"We're not close"

Wishing on a Star


"Oppaa  are you okay ? are you hurt"
"I .. yes .. no .. I mean I'm fine Mina" Jungkook replied still standing at the same spot looking at the door "I was just cleaning Taehyung's wound "
"hmm...okay .. but why is your face all red like that " she approached him putting her hands on his cheeks "Did you catch a summer cold !!"
Jungkook moved her hands away "I told you that I'm fine already ! Now please go to your room I want to rest !"
Mina was surprised by Jungkook's attitude , she froze in front of him staring at him with teary eyes ; It was the first time ever Jungkook shouted at her like that.
She turned around to leave the room but Jungkook grabbed her wrist and hugged her :
"OMG I'm sorry Mina I'm so sorry , I don't know why I did that , I'm just so tired , please don't cry I'm really sorry"
"Don't worry about me , you can rest now , good night " she smiled forcefully and left the room.
"Why did I do that..." Jungkook was talking to himself while lying in his bed , when the image of Taehyung sitting so close to him made him fall into deep thoughts... again... *letting him touch his lips and telling him that he likes it* why did Taehyung say that ... " I have a feeling things will get really messy ..." , he murmured to himself before falling to sleep deeply .
Meanwhile ...
Taehyung was standing in the elevator , still shocked by what was about to happen.. He unconsciously reached for his lips , still feeling the touch of Jungkook's finger
"I can tell something bad ... really bad ... is going to happen..."
He entered his room to find Jimin waiting for him :
"Tae ! where were you I was so worried !! "
"I'm here Jimini don't worry.."
"OMG look at your lips !" Jimin grabbed Taehyung's chin to take a closer look at his lips "they are injured !!!"
"Don't worry chim I already got it cleaned I just need to put a bandage on it"
"oh.. okay.. "
Taehyung was silent, he didn't even ask Jimin about his date, he usually wouldn't sleep before hearing the detailed date from him but this time he just rolled in his bed under the sheets covering his face
"Tae are you okay ?"
"uhhum .. yeah..."
"Are you sure ? Because it doesn't look like it honestly "
"I'm fine Jimini really I'm just tired from all the things that happened today ...go to sleep man , we have work tomorrow "
"euu... Okay... as you like ... I just wanted to tell you something but I'll tell you tomorrow ..good night Taehyungie "
"okay Jimini good night..."
Taehyung thought he was going to fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes but hell no !! Everything that happened with Jungkook came a cross his mind , from the day of the accident until few minutes ago , his heart aches as the image of Mina appeared in his head
"Stop your gay thoughts Kim Taehyung ! he's got a girlfriend and he's obviously not gay" He paused staring at the ceiling "what am I even thinking , how can someone like him look at someone like me.. " He buried his face in the pillow trying to forget about it and he fell asleep .
                                                                                                               *               *               *              *              *
Today there will be a party at the hotel so everyone was very busy , Taehyung couldn't even find the time to ask Jimin what he was going to tell him last night , he was helping with the preparations and not to forget that he has to serve later during the party. People started gathering at the party ,around the beach bar and Taehyung was doing his work silently and nicely smiling at everyone , that's when the last person he wanted to see came , Jungkook , he looked so nice in a tight black jeans and a fitted white shirt that was near a see-through . Taehyung knew he was in so much trouble when Jungkook was walking toward him
"Oh..Hi Taehyung .."
"Is everything okay ? you seem ..."
Taehyung cut him :
"I'm fine , just too much work that I really need to go back to right now...see you around.."
Taehyung was about to leave when Jungkook suddenly grabbed his wrist :
" !! It's the guy from the club yesterday !! what the is he doing here !! he's coming OMG Taehyung run !!"
The guy spotted them and was coming their way and before even trying to understand what's happening , Taehyung found himself running with Jungkook to the beach bar side where there was a small power boat which was meant to be for the rescue team , Jungkook started the engine and drove into the water . They were in the middle of the sea , nothing but water surrounding them and Taehyung suddenly cursed ..
"Why are cursing !! I just saved our asses from being kicked in public !"
"Yeah right and how are you going to get us out of here now ?"
"Don't be ridiculous I'll call Yoongi hyung and he will send help "
"Yeah.. aren't you forgetting something maybe ? "
it was silent before Jungkook realised :
" !! " he remembered that he had no phone because of yesterday's bee accident
"Great now thanks to you we're lost again ! God what did I do wrong to deserve being with this guy in these kind of situations over and over again !!"
"Ya Taehyung how are we going to get out of here now !"
Taehyung was about to answer when he suddenly stopped "
" ! Please tell me you're the one who stopped the boat !!!"
"What...No I didn't ..." Jungkook panicked "Nooo God !!! why is this happening !! the boat is out of gas !"
"I never thought my death would be this way and with this stupid kid !"
"Hey hey hey you !! watch your mouth ! I've had enough of your insults !"
"Are we really going to fight now ! because if yes I'm ready to ing throw you out of the boat !!"
"yaa calm down man !! I'm not that happy to be with you here too ! chill for God's sake !!"
"CHILL !!! you're asking me to chill !!! " Taehyung raised his voice "yaa Jungkook I'll be fired from my job again you ! and for the third time because of you !"
"No you won't lose your job trust me" Taehyung cut him :
"TRUST YOU!! are you kidding me ! you're the last person in the entire world I want to trust!"
"eeuughhh !! Fine as you like I'm done arguing with you !"
They decided to just sit there and wait for some boat to pass by so they can ask for help.
It was silent , nothing but the sound of some seagulls flying around and the light waves hitting the bottom of the boat , Jungkook was laying on his back staring at the sky and he seems to be having the time of his life while Taehyung is sitting by the edge of the boat gazing at Jungkook and maybe thinking of throwing him to the water
"Stop gazing at me like that , I can feel your gaze all the way from here "
Taehyung didn't say a word and he turned his gaze to the wide blue sea that doesn't seem to have an end. Jungkook got up and sat next to Taehyung staring at him
"You know Taehyung ... just so you know ... I liked that too.."
Taehyung turned his face to find Jungkook sitting close to him
"What ? you liked what exactly ?"
Jungkook hesitated for a while then managed to speak  "About last night...when we were...and you said..you know .."
"Forget about it we were obviously drunk so let's not make a deal out of it"
"euu... as you like .. but let me tell you something..in my case I wasn't even close to drunk " Taehyung looked at him and a smirk appeared on Jungkook's lips
"You weren't ?!"
"I was one hundred percent sober and I'm pretty sure you were sober too "
"well.. I had a few drinks so you can't say I was sober . but still .. I wasn't drunk.."
Jungkook moved closer to Taehyung , their shoulders brushing against each others
"Let me tell you again so..." Jungkook replied with smile on his face as he moves even closer "I liked that too Kim Taehyung"
"You liked what too Jungkook ? " Taehyung asked with a smirk on his lips
Jungkook leaned closer , their faces are now few inches away and as Jungkook opens his mouth to speak , Taehyung couldn't stop himself from staring at his lips
"This..." Jungkook said while moving his finger to touch Taehyung's lips slightly before he felt a smirk on the other boy's lips
"so you liked my lips .. and then what Jungk..." Taehyung didn't finish his sentence before Jungkook pulled him closer , pressing their lips together and Taehyung couldn't resist the soft touch of Jungkook's lips against his , his hands moved to the back of Jungkook's neck while he returns the kiss , it was soft and delicate at first but when Jungkook's hand landed on Taehyung's hip pressing gently , the older couldn't help but bite at the younger's lip gaining a little moan from him which helped on giving him access to Jungkook's mouth , his tongue slides inside the other boy's mouth making him gasp , the kiss has now become messier , the two of them were fighting for domination now but Taehyung suddenly gave up because the boy he's fighting for domination with could be the most devilish boy he has ever met because he moved his hand from the older's hip to his inner thigh threatening to go up . Something suddenly snapped Taehyung out and brought back to reality , he quickly pulled away from the kiss moving Jungkook's hand from his thigh saying :

