
Catch me (if you can)

Catch me (if you can)


I would recommend listening to your favourite Pokémon soundtrack as you read, here is one of mine (HeartGold and Soulsiver):


Sehun had been all over that new game for three weeks, now. He couldn't help it, it was truly addicting. At first, he hadn't paid any attention to it, he had just turned twenty-two and he hadn't played Pokémon since he was eleven, when he had dropped his white Nintendo in a puddle of water right in front of his school because of some moron who had bumped into him as he was running to catch god-knows-what, but one thing Sehun did know was that whatever he had been running after, it couldn't have been as expensive as his brand new Nintendo DS Lite. It had been a terrible day, with him bawling his eyes out in hope that his parents would take pity on him and buy him a new console, but they never did. After all, it had been the third one to be broken in a span of six months. However, a little bit more than a month ago, a new revolutionary phone game had been launched around the world. Every country was currently going crazy about Pokémon Go, people talked about it everywhere: it was all over the internet, on the news, in the newspapers, etc. At first, Sehun didn't understand the frenzy around a game that was more-likely to interest kids, but after he noticed that every single one of his friends had installed the app, he started getting curious.



One afternoon, while he was staying at his house during summer break, he felt his boredom grow so unbearable that he found himself scrolling through the Play Store of his Samsung, in search of that one game that was topping the charts. He hit the download button, and waited patiently. He was surprised by the 3D aspect of the game, that he somehow found unattractive. He sighed as he had to read the speech given by “Professor Willow”, fortunately it wasn't as long and annoying as he remembered it to be in the Nintendo version. He spent a good five minutes customising his character, because he kept changing the colour of his clothes, wondering if it would have any impact later on. He finally settled on the red outfit because it was his favourite colour, taking care to match the accessories. Then came the moment he dreaded the most, one of his biggest dilemmas as a child: it was time to choose his Pokémon starter. Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? This was a choice he hadn't been prepared to make. The more he stared at his screen, the more he felt pressure building up on his shoulders. In the end, he ended up tapping Charmander, with the reasoning that: “Bulbasaur isn't cute. Squirtle is, but his final evolution is scary. Charmander is alright, and his evolutions look really cool. Therefore his is the best choice. Q.E.D.”. Sehun pushed aside the fact that he had just chosen his Charmander over the thought that the other two weren't cute enough. He tapped him, and a Pokéball appeared out of nowhere. Before he could figure out how to throw it, a notification popped up on the screen, suggesting that he tried playing with the “AR” on. He said yes, without any idea what it would change, and his eyes widened when he noticed that he could see Charmander standing on his bed-stand through the camera. Sehun almost let out a squeal of excitement as he felt all his past emotions rushing at once. How could he have been so foolish and refused to play this game until now? He tried to mimic the gesture that he always saw his friends do with his finger, guessing that it would automatically aim the Pokéball at the little creature, but he was wrong. He had to try two more times to actually get the Charmander inside. “Gotcha!” Throwing his fist in the air in victory, Sehun smiled widely, thinking that after all he might have fun with this game. He briefly looked at the informations of his first Pokémon, but quickly gave up as he couldn't understand the relevance of certain details. He was then asked to pick a username for his character. He settled for the one he used on his various accounts on the internet, “Senshine”, and read the last few informations given by the professor. Now the real adventure could begin! Or so he thought. Sehun's map was completely empty, except for the few “PokéStops” he could see in the area. He stared at his screen, waiting for something to appear. He waited, and waited, but nothing moved.

“Screw this game!” Sehun yelled, aloud. He switched to the messenger app.



King thehun

this game

how do i play


i can't see any pokémons



Byuntae (◡‿◡✿)

have you tried walking


King thehun

. . .



