Dealing with loss

Time doesn't change for just anyone
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The rain was pouring heavily, as it had been for the past 15 minutes. A young man in his early twenties was sitting alone on a bench in the local park, looking up at the sky with a saddened expression almost as if he was blaming it for everything that was wrong in his.

'I guess the rain is mourning with me' Taeil thought sorrowfully, his hair was dripping wet, the water droplets rolling down his face as if they were trying to hide the tears that fell from his sad brown eyes. 

It had been just over a week since Taeil's best friend, Hansol, had his life taken from him in a fire at work, it had been a hotel fire which cause the place to shut down after the top two floors had been almost completely destroyed. The fire had also taken the life of a young guest at the hotel, Taeil had read about him in the paper but couldn't remember his name, he did however know that Hansol had died because he was trying to save the young man. 

It had only been a week since the fire and Taeil wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, Hansol was like a brother to him, they had know eachother since they were children. They had met in the first year of middle school after Hansol and his family had moved out of Busan so that he could attend school in Seoul, which is where they met and became inseparable. Johnny later joined the two during highschool after he had moved from Chicago, he had stuck himself to them becoming a permanent member of their group with his bright personality and positive outlook on mostly everything. 

Taeil could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket but couldn't bring himself to answer it, honestly he already knew it was Johnny calling because he was worried. The younger had probably come back to their apartment only to find Taeil, who hadn't left it in weeks, not there. He wanted to feel bad for making Johnny worry about him, especially as he also had to cope with his younger brother June's grief as well, but all he could think about was Hansol. It turns out the world really was small as the young man who died alongside Hansol in the fire was a close friend of Johnny's brother.

Jeno had apparently known rather boy when he was still living in America, long before he had moved to Seoul with the rest of his family. The two boys had been close friends staying in contact even after Jeno had moved. The young boy had only recently come to Korea and was staying in the Hotel as he had not yet found an apartment to rent. Jeno had been devastated upon the news of his friends and Hansol's, who he was somewhat close with because of Johnny, death.




It had been about an hour and the rain had not stopped. Taeil remained seated on the bench, he let out a sigh knowing he should be going home already, it was no good sitting out here when all he will get from it is a cold or a possible flu. However the idea of the apartment made him quickly wipe the thoughts away, going home meant being closed into a small space full of suffercating memories of his best friend. 

Taeil's body was shivering under the layers of clothing which the rain had soaked through long ago meaning they were doing nothing to keep the boys thin body warm. He continued to sit there until he heard someone shout his name from the distance, turning to where he heard the voice he saw Johnny running towards his a look of worry clearly displayed on his face. As Johnny reached where he was sitting, Taeil could see that the boy was completely out of breath which meant the boy must have been looking for him for quite a while. Seeing this Tail felt the earlier guilt resurface. 

Johnny looked at Taeil for a few moments, trying to assess what the boy might be thinking before releasing a huff which confused Taeil, he though he must have upset the boy quite a lot. Those thoughts were wiped away when Johnny sat down on the bench next to Taeil, clearly not minding if his trouser got wet, and hugged the older boy while slowly rubbing his back. 

They sat like this in silence for a few seconds before Johnny broke it by speaking softly into Taeil's ear. "Taeil-ah you know you're not alone." Hearing this Taeil felt a fresh stream of hot tears slide down his cheeks. "You know that I know how you feel, I miss him to but what would he do if he saw you like this" he said while pulling away so he could look into Taeil's eyes before he continued to speak. 

"I don't know about you but I think he would kill you for being like this, then he would come and kill me for allowing you to be like this, don't you think?" 

Taeil chuckled lightly while nodding and wiping his eyes. The response made Johnny smile, happy to have made the older show any kind of positive emotion since the previous week. Honestly before today he had no idea what to do, for the last week he had to watch both Taeil and Jeno slowly fall apart and all he could do was watch, that is until he visited Yuta early that morning.

Yuta was Hansol's fiance and also a close friend of theirs. They had know him for only about three years, Hansol knowing him for about five years after they had met when Hansol was studying in Japan for a year, the two had clicked and became a couple quickly afterwards. When the year was up and Hansol came back to Korea the two stayed together. After a year Yuta had moved to Korea so he could have a stable relationship with Hansol. 

Johnny had gone to visit Yuta that morning after the boy had come back from Japan after a short stay with his family. The two of them talked for a few hours,  one thing that had come up was Taeil and how he was doing. Yuta had told Johnny about how his family had helped him cope and gave advice to Johnny on how he could help Taeil.

Clearly the advice had worked and Johnny ha

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Chapter 1: loved it! please update soon
Chapter 1: What have I just read...?

Well thanks for the story authornim!!