"Stop ! What are we doing ! this is not right !" He got up moving away but a tight grip on his wrist stopped him

"Why ? why is this isn't right Taehyung ?!"

Taehyung pulled his hand away " You know exactly why Jungkook don't act stupid"
Jungkook was about to answer when Taehyung screamed suddenly :

"It's a boat ! look !! there is a boat ! someone is here " he said and starts waving with his two hands so they can see them "Finally someone is here to help us"

People in the boat noticed them and started getting closer , there was a couple , a young man and a pretty young woman 

"Hello boys " said the man "Is there something wrong ? do you need any help ?"

"Hello " replied Taehyung smiling "Our boat is out of gas and we've been here for maybe one hour now"

"Oh poor thing " said the woman with a soft smile "Come on in , get on the boat , we will help you "

"Really ?" said Jungkook " Thank you so much we really appreciate it !!"

The two of them jumped to the other boat and kept thanking the couple over and over again

"You're welcome boys but let me tell you something" replied the young man "we will take you back to where we're staying because I actually don't know any other way and I'm afraid we will get lost"

"That would be great , it's okay" Taehyung answered always smiling "as long as we get out of here "

The couple were obviously on date but they were nice enough to let Taehyung and Jungkook interrupt it but they weren't bothered at all , they were laughing , hugging and sometimes kissing which made Taehyung think about what happened earlier , he turned his head to look at Jungkook only to find him already staring at him , he looked away nervously biting his lips .

The couple were taking some selfies when Taehyung offered to take a picture of them

"That would be great" The young woman said "so sweet from you thank you young man"

Taehyung smiled at her taking the camera from her and snapping some pictures of the -obviously so in love- couple and when he took enough pictures the woman reached for the camera saying  :

"You too , come on let me take a picture of you two together , you seem very close coming to the sea together "

"NO WE'RE NOT !" Taehyung said "we were... ahh.. it's a long story but we're not even a little bit close so .."