Oh. Sehun felt dumb. So that's why his friends always insisted going down-town by foot, whereas they used to be too lazy to take the short ten minutes walk from university to the nearest McDonald's. Okay, so he had to actually get up and move. He sighed and stood up, already thinking that it was too much of an effort for a game. He kept his eyes locked on the screen as he moved from room to room in his flat, but again, nothing popped up. Growling in frustration, Sehun yanked his door open and stepped out in the quiet and empty corridor. He had a feeling nothing would change unless he went outside in the street. He ran down the stairs, and pushed the door of his apartment complex. He was immediately hit by a wave of heat and blinding sun rays.

“And this is why I don't go outside,” he grumbled, frowning as he realised he had forgotten his pair of sunglasses upstairs. The south Korean summer had no pity for its inhabitants.

Resigned now that he had come this far, he decided to just get on with it. Placing a hand above the screen so that he could see the map better, Sehun started walking slowly to the end of his street. Suddenly, he marvelled as his screen vibrated, signalling him that a Pokémon had appeared. A Rattata! Sehun didn't waste any time catching him, smiling in triumph as he succeeded on the first try. He was already getting better. He resumed walking and turned at the corner, only to be met with another Pokémon. He let out an excited breath, and confidently swiped his finger on the screen, effectively catching it. However, after his fifth Pidgey and his eighth Rattata, Sehun started being annoyed. Where were the cool Pokémons he was promised when he signed up? He remembered his friends saying the most interesting ones were found in parks, therefore Sehun resolved to head to the nice park right behind his building with a playground, a small flowery garden and a fountain. Chocolate eyes focused on his screen, as he approached he noticed some kind of yellow tower with a Pokémon he didn't recognise standing up on it. He sat on a bench shadowed by a giant oak tree, sighing in relief as he was able to breathe some fresher air. His tee-shirt was already sticking to his skin with sweat after only twenty minutes of walking under the sun, and Sehun hoped there weren't any gross wet spots on his back. He looked up from his phone and scanned the familiar area. The park was mostly empty save for the few children who were brave enough to use the burning slide and swings, as well as their parents and the occasional teenager napping on the grass, but it was nothing like the crowds gathered in search of rare Pokémons Sehun had seen in the bigger and more frequented parks of Seoul. Maybe this park wasn't a good spot? Whatever, Sehun didn't feel like being squished between eager players at the moment. Or any time, actually. The chestnut-haired young man turned his attention back to his screen, curiously rotating around the yellow tower to examine it. He tapped it and was greeted with a notification saying that he couldn't battle until he reached level 5.

“Bollocks, what's with this game?” Sehun huffed in annoyance. “Is that a gym? Oh yeah, it says 'gym'. Level 1?”

He discreetly peered behind his fringe to check if anyone was listening, but nobody was close enough to be of hearing range. Satisfied, he undertook a complete scrutiny of the other trainer. The avatar was of a female dressed in yellow clothing, with blond hair and brown eyes. It was nicknamed “Nini”, and was standing next to a large pink Pokémon that reminded Sehun of a bunny. Next to it could be read: “Wigglytuff, CP 3237.

“So girly”, Sehun scoffed, scornfully. “How many hours do you have to play to get such a powerful Pokémon?”, he wondered, disbelievingly.

He looked at his own Rattatas and Pidgeys CP 11 or 39 at most, a bit discouraged. Without knowing why, Sehun suddenly felt like it was his duty to take possession of that gym. It was his apartment complex, his park, and therefore his gym.

“I will defeat you, even if you're a girl!”, he promised himself, determined. “I won't have mercy, just wait, and see!”



