
Is't Hard to Say I Love You?

“No, it’s not that I can’t fall in love but I choose to not falling in love.”

“And why is that? Oh come on Jiminie, everyone in this campus known you as someone who rejected almost everyone who had confessed to you. At least I’m still befriending with you even after you had rejected me long ago.”

This kind of conversation was not the first one but still the very same answer from the smaller one frustrated the taller one. Jimin, majoring in contemporary dance was known as someone who rejected people the most but with kind manner. The cheerleader team leader, a very beautiful girl with a shiny straight hair tried her luck in confessing but of course Jimin had rejected her. Then the handsome reporter for his college newspaper almost confessed to him but no luck either. Maybe Jimin didn’t like popular guy or girl, that’s what Taehyung thought when Jimin rejected them but when Jimin had the nerve to reject one of the cutest guys in their college left him unspoken.

“I never reject you and you never confess to me. All you had said was I like you a lot and let’s be friend to each other.  And to answer your question, I don’t like people controlling my life and being in couple means I have to let myself being in control.”

“That’s not true. Look at me. Me and Hobi-hyung never control each other life and we are happy.”

“That’s not what you say when you came to me after your fight with hyung last week.”

“Sometimes, couple can fight and say bad thing about each other. That’s what make relationship more fun. We fight and we make up.”

“Look Tae, I’m happy with my life.”

Taehyung wanted to protest more but Hoseok and Yoongi who had sat next to them stopped him and that big pouting on his lip made Hoseok to chuckle because it was cute. It was their lunch time and the cafeteria was crowded with people but luckily Jimin and Taehyung managed to find an empty table for them while waiting for other.

“Namjoon said he can’t join us because he has some errand to do. Jungkookie and Jin-hyung were kind of busy with their fangirl. Tae, stop pouting, although you look cute but I like when you are smiling.”

“ugrhh, I will smile only when Jimin got himself a boyfriend.”

“Ah no, Tae-ah, you know that Jimin will never get himself a boyfriend and please smile for me.”

“No, nope, never until---“

Taehyung stopped talking but smirking while nodding his head as he had something really evil in his mind and everyone knew a new and weird idea will pop out from his mouth sooner. The three of them were looking silently at Taehyung when Jin and Jungkook took their seat. Jin and Jungkook were not familiar with this awkward staring moment between four men decided to break the silent by peppering them with question.

“Yah, what are you doing. Why are you looking at Taehyung like that?” Jin asked them first and the next was Jungkook.

“Hyung, is there something new that we don’t know?”

Silent again and after 5 minutes of no words just staring at each other, Taehyung words left them in shocked. Everyone practically freezing on their seat, especially Jungkook who looked like he was died the moment Taehyung had finished his talk.

“I dare you, Jimin to date Jungkook for a month and if nothing happens between you two, I’ll back up and never mention about having relationship with you anymore. As for Jungkook, if you managed to make Jimin to fall in love with you, I’ll buy you that expensive camera that you really want. So, what do you say?”

“arghh, Taehyung-ah, you know this is ridiculous and I can’t, no I don’t fall in love with my friend. You are my friend and so does Jungkook. Look, this is not something we can make a bet from it.”

“What, are you afraid that you will fall in love me? That’s why you want to back off from this bet, right?”

Jungkook too didn’t know why he was that brave to utter that word. He himself lost his own control of his body as if it control by itself. All Jungkook want to say was that Jimin was right, they were friends and this was bull.

Maybe that sharp as thorn words from Jungkook riled him up and he was shocked too when that words came out from him. It’s was spontaneous without his brain could filter it.

“WHAT? Okay, fine, I will date you for month and I will never fall in love with you. Do you understand that?”

“Okay, then it’s a deal. One month, starting from tomorrow. You will love me. Tae-hyung, you can start to save your money now.”

Jungkook stretched his hand out to Jimin and Jimin took his hand  while staring at him. They both were having an intense staring moment when Namjoon joined them. Sensing the tense aura surround him, he asked Jin who sat beside him.

“What had happened?”

“Well, Jimin and Jungkook is a couple now.”

Jin told him everything and that worried look from Namjoon somehow managed to make Jimin to stop staring at Jungkook to start thinking about this bet again. He was having a second thought but thing couldn’t be reversed back. So, the final solution was just to smile at Namjoon and his eyes were telling Namjoon to not be worried and he will be okay. And Namjoon could only smiled back to him. This secret moment between Jimin and Namjoon failed to get unnoticed by other except for Jungkook who was too immersed in staring at Jimin.




Day 1

“Good morning, hyung.”

Jimin turned his body to face the wall when he felt a hand was shaking his arm and continued to sleep again. Then, the same hand shook his body again and Jimin shrugged him off by telling him to go away. After some seconds, his body was no longer being shaken and he slept again.

After 5 hours of sleeping comfortably while hugging his fluffy pillow, Jimin waked up by the sound of his alarm on his phone. With still closing his eyes, he reached the phone that had lied on the mattress under his pillow. After put the alarm off without opening his eyes successfully, he tighten his hold on the fluffy pillow. But he opened his eyes so fast when he felt that the pillow was hugging him back. He opened his eyes to see a chest in front of him and he let out a high-pitched scream before kicking to whomever that had hugged him hard making the said man to fall down from the bed.

“Ouch, hyung. That was hurt.”

“Jungkook? What are you doing here? And why are you sleeping with me now? How can you enter my room? What time is now?”

“Wow, that was one hell of question from you.”

“Just answer me, you idiot.”

