Chapter 8


Image result for soonseok

A/N: While writing most of this chapter, I had this song on repeat (Sweet Jane - Garrett Kato) and towards the end this song too (Forgetting You - Davichi -- Moon Lovers OST) in case anyone wants to get a feel of the atmosphere or something. I def recommend listening while reading, but sorry I can't add a music player or something, idk how T.T


Seokmin let the minutes pass by him with a heavy heart.

 He woke up in cold sweat Monday morning. He got dressed, not bothering to eat anything, and trudged to his car. Soonyoung wasn’t waiting for him outside the Teacher’s Room this time. He gripped the doorknob with shaking hands, and exhaled an equally shaky breath.

His heart fell when he saw his colleagues clustered into groups, whispering away. They all paused to glance at him, and Seokmin winced. Mingyu, Jihoon and Jeonghan rushed to him.

“Seokmin, you idiot, this was why you were so happy? You should have told us!” Jihoon hissed angrily.

“Daehyun told the council. They want a meeting with you, they’ll be here any minute” Jeonghan frantically explained, his eyes desperately flitting between Seokmin’s pale face and the door. For once, Mingyu didn’t say anything, he just stared with a pitiful look in his eyes.

The door clicked open, and Seokmin flinched, the sound echoing in his head.

“Lee Seokmin? You’re requested for a meeting with the board.” Seokmin nodded numbly, and Jihoon squeezed his arm before letting go. He willed his feet to walk, and took a seat in the silent room, in front of a few grim looking middle-aged men, who looked like someone had put salt in their coffee today. Seokmin shifted uncomfortably, his tie felt like a noose around his neck, numb fingers tried to loosen it. Someone cleared their throat.

“Hello, Seokmin. I’m guessing you know why we’ve called you before us.”

“Hello. Yes.”

“We’ve been informed that you are in an intimate relationship with one of your own students. As you know, student – professor relationships are strictly forbidden.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Since the two of you are soulmates, there seems to be only one solution here. We can’t really ask you to terminate the relationship, instead you will be transferred to BlackVille University.”

BlackVille University was 4 hours away. Seokmin could feel all the blood drain from his face.

“I-isn’t there anywhere closer?” Seokmin stuttered, desperate, gripping the sides of his chair.

“I’m afraid they are the closest university that require a professor in your department.”


“Transfer effective immediately. That is all. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Seokmin shut the door a little too hard on his way hard, biting back a scream. As soon as he walked through the Teacher’s Room, his friends crowded him to ask what had happened. He bit his lower lip so hard, the salty, bitter taste of blood made way on his tongue. How ironic, a bitter taste for a bitter day, he thought bitterly.

‘Come over later, we need to talk.’ Seokmin texted Soonyoung.

Soonyoung burst through his front door, panting. He didn’t even have to ask.

“I’m being transferred to Blackville University. Next week.”

“W-what? B-but isn’t that really far??” Soonyoung spluttered, taking a step backwards.

“Yes, it is.” Seokmin took a step forward. And another, and another. For every step forward, Soonyoung took a step back, until the younger’s back hit the wall behind him. He clawed at the flat surface with calloused fingertips, trying to hold on to something.

“They can’t.” Soonyoung whispered, bottom lip trembling.

“THEY CAN’T TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!” the blue haired boy screamed, his voice cracking with the words.  Seokmin flinched from the sudden outburst.


Seokmin knew this moment would remain embedded in his head forever, no matter how all his life he would try to forget. It would leak through his thoughts when he couldn’t sleep at 3 AM. When he would lay in bed, arms, lips, hands, every part of his being aching with the absence of his soulmate: the way Soonyoung’s chubby cheeks were tinted rose petal pink from screaming, the way his small, slanted eyes seemed untamed and wild in the face of loss. The way his small fingers tried to grip the wall. The way his chest heaved with the extersion of yelling. The way his own heart seemed to thrash in his chest, pulsing painfully at the sight.

Silence. Soonyoung was surprised the older couldn’t hear the way his heart was beating out of his chest. The heaving chest turned to shivering, which turned to shaking. A strangled noise clawed its’ way out of the corners of Soonyoung’s mouth, like something halfway between a yelp and a hiccup. His throat was on fire, raw and burning, but not from screaming.