And that's the story of how Sehun decided he was going to do everything to get back what had been stolen from him (well, not really). This had been three weeks ago, and presently Sehun had levelled up to level 21, and joined team Valor. His most powerful Pokémon was a Gyarados CP 2687. It had become his routine to go to the park and sit under the oak tree to try and defeat that “Nini” girl. Of course, he had chosen the red team, wanting to display his own colours in what he considered to be his territory. Unfortunately, up to now he had never managed to defeat the mysterious trainer, and it seemed like nobody else did. It had become his obsession, however he had sworn to himself not to use suspicious methods like some of his friends (understand: cheating). He used to ask his more experienced friends for some tips, but now that he had surpassed them, he had to look for advice on the internet. Often, he tried to look for that girl in the park. From her profile, he figured that she must have died blond hair, as well as girly clothes and make-up, however he had never come across any girl fitting that description. He had seen a few that resembled what he was looking for, but they never seemed to be on their phone. He had even tried showing up at different hours of the day or the night, in vain. It was extremely upsetting knowing that she must be so close, and yet it was like she didn't exist. Sehun whined disappointingly as he lost yet another battle against her unbeatable Wigglytuff. He had to gather all his willpower not to throw his cellphone into the water. Giving up for the day, his eyes roamed around the park, trying to see if there were any other players. He caught sight of one honey-haired guy he was almost sure shared one of his courses in university, sitting on a similar bench across from his. What was his name again? Wongbin? Jimin? Sehun couldn't be sure. The other man was grinning widely as he showed his phone screen to his wide-eyed friend, his own turning into adorable crescents. Ah, he must have caught something interesting, Sehun guessed, staring at the two. He briefly considered going up to them to ask if they knew who was the girl selfishly keeping that gym to herself (not that Sehun wasn't planning to do the same), but decided against it as he feared they would ask him why he needed to know. He couldn't admit that he had been losing to her for three weeks in a row. Sehun jumped as his phone began to vibrate furiously in his hand. He groaned when he recognised the caller's ID, knowing that he was about to be yelled at. He reluctantly picked up.

“Ye-” Sehun didn't have time to finish before he was cut off abruptly.

“You have exactly five seconds to explain why your , as glorious as it is, isn't seated in front of me right now, as it should have been thirty minutes ago,” hissed the threatening voice of his best friend.

“. Dal.komm Coffee*. Yeah, sorry Baek, I was... busy,” he lamely apologised.

“I swear, Oh Sehun, if you tell me you're late because of that ridiculous obsession of yours with that girl's gym...” Baekhyun said, sounding fed up.

“Okay, I'm not going to say it,” he replied, not wanting to put himself in trouble when his friend was in such an irritable mood.

“Whatever, get your here, now,” Baekhyun ordered with a final tone, and hung up.

Sehun yawned and stretched, planning to get up but bumping into something in the process, making him fall first back on the bench.

“Ouch...” he grimaced, rubbing his sore bottom.

“Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't think you were going to- I thought you had seen me!” rambled a panicky male voice.

Sehun raised his head to get a good look at the person who was currently apologising profusely, immediately recognising the boy he had struggled to remember the name of before the phone call.

“I'm fine, don't worry”, he gave him a small smile to show that he was, in fact, okay.

“It's just... t-there was a Dratini on... your head,” the other stuttered awkwardly because of the embarrassment, clutching his phone close to his chest. “My name is Jongin, we usually share the same Japanese class.”

Ah, so that wasn't Wongbin, nor Jimin. Close enough. “I'm Sehun. Look, I really have to go. Don't worry about that.” he quickly said, putting his phone in his back pocket, missing to catch the faint “Yeah, I've known your name for five years now...” Jongin whispered as he hurried away.


As expected, Baekhyun was waiting at a table with a pissed look on his face.

“At last, his holiness has arrived,” he announced sarcastically with his arms crossed.

“I'll make it up to you, okay?” Sehun promised.

“You can start by paying for the bubble tea and two cookies I had time to order while you were out there enjoying yourself and cruelly forgetting your best friend,” Baekhyun slightly dramatised.

Sehun rolled his eyes. Always the drama queen.

“Why do you want this gym so badly, anyway?” his friend continued. “Can't you battle for one you actually have a realistic chance of winning?”

“You don't understand, I see it as a challenge. I can't stop playing this game until I win!” Sehun explained.

“I wish you had never started playing,” Baekhyun sighed, then suddenly lowered the tone of his voice as if he were about to say something of utmost secrecy. “Hey, listen, I heard something from Jongdae.”

“You know everything that comes out from Jongdae's mouth is not to be trusted,” the Pokémon Go addict warned.

