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“have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you’ve met them before?” – Jo Anne Kenrick –


At Jihyo’s House...

Nayeon open door without permission, she know password. She run to Jihyo who holding a pen and singing. Nayeon without thinking twice, join to sing. Their mind is out.

There’s something about the way that you smile

Something about the way you hold me

I’m falling babe, i’m falling for you

Falling crazy in love

Something about how i’m feeling inside

I can’t forget the day you told me

I’m falling babe, i’m falling for you

Falling carzy in love

Like usual, they always express their feeling with song. They sing while smiling like idiot, nayeon use remote tv as mic. They sing falling crazy in love – Jessica. After 3x they sang that song, they sit on the floor, their smile still exist. Immediately nayeon run to toilet. Jihyo let her, she walk like a child whom get candy.

Nayeon out from toilet, run straight to tv room. Her eyebrow is raise up. She search something but nowhere. She run to Jihyo whom sit at kitchen. She see jihyo is eating pudding enjoyly.

“My strawberry pudding..Jihyo~ah! I hate you!!” nayeon scream.

Jihyo stratled, the pudding fall on the floor. Nayeon scream louder. “MY PUDDING!!!!”

“YAH!! DON’T SCREAM!! JUST PUDDING, I CAN BUY IT AGAIN!” Jihyo shout louder than nayeon’s scream.

Nayeon  closer to jihyo and strangle. “MY PUDDING IS THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD!!”

“Yah, Nabongs, i can’t breath. Iam sorry.” Jihyo hit nayeon’s arm.

Nayeon sigh and take off her hand from jihyo’s neck. She pouted. Jihyo feel guilty, she didn’t say anything.

“Iam hungry....” nayeon softly, “Did you cooked for me?” Nayeon feel guilty because yelled to jihyo. Jihyo nodded, she take seewead soup on bowl and put on table, exactly in front of nayeon. Nayeon’s eyes enlarged.

Nayeon take spoon and eat, she forget about pudding because seewead soup is her favourit food. “There will be held sing audition?”

Jihyo shake her head. Nayeon ask again, “Jungyeon oppa comeback?”

Jihyo’s big eyes is almost popped, “How’d you know?”

Jihyo~ah, there’s just two reason make you smiling like a stupid, there are sing and jungyeon..Nayeon’s mind.

“How about the pudding?” Jihyo try to change the topic.

Nayeon put the spoon, “PUDDING? Yah..you make me won’t eat again. You must responsible about it!!”

Jihyo rolled eyes because nayeon’s bowl was empty. “Who did give pudding?

Nayeon smile like idiot, “She is pudding..”

Jihyo give up and kick nayeon’s leg. Nayeon reply, “Tell me first jihyo~ah....!”

-Flashback On-

“Jihyo~ah, why don’t nayeon still arrived yet?” jungyeon ask while watch her wristwatch.

“I don’t know jungyeon~ah, she just call me if she has heart attack, so her call is ended” Jihyo never can lie.

Jungyeon decide to comeback first, “Jihyo~ah, do you know Charismatic Cafe?”

Jihyo nod. Jungyeon give discount coupon, “You can come anytime and your coupon never have expiration.”

“hmm..You work at there?”

Jungyeon shake her head, “Actually iam owner, yet i work at there from tomorrow!”

Jihyo nod again, she and jungyeon are in front of door. Jungyeon patted jihyo’s hair, “lock your door, you are alone in home, ok?”

Jihyo just nod again, jungyeon wave her hand and smile widely. A touch from someone who you like always give big effect for you,right? Jihyo die in happines.

-Flashback off-

Jihyo still smile, even she finished the story. Nayeon join smile. She never doubt about jihyo’s feel. Sometime jihyo is jealous from her, because jungyeon treat nayeon like real-close sister. Nayeon still remember jihyo didn’t talk with her until 7 days 7 nights because jungyeon choose accompany nayeon bought book than accompany jihyo bought shoes.

Jihyo rock on nayeon’s body. “Stop daydream, nabong! So, tell me about pudding!!”

