'Cause Nothing Really Matters When You Look Up into Outer Space

'Cause Nothing Really Matters When You Look Up into Outer Space


It was one of those days, Jimin thought. One of those days were nothing goes right, he messed up too many times during dance practice, his vocal lesson went horrible, and Yoongi shoved him a little too hard after the younger jumped on him. Jimin thought everything would be okay after he got to the dorms, showered and had something to eat. But of course he couldn't even have that. Once they got inside their dorm everyone bolted to the kitchen, save for Hoseok who shouted dibs on the shower, and grabbed the last pack of ramen. Since no one went shopping that week the only thing left was expired orange juice in the refrigerator. Luckily he had Taehyung and Jungkook who happily shared their meal and Jimin would be lying if he said he didn't feel guilty afterwards. Jin went around throwing away the empty cups and went to the shower after Hoseok came out. As always the hyungs got to shower first so the maknae line waited patiently. Taehyung offered for Jimin to watch an anime with Jungkook and him but Jimin politely declined and instead went into his room. Jimin sat on the edge of his bed, slowly falling backwards until his head hit his pillow. He doesn't know what came over him but suddenly everything from earlier today and the past few months came crashing down on him. He felt tears slip down his cheeks and then a stream of tears came dampening his pillow. He shoved his hands to his eyes trying to stop the flow of tears but nothing stopped. All the stress of promotions for the album, new dances to learn, keeping the fans happy, preparing for the next comeback. Jimin was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the door opening or feel the mattress dip when someone sat down. He felt a hand softly smooth his hair and whisper just quietly enough for Jimin to hear, "Don't cry chimchim, tell your best friend what's wrong?"

Jimin slowly opened his eyes to see Taehyung with worried expression on his face. Jimin tried to get himself to stop crying, rubbing at his eyes but Taehyung pulled his arms away, saying Jimin would irritate his eyes. Jimin gave up trying to fight, he knew Taehyung would get him eventually. Taehyung looked at Jimin's red puffy eyes and frowned. He hated seeing his best friend upset. He smoothed his hair again trying to calm down the boy. Jimin sighed.

"Please, Jimin. I hate seeing you this upset. Tell me what's wrong." Taehyung's voice was deep but soft, every word delicate and light in case Jimin would break.

"Just," Jimin sighed. "Everything's been so stressful lately and I was a mess today at dance practice. I've been practicing the moves so much, why can't I get them right? And the vocal teacher was fed up with me after I didn't reach all the high notes and I stole your's and Jungkook's dinner. And now you're here trying to comfort me when you should be having fun with Jungkook. I'm sorry Tae, I don't want to burden this all on you." Jimin's eyes started watering again and he felt Taehyung lift his head into his lap, petting his hair softly. When Jimin calmed down Taehyung smiled down at his friend.

"Jimin, chimchim, mini, buttercup, sunshine." Jimin chuckled softly at the ridiculous pet names making Taehyung smile. "You could never burden me. Or anyone in that case. You had a bad day, it's okay to be upset and cry. You'll do better tomorrow. And Jungkookie and I shared our food, you didn't steal anything. And Jungkook went to sleep so I came in here to check on you. I'll always be here for you, chimchim."

Jimin smiled. He could always count on Taehyung to make him feel better. "Tell me more nice things."

Taehyung laughed. "You're loved, Jimin. You're loved by us, your family, the fans. Even Bang PD." Jimin's laughter warmed Taehyung's heart. "And you're insanely good-looking. When I first saw you I thought you were a model. Honestly chim. Your smile is so bright, it's almost blinding. It could put all the stars to shame." Taehyung tapped Jimin on the nose and moved him from his lap. "Now come on. We need to get you something good to eat."

"But what about the managers?"

"You let me worry about them."

"Thank you, Taehyung."

"Anytime, mini."



Jimin was laying on his bed mindlessly scrolling through Twitter to pass the time when a certain tweet caught his attention.

Jimin will never good enough for BTS. They should leave him.

Jimin read it over again just incase his eyes were tricking him. He tapped on their profile and saw countless hate written everywhere. Jimin knew he should have left the page and do something else but he couldn't stop himself from reading all the horrible tweets directed at him and his group mates. He slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard, arms wrapped around his legs as his head rested on his knees. His body was shaking with sobs, the tweets jumbling in his brain. 

It wasn't long before a familiar hand was rubbing smoothing circles on his back. It was Taehyung. Of course Taehyung had caught him like this, he could never cry in private.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" His voice sounded patient like this wasn't the nth time he asked Jimin that question.

"The fans said I shouldn't be in BTS. A-and that you would be better off without me." Jimin broke out into more sobs as Taehyung held him close. He whispered quietly in his hair, "Chim, they're wrong. They're so wrong." Jimin lifted his head to look at his best friend.

"Jimin, BTS would be nothing without you, you know that. We wouldn't be BTS if you weren't in it. Who would be my best friend if you weren't here? Jungkook? That kid doesn't know Chopin from Trickovski. You'd think he would with how much he plays that damn piano game but-it doesn't matter. What matters is that you know you're better than what they say. You're my best friend, a shining star. You're made from stardust and the planets made from. You've got a galaxy in your eyes. You could stop astroids from crashing just by looking at them. You're so much more than what they say, Jimin. Don't let small people like that make you think you're anything smaller than the universe."

"Woah, Taehyung. I don't know what to say..."

"How about yes when I tell you we should get ice cream right now?" Taehyung had a cheeky smile on his lips and Jimin laughed beautifully.

"Of course."