“No, but this time it's true. He heard it from Chanyeol, who heard it from Zitao,” Baekhyun added, as if it would make what he was about to say more believable.

“I'm sorry but those are the least reliable people you could have mentioned,” he stated with an expressionless face.

“Just listen,” his best friend ignored him, eager to announce his breaking news. “There's this guy... who has had a crush on you for years.”

Sehun gave him a blank look. “What?”

“You know him. Average height, tan skin, honey hair, chocolate eyes, and y smile,” he described quite accurately, according to him.

“That could refer to so many people, I have no idea who you're talking about.”

“He's always with this short guy,” Baekhyun added the clue. “Oh, come on! You're hopeless. Jongin, Japanese class? Does that ring a bell?” he gave up trying to make him guess. “Now that I know it, I see it. I often catch him looking at you, but you can't since his seat is in the back.”

“And why are you telling me this, exactly?” Sehun frowned, stealing his friend's almost empty drink.

“So you can finally spice up your non-existent love life. The boy is cute, although kind of dorky, and he plays Pokémon Go, too! Instant match,” he smirked, proud of himself.

“I'm fine being single, thank you,” Sehun glared while rather noisily on the straw.

“You think you are, but you know you're not. You can't date your Charmeleon,” Baekhyun replied, snatching his drink away from Sehun.

“It's a Charizard, now,” Sehun corrected. “I can't believe you called me there, and even yelled at me, just to tell me a ridiculous rumour.”

“Fine. Don't believe me, don't do anything about it, and accept that you will die alone,” Baekhyun announced as if he were predicting his fate.

“Great. Awesome! I'm grateful for your concern,” Sehun thanked him ironically.



The next day, Sehun was once again on his way to the small park with the app opened on his phone, however he was deep in thought as he walked, not even bothering to collect items from the PokéStops he had come to know by heart in the last few weeks. He even passed by a wartortle without acknowledging it. He kept hearing Baekhyun's words again and again in his mind. Should he ask Jongin out? But what if Baekhyun was playing a prank on him? He didn't even know the guy. Sure, he couldn't deny that he was good-looking, but was that enough of a reason to date someone? Perhaps they should start by being friends, first. Sehun had walked to his usual bench mechanically, and was now standing in front of it, but he halted his movements when he noticed that it was already taken. A group of three girls were sitting on it, and looking at him suspiciously, thinking that he had approached them to engage a conversation. Girls. Turning away without wasting any time, he scanned the area in search of an empty spot. His eyes fell on two familiar figures seated in the grass with their back leaning against a huge tree. Oh, well. Might as well use this opportunity to make new friends, he thought and shrugged, casually strolling towards the pair. The eyes of Jongin's friend widened considerably (if that was even possible) when he caught sight of Sehun coming closer, and he not-so-subtly nudged the other to get his attention. Raising his head, Jongin briefly locked eyes with Sehun, then quickly turned to his friend in order to whisper something in his ear. Sehun stopped when he reached their feet, looking down at them.

“Hi, these girls over there stole my spot. Can I sit with you?” he asked, staring at Jongin who was looking more and more flustered the longer Sehun held his gaze.

“Sure! My name's Kyungsoo, by the way,” said boy introduced himself with a bright smile.

“Sehun, nice to meet you,” he bowed his head slightly as he sat across from them.

“Oh, I know who you are,” he stated smugly, then laughed when Jongin frowned and gave him a light slap on the thigh.

Sehun raised an eyebrow. “Anyway, have you guys caught anything interesting around here?”

Jongin finally opened his mouth to utter excitedly. “Yeah! There's lure around the fountain, so it attracts a lot of cool Pokémons. All we have to do is sit and wait,” he hesitated before shifting closer to Sehun to show him his phone. “Look, I got a Jolteon CP 927 like ten minutes ago,” he pouted as he let the newcomer scroll through his Pokémons. “I wish they would have included Sylveon and Leafeon, they're so much cuter.”

Sehun made no comment as he noticed that Jongin seemed to collect only the cute and girly Pokémons, although they all seemed like formidable opponents. He gave him his phone back.