The woman interrupted him when she noticed the hesitation in his voice "Come on !! please , just one picture , it could be a beautiful memory that's all "

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was silent all this time , Jungkook nodded shrugging his shoulder in a way to tell him that it's not a big deal

"Okay..euu ..no problem" Taehyung looked at the woman smiling " I guess we can take a picture "

The woman quickly reached for her bag and grabbed a polaroid camera saying "I'll use this so I can give you your picture "

Taehyung and Jungkook are now standing next to each other awkwardly not even smiling

"You know you need to smile for the picture to look better right ?" the woman said teasing them "and why are you standing like that ? a little closer maybe ? "

Taehyung rolled his eyes before smiling widely and Jungkook moved closer to him , hesitating at first but then sliding his hand over Taehyung's shoulders when he saw his bright boxy smile . It was a really cute picture and Taehyung decided to keep it because for some reason Jungkook doesn't want Mina to see it .

They arrived at a port , the two boys thanked the couple again shaking their hands and wishing them happiness before leaving the boat smiling and bowing at them. They walked away searching for some instructions to help them know where exactly are they

"You know Taehyung.. you won't lose your job .. don't worry okay ?" Jungkook said brushing the back of his neck

"What makes you so sure ? I left during my shift , without asking for permission and also during a party , I'm so getting fired"

"Just don't worry please.. you won't , trust me "

"I told you before that you're the last person I want to trust so.." Taehyung replied with a teasing smile

"eeuughhh .. whatever ..Fine as you like" Jungkook walked faster leaving Taehyung behind " I'll go ask someone in that coffee shop "

Taehyung was standing alone waiting for Jungkook to comeback when their kiss from earlier came across his mind , deep inside he knows that it wasn't right , he knows that Jungkook is not gay , he has a girlfriend , but why did he kiss him , why did had to make it harder for Taehyung because Taehyung likes it , he likes it so much that he swears if he had a chance to do it again , he won't ever let Jungkook go , but he knows it's wrong

"Yah Taehyung !! I'm talking to you !!" screamed Jungkook snapping Taehyung out from his thoughts

"euu..what .. I was... what did you say ?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes saying "we're on the other side of the beach side , it's like a 30 minutes ride so I asked for a phone and I called Yoongi hyung and he said he will come get us"

"Oh okay thank God " Taehyung replied letting out a  sigh he didn't know he was holding until now "Let's wait for him in that coffee shop , the sun is burning here "

"Yeah come on , and let's eat something because I'm starving"

They were sitting in the coffee shop , Jungkook eating a pizza he ordered and Taehyung just drinking a coke , they were silent and it felt awkward so Jungkook decided to break this endless silent

"Hey Taehyung listen.. euu .. I .. " he said with a hesitated tone on his voice "about what happened earlier on the boat..."

"Don't want to talk about Jungkook" Taehyung interrupted him " I told you it was wrong so let's forget about it "

"I know but will you please let me finish " Jungkook replied chasing Taehyung's eyes so he can look him in the eyes while talking " I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry I did that , I don't know what made me do it .. it's just that whenever I'm with you I feel something strange deep inside.. " he said his voice dying out a little at the end of the sentence "But still , I'm sorry for everything , I caused you enough trouble in less than a week "

Taehyung was shocked by each word that left Jungkook's mouth , he never thought the younger would be so soft like this "euu..Well.. don't worry about it ..you don't have to apologize ..it's both our fault so.. "

"So are we good ?" asked Jungkook reaching for Taehyung's hand "we can be friends you know "

"Of course we can" Taehyung shook Jungkook's hand in approval "I mean why not , friends is good"

That's when they heard a voice calling Jungkook's name which happened to be Yoongi , but he's not alone and for some reason Taehyung's heart ached when he saw Mina getting out of the car and running toward Jungkook hugging him tightly and saying

"Why do you keep doing this to me baby ? " Mina said wish a shaky voice preventing herself from crying "I was terrified Jungkook"

Jungkook pressed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her back before going into the back seat of the car .So Taehyung is now sitting on the front seat looking from the window and listening to Jungkook telling the others about what happened , he sneaked a look from the mirror to the back seat only to find Mina and Jungkook hugging and laughing together , he felt something weird , something he never felt before , he wanted to stop the car , get out and walk away from Jungkook and Mina as far as he can but Yoongi's voice snapped back to reality :

"Hey Taehyung be prepared , Jimini is so pissed off , poor thing he was so worried about you" Yoongi laughed "But he swore he'll be kicking your when you go back"

Taehyung smiled looking back to the window , he let out a sigh and said

"I have a feeling he will be kicking my a lot this summer..."

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Thank you for the 44 sub , I'm sorry I haven't been updating but really thank you for subscribing , I appreciate it


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BpDdududdudu #1
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D
Ehpark #2
Chapter 10: I need an update pleaseeee
Chapter 9: Im so excited for next chapter love u :*
kookieofmylife #5
Author-nim please update or at least tell us that u didn't give up the story. I really like the plot so fighting!
lianaidayu #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this!!!! Please update please.. i cant waitttt... great storyline authornim :')
hourourou #7
#1 fan
Bae <3 <3 <3
keep goinggggggggg !!!!!!!!
Tikaii #8
Chapter 3: Kyaaaa...it's really cuteee ^.^
Fighting author_nim...
Can't wait for you to update...