“Pull over. Let me drive for awhile.”

I'll put you and me (in a love story)

Seungcheol vaguely remembers he heard a long sigh from somewhere beside him before someone calls out his name with a somehow demanding tone despite the fact that there is no demand being said.



He tries blinking two times, but the road outside stubbornly still in a blur. He then tries rubbing his eyes with the hand not on the wheel. Everything stays the same and now he has to fight the urge to yawn.

There is another sigh. It’s from the passenger seat beside him.

“This is why you should always listen to me,” says a familiar voice before he recognizes the feeling of a warm finger tapping one of his cheeks rapidly. “Coups. What do you think you are doing?”

Seungcheol casts a sidelong glance to another male on the vehicle. He couldn’t make out his face clearly because 1) his eyes are malfunctioning (or so he thinks) 2) he has this feeling that he shouldn’t turn his attention to another thing other than the road or he would hit another car or worse, another living creature. “Uh… I think I’m driving us back to the dorm?”

“More like wriggling us, or specifically the car, to the dorm.” Seungcheol still has his eyes on the road, but he knows the other is rolling his eyes up. “Coups. Babe. Pull over. Let me drive for a while.”

Seungcheol blinks. This time, his vision magically becomes clearer and before he hits a roadblock, Seungcheol stirs the wheel into different direction. Not so softly. More like slamming it into different direction from surprise. The other lets out a trail of curses.

“I’m sorry, Hannie,” he tries to say apologetically, but he knows it comes out as a mumble. “But, do you even know how to drive?”

Hannie—Yoon Jeonghan, curves his lips up at one side. “I do. Better than you right now, at the least.”

Seungcheol eyes him skeptically from his seat, suddenly remembering a time where the both of them were in a car together just like this, except it was Jeonghan in the driver seat, and they were almost killing three innocent pedestrians as well as destroying someone’s beautiful rose garden.

“Thank you so much for offering, Hannie. I absolutely appreciate it, but you know.”

Knowing fully well what the other is thinking, Jeonghan clicks his tongue in irritation. “If you don’t want me to drive that much, you should’ve listen to me when I said, ‘No, we don’t have to go today. You’re too tired. Let’s just cuddle in the dorm.' Yet what? You acted like a baby.”

“I’m your baby,” Seungcheol tries to sound amused in his sleepy state, “and I’m not very fond of breaking my promise. Especially not if it’s about you.” He then sends his significant other a lopsided smile even though he isn’t sure it comes out as good as he hopes or the other way.

Jeonghan visibly softens. “I love going on dates with you, don’t get me wrong, and today is such a wonderful one,” he says, recalling the lovely dinner they just had several minutes ago, before exhaling a heavy breath. “But we’re not in our trainee days anymore. I understand if we can’t go as often as before. I really do.” He reaches out to runs his fingers through Seungcheol soft dark hair, free from hair dye. The other automatically leans in toward his touch and Jeonghan looks at him with indescribable adoration in his eyes. “I miss spending time with you only, Cheolie. I miss having you all to myself, not sharing you even to our fans, but I can’t be that greedy, can I?”

Seungcheol lips form a smile hearing those words. He eventually slows down the car although not stopping just yet. The roads are getting emptier as the night goes by, so he thinks five seconds of seeing his boyfriend for years’ invariably beautiful features won’t be a problem. He turns around a little bit and lets out a dreamy sigh as he recognizes the look Jeonghan sends him. It’s so overwhelming that he just want to tug the other and let him fall into his embrace, kissing him softly, and never let him go.

“It’s not greedy. I’m yours. All of me belongs to you. Always. Only to you. No need to feel that way.” Seungcheol utters softly.  

“It’s hard,” his lover replies and Seungcheol hears a faint thud as Jeonghan rests his forehead against the window. “It’s hard to look at your fans and remind myself that, ‘No, not any of them, will take him away from me’. I’ve always known it’ll be like that once we debuted, but it’s still hard.”

Seungcheol gives him a low chuckle. Jeonghan turns to look at him with unamused expression. “No one will take me away from you, silly,” he says, drowsiness slowly wearing out of his system. “If anything, I should be the one worried someone might take you from me. Like Jisoo, perhaps.”

The unamused expression morphs into a genuinely surprised one. “I thought we both know Jisoo.” Jeonghan states, voice disbelieving. “He would commit suicide rather than letting himself doing such thing. I though you know that,” he frowns, “that’s why I am okay with him around.”