“You have a great collection of powerful Pokémons! I have a feeling we could all be great friends, but I need to know something first”, he added the last part with a serious tone.

“What is it?” Kyungsoo demanded with apprehension.

“What team are you on?” Sehun finally asked, after a few seconds of suspense.

“I chose Mystic,” the shortest informed him.

“I'm fighting for Instinct!” Jongin grinned proudly, making a peace sign with his hand.

Sehun grimaced. Just like that girl.

“Well, I guess we're all against each other,” he said cheerfully to try and hide his dislike of Jongin's team. “But that's alright. Competition is good!”

Jongin let out a relieved sigh upon knowing that Sehun wouldn't reject their friendship because of their different choice of teams. Sehun unlocked his phone to get back onto the game, making sure to hide his screen from the other two's view. It's time to d-d-duel! Oh, wrong anime. As always, he picked a different Pokémon than the day before. It wasn't random, though, Sehun tried to confront opposed types and abilities (he knew that poison and steel were the weaknesses of fairy types like Wigglytuff), hoping that one day his strategy would make him win. His other option would be to obtain a Pokémon surpassing the other's CP, but he had yet to find or create one. Praying silently as the battle was engaged, his eyes stared intently at his screen. Across from him, Jongin let out a small snort, Kyungsoo asking “Again?” and Jongin nodding, but Sehun paid no mind to the exchange. He moaned miserably and threw his arms into the air in defeat when his Arbok lamentably failed for the fifth time.

“What happened?” Jongin asked curiously.

“Nothing,” Sehun cleared his throat. “There was a Geodude and I lost him,” he lied easily.

“It's alright, they come here often,” Jongin reassured him with a bright smile.

Sehun blinked, momentarily blinded by such a charming grin. “Oh, I see. Thanks.”



From this day on, Sehun began to ignore his usual bench in favour of sitting with Jongin and Kyungsoo whenever they would come. They had spent so many afternoons together that Baekhyun was starting to get jealous, repeating that his decision of telling his best friend about Jongin's little infatuation was the biggest mistake of his life. The three of them didn't always play Pokémon Go, though. In fact, it had been a while since Sehun had last tried to defeat the owner of Wigglytuff. He hadn't managed to identify her either. He was simply too caught up in their conversation that he couldn't do both things at the same time. They talked about anything and everything, making the best of every topic to get to know each other better. Sometimes, Kyungsoo's words seemed to have a hidden meaning that only Jongin could catch, but Sehun didn't blame them: they were best friends after all, he was bound to be left out on some private things. He truly enjoyed speaking with them, although he had to admit that he liked talking with Jongin the most. He was as dorky as Baekhyun had said, especially when he laughed, but Sehun thought that it was endearing. Today, however, he had woken up earlier than usual and decided to walk around the park instead of lazing around in his bed. He had always seen Kyungsoo and Jongin together, and was therefore surprised to see a lone mop of honey hair belonging to a familiar young man seemingly asleep at the moment, lying in the grass with a book covering his face. Sehun halted in his steps, feeling his heartbeat speed up considerably without his consent. There was no doubt that this hair and sun-kissed skin belonged to Jongin, Sehun had stared at it long enough to be able to distinguish it in the middle of a crowd. He knew that under this book were hidden the prettiest chocolate eyes, the cutest nose, and the most attractive lips he had ever seen. Sehun soundlessly crouched next to the sleeping young man, and carefully removed the book from his face. He used that opportunity to get a good look at him, registering every subtle detail of his face in his mind. Sehun smiled softly before poking him in the ribs harshly.

“Hey, sleeping beauty. Sorry, I couldn't find any suitor willing to kiss you awake so I just poked you,” he grinned mischievously.

Jongin quickly sprang up, almost bumping his head against Sehun's nose. “S-Sehun? You scared me!”

“Hello to you, too!” Sehun greeted cheerfully. “Where's Kyungsoo?”

