Woo Hyun's problems

Miss Expresso

At class after lunch time

Woo Hyun is the most famous guy at school. Guys at school adore him; girls at school wish to be his girlfriend. As a result, he receives at least 3 confession a day. Even my best friend confess to him but get rejected. 

"(sobs sobs), Mi Young!!!"  Eun Mi came sobbing while walking into the classroom. Eun Mi is my best friend... She just confess to Woo Hyun at lunch time. As usual he got rejected. 

"Aww... don't cry Eun Mi, he rejects every girl at school..." I said giving Eun Mi a bear hug.  "Did he said anything else?"

"He said...  He still have another girl waiting for him..."Eun Mi said while still sobbing. "Mi Young... I'm sad... This is the saddest day in my life!"

"It's alright... ok...There is still tons of good guys out there..."



On the other hand, Woo Hyun walks in the classroom with a paper cup in his hand. I wonder why he collects all my paper cups... Well... I do draw different pictures or patterns on the cups everyday... Maybe he likes the pictures? He pulls out the sticky note and slit it into his note book. As usual... He does everything expressionless...

At Woo Hyun's side...

"Hyung, what is her message today?" L asked Woo Hyun the same question every day after he came back from lunch.

"Let's talk about it at our band practice after school, shall we?" 

''Hyung! Just tell me! Why do I have to wait until band practice, everyday?!"

"Hey... almost all girls in the school are my fangirls... If I talk about this now, this person maybe will get attacked!" Woo Hyun whispers to L.

"Ok ok... Fine..."

I saw Woo Hyun and L whispering to each other... What are they talking about?

Woo Hyun, inside the bus on the way back home after band practice...

He takes out his notebook from his school bag and flips open the page where he sticks all the stiky notes Miss Espresso gave him. He read the latest note he received just now during lunch time. "Problems can be solve easily... If this person is not Myung Soo... Then who is Miss Expresso?" 

Flash Back...

Woo Hyun asked some strange questions to L when tuning his electric guitar.

"Tell me the truth Myung Soo... Are you Miss Espresso?" 

"EH?! HYUNG!!! Are you crazy?! I'm A GUY!"

"If it's not you? Then who will this person be?! You are the only person that I told that I have problems with my parents!"

"Hyung! I swear! I'm not that person! I mean Miss Espresso!" L freak out while explaining to Woo Hyun.

End of flash back

"Sigh... I shouldn't ask Myung Soo such a stupid question... If Miss Espresso is not him... Then who will Miss Expresso be?" Woo Hyun is talking to himself again...

Back at my bedroom...

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling...You may be wondering why I know why I know about his problems right? I swear I'm not his stalker or something... I'm just happen to passby his practice room when Woo Hyun was chating with his band members. His parents doesn't like him to sings or plays the guitar, although he is good at it, his parents still against him to be involve in music...

"Hmm... Why did he collects all my cups and sticky notes?"  

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Kyopta~ :))) SEQUEL!
Hohoho !! This is cute !! But, TOO SHORT ! T_T<br />
Hey ! Sequel ! XD
awwwww... SUPER cuuuuute ~~ :3<br />
sooo sweeeeet~~<br />
jasarana16 #4
Wah~!! There's a sequel!!!
kim_jy #5
really need the sequel..your story is good although it short..keep writing!!! ^^
Althought this is short story, but i like it so much :)
Awww this is too sweet!! I want a sequel for sure! keke ^^
needs a sequel .urgently
kickthetable #9
oh my god! this story is sssoooo cute..<br />
me likey! made my day!
oh my ~~ yes a sequel please! :">