“But it’s still hurt to know people support you with him,” he pouts sulkily. This time, it’s Jeonghan who cackles seeing how childish his boyfriend can be sometimes despite him being the older one between them.

“There are people who think we look cute too, you know,” answers the other with a light tone. “And we’re secretly official while Jisoo is practically our cupid. Have you forgotten if it’s not because of him, maybe you’d still throwing love-stuck gazes at me without truly saying anything or ing make a move?”

“How can I forget? I have never seen Jisoo being so pissed off about something, recalling how saint he is, until he locked us in the bathroom for a whole night. Up until now, I’m still impressed we didn’t end up ripping each other shirts off that day. I was literally in a bathroom with the star of my inappropriate dreams for nine hours, for crying out loud!”

And when that other member of the 95 line opened the door right at seven o’clock and found them only cuddling in the bathtub, he looked suspiciously disappointed. As if somehow expecting something else.

Church boy my . He inwardly scoffs before rolling his eyes at Seungcheol, again. “That’s because you’re a scaredy-cat without the help of alcohol.”

He remembers clearly their first night was when Seokmin and Seungkwan threw a wild party in their dorm for the thirteen of them on one of their day-offs. There were chaotic dance competitions between Hip Hop and Performance team with Jihoon occasionally called in to represent the Vocal team. Jisoo and him were the judges while Seungkwan and Seokmin, as usual, being the MCs.

Also, you couldn’t forget obstreperous karaoke sessions and glasses of soju for the already coming of age ones except Jisoo and Jun who don’t like alcohol and Soonyoung who can’t drink. The party ended a little bit before the dawn with Seokmin, Dino and the 98 liners sprawled on the floor, sleeping. Jisoo dozed off on the sofa, Jun and Minghao snuggled together, while the rest were… well, having their own good time

Seungcheol chooses to open his mouth before Jeonghan mind starts roaming wildly into what exactly happened that night. But well, he isn’t really helping him. Instead, he successfully turns Jeonghan’s cheeks several shades darker and blood starts racing to his face.

“But well, when I am not a ‘scaredy-cat’, I am pretty good at ing you senseless, aren’t I?”

Without his will, Jeonghan’s mind starts racing into details of what Seungcheol meant by ‘ing him senseless’. Especially in their first night. He also recalls how he woke up that day and saw Seungcheol angelic figure wrapped around him under the sheets. Both of them . And he couldn’t walk properly. And, of course, he also couldn’t forget how hard it is to cover his colorful neck from the managers.

At least he wasn’t the only one with that problem.

Seungcheol, fully knowing where Jeonghan’s mind has drifted to that caused his face reddening, tosses him a wink.

Bastard. Jeonghan face’s feels like it’s caught on fire.

When they have arrived safely in one piece and found out that everyone else are asleep, Seungcheol tugs him to the bathroom all of a sudden before pushing him back to back with the closed door. Seungcheol is smirking like hell when he whispers low to Jeonghan ear.

“Now that I am wide awake because of you, how about we play a little bit and see what’ll Jisoo’s reaction be when he finds us in here this morning?”



The second Jisoo opens his eyes that day after a good night sleep, he should have known letting Chan being the first one to use the bathroom is a bad thing.

a/n: This chapter goes from ‘wtf coups do you even have your license’ (he has) to sappy romance to asdfghjkl in 0.6 second. Wow, Me. Incredible. *sarcasm dripping*

a/n/n: I swear the next ones will be more innocent than this. Pure fluff. Or so I hope.


Que of the day: Can someone please explain to me why I can handle CheolSoo but not JiHan? *crai*

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byeolie_ #1
Chapter 2: oh my goddd I really love this! I loveee the way you write :) Looking forward for your update <3
Also i'm sorry for i do not know how to answer your questions ehe
Chapter 2: like seriously im like dying rn it really is so cute ;A;;
Chapter 2: [dying whale sounds] hnnGGnNGHHhHHhHh this is so cute i was yelling internally all the time :((( the nicknames he called jeonghan :(( cuddlebug :(( SO CUTE.... thanks for the update
Chapter 1: wtf this is so cute :(((( poor chan LMAOOOO also jisoo- church boy my pfftrttttt
i will never not laugh at the video where vernon reads comments and joshua prevented him from reading a dirty one hahahaha
or that fanacc of them in NY and the street performer making a dirty comment and jisoo was the only one in seventeen who laughed pffft
i rly like this so far ;3;;
yoonchoi13 #5
Chapter 1: I love it already! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 1: i have a feeling this story is gonna be so cute <3 cant wait for the next update!!