“Oh, he's... sick,” he answered, shifting awkwardly. He couldn't tell him that his best friend had forced him to come on his own, and even hit him on the head saying that he “wouldn't go anywhere lest he finally managed to ask Sehun out”. But Jongin wouldn't do that, he couldn't. Sure, he had never been this close to his crush in the previous years, but he didn't feel like Sehun felt any romantic interest towards him.

“Oh, well, I hope he'll get better soon,” Sehun wished, although he was glad to be able to spend some alone time with the other. Jongin was relieved he didn't seem to have seen through his lie. “Mind if we take a walk around the park together, then? It's been a while since I went hunting,” he suggested.

“Sure!” Jongin agreed with that signature charming smile of his.

Sehun straightened and they both headed to the garden part of the park, where there were the most PokéStops with lure. They chatted freely as they kept an eye on their screen, laughing about an anecdote Sehun was telling about the unfortunate life of Byun Baekhyun. He was recounting the time his best friend and him went to the park with Jjangu, one of his dogs. The poodle was in a playful mood that day, but they had forgotten to take his ball with them, so Baekhyun had decided to make an experiment. He raised his empty hand and pretended to throw something away, cackling as Jjangu set off barking after the non-existent object. However, he quickly stopped laughing when the small dog came back with a Frisbee in his mouth, and a crying kid with his angry father chasing after him.

“I hope...” Jongin began, struggling to catch his breath from laughing too much. “You'll introduce us one day.”

“Of course,” Sehun replied, snorting at the memory of a younger Baekhyun shaking as he apologised to the father and his child, and gave them back a Frisbee dripping with dog's slobber. “But you can't say that I told you this.”

“I promise,” Jongin chuckled one last time. “I wouldn't want him to hate me.”

“Hey, hold on a second, I need to do something real quick,” Sehun requested as they neared the gym of his desires.

It had been days since he had last challenged “Nini”, and he somehow felt like today was his lucky day. He had just gotten a Nidoking CP 2475, poison type, and he felt confident in his victory. While Jongin kept an eye out for Pokémons, he engaged a battle against Wigglytuff.

“I'll get you this time...” he whispered under his breath.

“Oh?” Jongin suddenly made a surprised noise.

“Hm?” Sehun said, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was only half-paying attention to his surroundings.

“There's this guy who's been trying to take my gym everyday around the same time, and I thought he had given up but he came back today, how strange...” Jongin explained, frowning as he saw the small lightning bolts indicating that his gym was being attacked.

“Wait, what?” Sehun lifted his head to stare at his friend in disbelief. “Are y-” he began to ask but quickly forgot about what he was going to say when he felt his phone vibrate. He couldn't immediately process the information when the notification signalling the end of the battle popped up on his screen. “Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Jongin! I won! I BEAT HER!” he jumped and yelled, completely ecstatic, even throwing an arm around Jongin's shoulder to hug him. The latter remained unresponsive, letting Sehun have his way with him. “Wait a second, now I need to claim it,” he hastened to place his most powerful Gyarados, and marvelled as he witnessed the gym slowly taking a vibrant shade of red, the colour of team Valor. He laughed in disbelief, knowing that he must appear to be mad to other people but not caring at the moment.

“Sehun, that was my gym,” Jongin dropped, unfolding the truth.

“What?” said young man's joyous mood and laughter died down as abruptly as they had come. “What do you mean your gym? Which one?” he frowned, hoping that he meant one of the farther gyms on the map, but none of them were yellow-coloured.

“The one you just took over,” Jongin pouted slightly. “You beat my favourite Wigglytuff.”

Sehun gaped at his friend with a shocked expression, only making some incoherent gurgling noises.

“You're Nini?” he asked for confirmation in a strangled voice. “But she's a girl!” he argued.

“Well, in a way you're not wrong... I picked the female character because I didn't like the hairstyle of the male one,” Jongin admitted sheepishly, shifting uneasily under Sehun's astonished gaze.

“Bloody hell, I can't believe you were the one I've been hating on this all time,” he exclaimed, not realising the harshness of his words and the impact they had on Jongin.