Sobs wracked his small frame, and he gasped for air in between them, choking on nothing. Seokmin caught him when his knees gave way, quickly lifting him into his arms, carrying him to the couch. He sat down, still holding Soonyoung and feeling the convulsions of his sobs.

“Soonyoung! Soonyoung, baby, calm down, please!” Seokmin pleaded in hushed tones, panic bubbling up inside of him as Soonyoung’s too hard breathing and coughs filled his ears, not ceasing. He brushed hair away from Soonyoung’s forehead, pressing his lips to the hot skin, and started humming. He noticed the wavering of Soonyoung’s choppy breathing, and pulled back slightly. He parted his lips, and the sound of his warm, low, raspy voice washed over Soonyoung.

♫ I wanna be your morning baby, From now on, be alright 

Soonyoung’s sobs slowed. He could feel his heart calm down, his throat stop feeling so constricted. The sweet, sad lyrics made his chest hurt.

♫ I can give you my everything, If I’m in your heart 

Soonyoung had completely stilled by the time Seokmin finished singing, only sniffing occasionally. Seokmin moved the younger so he could look into his red tinted, swollen eyes.

“Kwon Soonyoung, listen very carefully, alright? I love you. I love you more than I need air. You are the most amazing, beautiful thing to happen to me, and I am under no circumstance leaving you, you hear me?”

Soonyoung nodded.

“I may be four hours away, but I will call you and text you and Skype you and drive down to see you as often as I possibly can. It’s not like they’re sending me to the opposite side of the world.” Seokmin leaned in and pressed his lips to Soonyoung’s, giving him a chaste, sweet kiss. Filled with promise.

“We’ll get through this, alright baby? We can get through this. I promise.”

Soonyoung threw his arms around Seokmin’s neck.

“I just hate that this had to happen. When everything was so perfect.”

“I know. Life’s unfair. But it would have been even more unfair if we hadn’t found each other, or if we would have wound up with the wrong people.” Seokmin sighed. “I don’t know how I lived this long without you.” He confessed. He felt Soonyoung whimper into his chest, rubbing his wet cheek against the fabric of his shirt.

“I love you.” Soonyoung mumbled into his shirt. Seokmin felt his heart stutter, and he smiled to himself, petting the hair at the nape of Soonyoung’s neck.

How could he ever let such a being slip through his fingertips? Surely life would just about cease to exist with Soonyoung gone, the boy with small eyes that held the moon with all its’ stars and a big smile that held the sun itself. Thus, Seokmin could safely say Soonyoung held Seokmin’s entire universe, hidden between the curl of his eyelash, the crevices of his heart. The hiccup of his laugh.

He wouldn’t let his universe slip away even if he were to be taken to the opposite side of the world.


A/N: T.T I almost cried while writing this. Also I'd been debating for a while if I should make Soonyoung's character suffer from anxiety because it's something I'm suffering from since recently, but in the end I just let it be with a sort of panic attack he had from hearing the news.

Also, just one more chapter to go!! Will be posting it next week. My heart will break to end this story T.T


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Chapter 9: OMG!! The ending was BEAUTIFUL!! From now on, the word timeless would actually mean something to me... It's just beautiful, idk what to say anymore <3
Megan2703 #2
Chapter 9: Me(Agnes): IT'S SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIE!!!
Omg i love this story, its too short ㅠㅠ yet so sweettt!
Vernnyliet #5
Chapter 9: Omg i really love this story TT^TT pls do a sequel if its still possible TT^TT and i definitely will read ur nxt story too~~~ Thank you for doing all this authorr-niiimmm TT^TT
Chapter 9: aHHHH what a sweet story :')
my heart broke so many times T-T
thank you for writing this amazing soonseok fic!!! i kinda screamed when his watched stopped at 10:10 ehehehehehe
iamautumn #7
Chapter 9: Wow very nice Im happy for both of them haha and Im happy for you author-nim for completing this wonderful story ^^
Chapter 9: Omggggggggg a sequel juseyo? huhuhu
Chapter 9: Finallyyyy
Chapter 9: o god so bittersweet
i demand a sequel scree c he S