“She is my pudding jihyo”, nayeon smile, jhyo rolled eyes. “Pudding, jihyo, pudding”

“what the hell about it!!!” jihyo almost give up, but nayeon grab her hand to order jihyo keep at sit position.

“do you remember, i told about little strawberry pudding?” nayeon tell on fire, her spirit is not joke, she stand on chair. Jihyo think hardly.

Pudding...little pudding...strawberry pudding...? jihyo think harder. “Ah, your first love!!!”

Suddenly nayeon sit, “my first love? No!!! She’s just my first friend when i moved home”

Even nayeon did not admit, jihyo know if pudding is her first love. When jihyo first time saw nayeon, nayeon directly told story about her pudding.

“SO....?” jihyo can’t bear nayeon’s story.

-Flashback on-

“Why don’t you move?” That person take nayeon’s mask and glasses. She put them on nayeon’s face.

Nayeon’s face is so radden, when that person closer to her face to put mask, nayeon is out of her mind.

“You are pudding” nayeon scream happily. She believe about her notion. She still remember about details of pudding’s face.

The pudding girl hold nayeon’s hand. “Where are you going?”

Nayeon’s mind is blank. The pudding girl flick her finger to nayeon’s forehead. Her guess is surely right. There’s no one flick finger, aside pudding girl..nayeon’s excuse.

“i will go to jihyo’s house”, nayeon reply.

The pudding girl leave nayeon in behind, nayeon still in frozen mode because she still can’t believe, she met someone who over 10 years lost from her.  The pudding girl return her body, hold nayeon’s hand. “i haven’t many times.”

They walk to jihyo’s house, hand in hand, nayeon like a child which swaying their hand.

“Oh pudding~ah. In breadstore, aren’t they your friend?” nayeon ask. She won’t start conversation with the past story.

Pudding girl just nod. They enter residence area, “i’ll comeback first.”

Aah...you have many trace and pain at there, why am i so stupid to want you walk with me until there...nayeon mind. Nayeon nod and wave her hand.

After pudding girl take around 10 steps, nayeon shout out “Pudding~ah, i miss you a lot!”

The pudding girl only raise her hand and shape O as code “OK” without return her body.

-Flashback off-

Nayeon ended story with smile. Jihyo also smile, “Hmm,,,such a classic movie. So, will you contact her?”

“i like classic. Classic is art, classic is immortal...contact?” nayeon hit her head, “why do you just reminded me, now? I forget to ask her contact!”

Jihyo bearth heavy, she know nayeon will be stupid when she in hyper happy mode. So, jihyo is watching nayeon walk back and forth with bite her fingernail.



A week later....

Dahyun and chaeyoung is having dinner, “Chaeng~ah, eat your soup!”

“i don’t like vegetable. Eoni should make beef soup, this soup like a river which full leaves fall in the autumn!” chaeyoung whine.

Dahyun sigh, “ eoni will buy slice beef when eoni get salary”.

“why just slice? Eoni~~~ buy whole beef, please” chaeyo

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should i give up on this fanfic (??)


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Chapter 14: Nice
Twicedahyun88 #2
Chapter 9: It's 2018 but i still read it...i love you stories it amazing!!!!!....can i suggest...can you make dahyun be a boy and nayeon be a girl...??..just suggest (sorry for my bad english?)
chaeyu11 #3
Update soon~
hhhhhhhhh #4
Chapter 14: PLEASE update this story.I already fall for this ff.
rusi07 #5
Chapter 13: please continue to update author-nim~ fighting..!
twiceonce #6
Chapter 13: 2NA. cute
chaeyu11 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update authornim
Chapter 13: omgaaah can tuna just pls spare me already XD

yet why is dahyun's dad back? poor dahyun she cant be with nayeon...TT.TT

pls continue this, i want to know what's the reason dayeon cant be together. tysm for updating <3
Chapter 13: mina just date sana please hahaha xd
update soon eoni kekek so curious what dahyun father going to say to nayeon ≧﹏≦