Jongin's face fell, and his shoulders slumped. “Oh,” he said in a tone devoid of any emotions.

“No, wait, that's not what I meant!” Sehun tried to clear the misunderstanding. “I don't hate you, alright? In fact, that's quite the contrary.”

“What do you mean?” Jongin asked with a hint of hope in his voice.

“Well, this isn't how I had planned to tell you, but... I really like you,” Sehun bit his lower lip. “And I know you like me too, Bae- Someone told me,” he admitted, rubbing his neck embarrassingly.

Jongin felt his cheeks burn and he wished the tip of his ears hadn't flushed pink. “You knew? This is so embarrassing,” he whined, hiding his face in his hands. “I feel like a fool!”

“Ah, no, it's my fault! Let me get a Pikachu,” Sehun pried Jongin's hands away from his face. “I just thought you would be uncomfortable if I had told you that I was aware of your feelings.”

Jongin stayed silent, not having any clue as to what to reply to the sudden confession. Sehun was holding his gaze, his eyes searching deep inside Jongin's. The world around them had quieted down, they were no longer aware of children running, parents shouting, nor birds singing. Slowly, Sehun leaned down to place his lips on Jongin's soft pair. It was only a chaste kiss, an innocent lip-lock holding the promise of many other ones to come.

“Gotcha,” Sehun whispered against his lips with a gleam of happiness dancing in his eyes.



“Hey, may I Axew a question?” Jongin asked a moment later as they were sitting on a patch of shadowed grass.

Sehun hummed, not commenting on the obvious Pokémon pun.

“Now that you've captured my heart, are you going to Ketchum all?”

“No, only you,” Sehun couldn't help but roll his eyes at the ridiculous pun.

“Wynaut?” Jongin went on.

“Because you're Budewtiful. Now enough with the Pokémon puns, they're kind of Krabby,” Sehun planted a kiss on his lips to shut him up.

“Absol-utely not. And you asked Furret first.”



*Dal.komm Coffee is a coffee chain in South Korea.

Author's note (August 1st, 2016): Thank you for reading. It hasn't been proofread yet. I'm French, so I had to look up most of the Pokémon's english names, tell me if there are any mistakes. I don't know if it's the same in other countries, but in France, towns are full of Rattatas and Pidgeys, it's so annoying! I could make a barbecue out of all of them. Also, I mostly use the game to collect Pokémons and I've rarely fought in gyms, so I know nothing about the battles. I even had to ask some things to my little brother! Moreover, I made some researches online to check the maximum CP of each Pokémon, and if you do the same you will perhaps notice that Wigglytuff cannot reach the CP stated in the story, but I needed it to be higher for plot purposes. The final puns were taken from, because I obviously cannot come up with any puns since I don't know the Pokémons' names.

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blurzpoo #1
Chapter 1: Awwww
This was beautiful n soooo cute
Chapter 1: this is such a cute story and sekai is my otp and pokemon go was literally all i thought about the week it came out lol
also yea where i live (in canada) its ing flooded with drowzees zubats ratatas and pidgeys
seriously all the local gyms use hypnos (the drowzee evolution)
BabyEri #3
Chapter 1: Yeah my place is full of rattata and pidgey that i just ignore them now hahaha
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 1: Gosh, this is so lovely sweet, nice catch here
aleejm #5
Chapter 1: lmao those pokemon puns are so cringy, this was so cuteeeeee and hilarious, I LOVEEEEEE IT , thank you so much for writing it! ❤
Chapter 1: Lmao this is soo cuteee !
Jongin choose a female character bcs he don't like the male one XD
Chapter 1: this is sooo cute and fluffy!! xD love it so much TT
2492 streak #8
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this is everything and more than I could have ever wanted in a Pokemon Go AU!! :D Great story!! ^^
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 1: This was the cutest omg hahaha and yrybfor pokemon go players XDD
Chapter 1: This is ;ike the cutest fic ever after a while im staying away from sekai now