Chapter 1

Deja Vu

    Yoongi sat in Shortcake Cafe, down the street from the art store he worked at, Colors of the Mind. He was waiting for his boyfriend, Park Jimin. Tomorrow was Jimin’s 21st birthday, and Yoongi had something special he was planning. 


    Straining his eyes, Yoongi spotted his flame-haired lover leave the cafe he worked at, Lava Java. The blonde man walked out to wait, a smile lighting up his pale face. Jimin noticed him and waved, starting to run. Yoongi put out his arms, and Jimin jumped into them, almost knocking Yoongi off his feet. Yoongi twirled him around, and set him on his feet, placing a chaste kiss on Jimin’s pink lips. “Hyung! Guess what! I got promoted! I am now the all-supreme manager!” Jimin’s smile lit up his whole face. 


    “Well done! I knew you could it. Are you in charge of everyone now?” Jimin nodded happily as he skipped alongside his older boyfriend. Their hands swung between them, fingers intertwined. They were headed to the park, where Yoongi would carry out his plan. 


    “Hyung, where are we going? Home is back the way we came.” Jimin’s warm brown eyes gazed up at Yoongi curiously. Yoongi grinned and lightly poked Jimin’s button nose.


    “You’ll see. It’s a surprise for tomorrow.”


    Jimin bounced a little, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi’s. The blonde man once again counted his blessings, reveling in the knowledge of how lucky he was to have won over the sweet angel at his side. 


    The park came into view, and Yoongi paused. “Jiminnie, could you buy us some cookies? I need to set up the surprise.” Jimin nodded, beaming, and pranced into the little bakery. Yoongi crossed the busy street, and headed to the spot he and Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin had scouted out the week before. 


    He pulled a checkered blanket out of his magic bag of random crap. He also pulled out some water bottles, a few (slightly crumbled) assorted desserts, and a cute little metal box of chocolates. Lastly, Yoongi dug his hand in deep and felt around. He withdrew his hand with a small object in hand. He opened it and gazed at the precious item inside. A beautiful, sparkly engagement ring. Yoongi shifted to kneel on one knee and practiced his speech to Jimin.


    “Park Jimin, I can’t explain perfectly in words what you mean to me. You are everything I ever needed and more. I love you so much. Your beautiful soul, shining smile. Your loving heart, and generous spirit. How you put up with me and my angsty, mood-swing attitude. Thank you for entering my life and never leaving. I love you. Will you fulfill my dreams and be my husband?”


    Yoongi could feel himself tearing up at his own speech. This meant it was good enough to be used. Yoongi wiped his eyes and stood up. Turning, he headed back to the hill to wait for Jimin to join him. Standing there, he could see Jimin looking around. He glanced over and noticed Yoongi. The older boy waved and smiled. Jimin smiled back and started across the street, never taking his eyes off his lover, shining in the sun.


    Suddenly, Yoongi spotted something. A large pick-up truck was rapidly approaching his Jimin. The blonde practically flew down the hill, shouting and waving his arms. “Jimin, stop! Go back! Go back! GO BACK!!!” Unfortunately, Jimin couldn’t hear him. He just smiled widely and waved happily. Jimin heard the squeal of tires and jerked his head around. He spotted the truck and froze up. He looked back at Yoongi, his cute chubby face full of fear. The truck hit Jimin’s body hard, bowling him over. 


    Yoongi screamed and rushed out to him, tears already staining his cheeks. “No, no, no. Please no. Please God, let him be okay.” He skidded and slipped an arm under Jimin’s limp body, pulling it close to his own body. “Jimin. Jimin, look at me. Talk to me. Tell me you’re okay. Tell me you won’t leave me.” He choked a little on the lump in his throat, his tears dripping onto Jimin’s sweater. Yoongi realized, off-hand, that it was one of his own sweaters. 


    Jimin opened his eyes and stared up into Yoongi’s eyes. He drew in a shaky breath. His hand reached up and brushed Yoongi’s cheek. “Baby, I love you. Hold me close.” He coughed softly, clenching his hand in Yoongi’s shirt. His chest heaved, his breath short and jerky. Yoongi clutched Jimin close to his chest, breathlessly begging him to stay with him. 


    “Baby, please. Don’t leave me. I need you. So much. Baby, I was going to propose marriage. That was the surprise.” Yoongi pressed his face into Jimin’s chest. 


    Jimin touched Yoongi’s cheek again. “Yes, baby, I’ll marry you. Someday. Someday, love. Wait for me.” He pulled Yoongi’s head down and touched their lips together. A last kiss. For the last time. His hand slipped down and landed lightly on his stomach, his head tipped and rested against Yoongi’s tummy.


    Yoongi gasped a little, the reality of Jimin’s death sinking in to his brain. Something inside him shattered into a thousand pieces. He buried his face in his beloved’s still-warm chest and sobbed. 


    The ring box pressed into his thigh, forgotten.

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Nighty978 #1
Chapter 1: Omg nooooo Q--Q Please tell me it was a nightmare or something! I'm looking forward for more
Skydragoncg #2
Chapter 1: I am literally heartbroken. THIS IS SO SAAAD! Was this a one shot or will you continue? I am going to subscribe anyway. Gosh.