It's been thirty minutes. Thirty minutes of Jimin staring at the bowl on rice and cut pork in front of him. He's held the chopsticks and put them down over and over again, always setting them down harsher than he intends. Normally there's someone always there to eat with him but since he woke up late and everyone had something they needed to do he sat alone at the dining table. Eating alone reminds him of when he use to shove his dish into the trash or sneakily put it back in the fridge for someone else, saying he ate every bite. After getting caught too many times skipping meals the group made it a rule no one would eat alone. But Jimin had been doing so well lately, saying he wasn't going to diet and not have abs, so everyone just let it go. But Jimin swears the fans screams are louder when he had abs so now he's determined to win back their attention. He'd been working extra hard in the dance studio and going on runs more often. He cut out junk food almost completely except for when the group went to get a celebratory treat.

Now he sits, staring at the food like it's offended him. He sighs, the food must be cold by now so what's the use in eating it? He walks up to the trash and just as he was about to open the lid Taehyung's voice rings through the kitchen.

"Oh, Jiminie, did you eat yet?" Taehyung was dressed in runners clothes, probably about to leave when he spotted Jimin with a bowl in his hands. "Wait, you didn't eat? Jimin it's been forever!" Taehyung walked over to Jimin to grab the bowl from his hands but Jimin flinched back. Taehyung's eyes widened slightly. 

"It's okay, Tae. I wasn't very hungry."

"Jimin," His voice was cautious.

"Really, I was just going to save it for later. You look like you're heading out, do you want a water bottle?"

"Jimin." Taehyung's voice was more stern. Jimin look defeated as he put the bowl on the counter, avoiding Taehyung's eyes. "Jimin, you hardly touched your food last night and you've been spending hours in the dance studio." Of course Taehyung would notice. The others would pass it as Jimin trying to nail down some moves in a dance being the perfectionist he is. 

A silence passed them only to interrupted by Taehyung's worried voice. "I don't know why you think you need to diet, chim. You look fine."

"That's just it!" Jimin finally met Taehyung's gaze. "I need to look more than fine, I need to look perfect, for the fans."


"You don't get it Tae! You're not the one having to showcase his abs all the time or have fans pay attention more to your body than your voice! You're handsome without even trying!"

"Oh Jimin, I'm flattered." Taehyung tried to lighten the mood but seeing as Jimin's expression didn't change he spoke again. "Jimin, the fans opinion on your body doesn't matter. They love your voice. Who cares if some only like you for your abs? They're not ARMY. ARMY loves us because we love them. We're all a family, and family doesn't judge you only by your abs. Please Jimin, show the fans you care about them by taking care of yourself. They want you to be healthy and so do I."

Jimin looked back at the bowl and Taehyung chuckled. "Let's get you something warm to eat. Does chicken sound good?"



Dance practice was hell. They spent hours and hours learning a dance for 'Fire' and everyone was exhausted. The choreographer said they could stay late to practice but to lock up when they're done. Everyone was getting ready to leave except Hoseok and Jimin. It was normal for them to stay after and try to perfect certain parts before calling it a day. Sometimes the rest of the group would bring them food or a blanket incase they slept there by accident. Taehyung told the others he would stay incase the two dancers overworked themselves and no one argued since he was both their roommates.

Taehyung made himself comfortable in a corner, phone in his hand and water bottle resting next to leg.

Hoseok left after an hour, saying he was going to practice more tomorrow. He offered to walk Taehyung back to their dorms but the younger refused, rather staying incase Jimin forgot he needs to sleep. The younger watched his friend practice to exhaustion. He would occasionally ask if Jimin needed a break or some water but the boy refused and went straight back to practicing. 

Eventually Jimin's legs gave out after two grueling hours of dancing. He laid on the dirtier floor, not caring he was getting sweat everywhere and closing his eyes. He didn't notice when Taehyung draped a blanket over him, or when the younger boy left. Jimin woke up an hour later, an ice cream pop on his stomach and Taehyung eating next to him. Jimin took the frozen treat in one hand and pulled the blanket away with the other. Taehyung seemed to notice he was awake and smiled brightly. "I noticed you fell asleep so I got you something to cool down with. Eat it quickly, it's melting!"

"Taehyung, I can't have this."

"Why not?" The younger frowned childishly causing Jimin to sigh.

"You shouldn't eat junk food after dancing."

"It's not junk! It's ice cream, it's good for you, good for your soul."

Jimin laughed at his friend's silliness and opened the package. He blessed Kim Taehyung for knowing his favorite ice cream treat.




Jimin heard sniffles coming from his shared bedroom and leaned against the door. He heard crying this time, definitely Taehyung's. Jimin opened the door quietly and took careful steps to make sure the younger didn't know he was there. He closed the door and walked over to Taehyung's top bunk. He climbed up the ladder and sat at the edge of his bed. Taehyung noticed someone was there and lifted his head from his pillow. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks red and tears tracks lying in it's wake. Taehyung didn't rub his eyes dry, he just sat up slowly and looked at his lap.

"Taetae, why are you upset?" Jimin scooted closer to his friend and laid his hand on his knee.

"Jimin, I-I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to see me cry." Taehyung broke out into more sobs and Jimin held him close to his chest.

"Taehyung, we're best friends. You're always there for me, let me be there for you."

Taehyung pulled away to speak. "They won't like it."

"What do you mean Tae?"

"T-the fans. They won't like how dark my skin is." 

Jimin sat back at this. Why wouldn't they like his best friend's skin? "Tae, don't say that. They love you. They won't care how your skin looks."

"Yes they will, chim! They always say I'm too dark! That my skin is too tan. I don't want to upset them anymore."

"Taehyung, please don't listen to them. You're skin is perfect. It's glowing. You have the most beautiful skin tone and if anyone says otherwise I'll fight them." Taehyung laughed quietly. "Please don't be upset over this. You are so beautiful, Taehyung."

Taehyung looked up and smiled at his best friend. He was grateful to have someone like Jimin in his life.

"Do you want to get ice cream?"

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