university? There was no answer to that because no one did. Well, if you don't count the boys clique. They enjoyed pissing teachers off, and enjoyed playing tag around the perimeter of YSS university, almost as much as I enjoyed the feel of my modern keyboard, attached to my laptop. When I rounded a corner, I had expected to see a group of boys, chattering and screaming, but I was greeted by nothing except the green of the grass and one solo tree. This made me sprint faster, with no hesitation or burden against me.    I sprinted the last field that had lead me into the completely open corridor. I entered it, catching my breathe, as I pushed myself through crowds of people, consisting of jocks, populars and of course, The Misfits. When I saw Mark's welcoming smile, I felt warm again and I could relax myself. That is, until that pretty smile of his opens into a wide O and mouths the words "you are done for". I crinkled my nose and itched the feeling away as I continued to slide past the students, one by one. In the middle of the crowd, lay a huge desk, that resembled a receptionist desk. The man at the desk didn't look so friendly as I neared the counter. "Name." He blankly stated. I wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement, causing me to murmur the word "what". He cocked his eyes so that they were just around a centimeter from the bridge of his nose. "What is your name?" He seemed quite angry, and that was what told me to say my name in a millisecond.    "Oh. The tech freak girl." He reacted, as he heard me proudly announce my name. "Now, tech freak, tell me why you  are late on your first day of university." The way he emphasized first day, made me feel worse. I took a brief moment before announcing my clever answer to the man. "Well sir, you see, I might be a tech freak but technology can be a burden. I took half the damn time to stuff my laptop in its carrier." I grinned, hoping to somewhat appeal my charms to him. But by the look on his face,  I could tell that he wasn't buying it.    "Well. Ms. Tech Freak, I'm afraid there's no more dorms available. You would've gotten one with that Liza girl, but you showed up pretty late." He smirked, and I scowled. But with whatever was left of my hope, I asked "Is there any chance for me to even sleep in a dorm or something?" I gritted my teeth in an almost smile, but it reverted itself back into a frown as I saw the wide smirk on the man's face.   "You see that guy over there?" He raised his pointer finger up and slightly directed my gaze to a guy that was in the midst of a crowd, gripping onto his phone. Great. Another tech freak. But as the crowd wavily stepped aside, I could see the features of the guy's face more clearly. And the guy I identified? It was no other than the famous dancer, Ten. The man gave me around a minute to admire his face features before coughing. "Well, you might not know this, but his mama paid quite the funds to get into this university. She wants him to repay her by getting good grades. And the funny thing is, he doesn't have a dorm partner!" The man chuckled out loud, earning him a confused look from me.    "Let me guess. You want me to tutor Ten and be his roommate?" I asked, nonchalantly. He gave me a reply with the same quantity of voice power, that I used for him. "You got that right, Ms. Tech Freak." He gave me a thumbs up and an almost persuasive smile. Why did I put "almost" in that sentence? You see, I'm not much of a smart kid myself. I struggle with multiple subjects, but I just cover that over by being a tech wiz. I'm good with computers, not math. You could argue with me and claim that they're very similar but I would
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