“Okay, okay. First, your roommate let me in 5 hours ago. I wanted to wake you up but you won’t wake up. I was sleepy because I waked up early so that we can have breakfast together. So when you didn’t wake up, I joined you to sleep since your bed was the closest to me.”

“Oh God. What time is now?” Jungkook opened his phone to see the time.


“Already? Don’t you have class today?”

“Hyung, are you that nervous for sleeping with me that left you to lose some memory?”

“What, no. Don’t joke with me.”

“Hyung, today is Saturday. It’s holiday.”

“Owh, yeah, it’s Saturday.”

“Hyung, you should have look the way your roommate open his mouth after I told him that I was your boyfriend. Oh my god, it was so funny and I have to help him to close his mouth back. I doubt he has cramped his mouth with that big opening.”

Jungkook was laughing like a maniac and stopped when Jimin threw him a pillow before ran to the toilet to take his shower. After 15 minutes, Jimin came out with a towel hanging low on his waist. Jungkook almost dropping his phone when the-y-boy-with-that-damn-wet-hair Jimin entered the room walked past him to go to his closet.

Jungkook want to go out but Jimin rejected him because he has lots of assignment to be done. Jungkook, being a good dongsaeng was cancelling their date.

“Why are you still in my room?”

“What? Can’t I be with my boyfriend?”

“Urghh, just don’t interrupt me. I have tons of assignment.”

“Alright, baby.”


Jimin was hiding his blush when he walked to his desk leaving Jungkook alone on the floor. After sitting for a long time on the chair, he switched to sit on floor, lying beside Jungkook before continued writing his assignment. His roommate was having a second heart attack when he went back to his dorm to see Jimin with his head on Jungkook arm while Jungkook was holding Jimin waist. He made his way out without making the two to wake up leaving them alone.

Jimin waked up to be left alone and he couldn’t hide his disappointed face for the whole day. Jimin only realised it when his roommate, Sungjae asked about his never ending frown on his face.

“No, nothing. I’m okay. I’m just stress about my assignment.”




Day 5

Nothing was changing basically but maybe there was only a small change happened between them if they squinted more onto it. They met everyday during lunch and sometimes Jungkook would walked Jimin to his dorm while listening to every story Jimin had told him.

Today was just like another day when they agreed to meet during lunch of course with their other friend too. As usual, Taehyung and Jimin were the first to reach the cafeteria and saved them an empty place. They had a conversation like usual. Nothing was odd, not until when Jungkook made his appearance that left Taehyung to lose in deep thinking.

“Yah! why are you not replying my message? I’ve something to show you.”

Jungkook make his way to sit beside Jimin before giving him the best apologetic smile ever.

“Sorry, my phone is out of battery.”

“Owh, it’s okay. Jungkook-ah, my roommate said that there is a new café open in town. How about we go there this weekend. And they had the best grapefruit tart ever.”

“Really, let’s go.”

“Not now, kookie-ah.”

“I know, babe. Can’t wait to it.”

Then Taehyung whispered something to Hoseok making him to nod at him. Taehyung was very sure that Jimin was not someone who fond of sweet food unlike Jungkook. But it was the first time to Taehyung to hear that Jimin had invited someone to go with him to a cafe filled with lots of sweet thing.

“Err Jimin-ah, today was only the fifth day you’re dating Jungkook, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And maybe I was hearing thing when I heard that you had called Jungkook kookie. Is that his nickname? And babe is your nickname to Jungkook?”

“What? I can call him whatever I want. Besides, Hobi-hyung call you babe too.”

Jungkook answered that instead of Jimin when he saw that Jimin was struggling in finding a right answer.

“Are you two already falling in love to each other?”


Both answered at the same time.




Day 8

Jimin waked up early, one hour before his actually waking up time. He showered and took a very long time in picking a suitable cloth for him to wear. Jimin settled with a pair of black-ripped jean and black and white checkered hoodie with a simple t-shirt as inner cloth.

After 10 minutes walking out of his dorm, he was standing in front of familiar dorm knocking it before waiting for whomever inside to open it.

“Morning, hyung. Is Jungkook still sleeping?”

“Owh Jimin. Morning. Yeah. Why?”

“We have date today.”

Jimin walked pass Namjoon to Jungkook bed before taking his seat on the empty spot on the bed. Waking Jungkook was not an easy task but with some help from Namjoon, finally Jungkook waked up with sending his death glare to Jimin while making his way forcefully to the toilet. Jungkook was ready to go after 30 minutes bickering with Jimin about which t-shirt he should wear.

They were at the café that Jimin had told them after 30 minutes riding a bus with a lot of random conversation like how nice the weather today or how they couldn’t stop from laughing at an old man who was sleeping but snoring very loudly at the same time in the bus.

“Are you sure the grapefruit tart here is delicious?”

“I don’t know too. Just try it first.”

They walked side by side to the counter to make an order.

“One grapefruit tart, One Vanilla Latte, One Tiramisu cheesecake and One Iced Cappucino, please.”

After that they found an empty table and waited for their order.

“Why didn’t you order grapefruit tart for you too?”

“Nah, I don’t really like sweet thing. It’s too sweet and painful.”


“To my teeth.”

“Then bitter taste is not painful?”

“To what?”

“Your throat.”

“No, bitter thing helped to heal a painful heart too.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing. Just my stupid resolution.”

“I don’t understand you. I really don’t”

“Well, you don’t have too.”

“It’s like you never open your heart for someone to see right through you. You never ever for once let me in. it’s like you’re pretending to be who you are now.”

“Jungkook, I’m not inviting you here for us to debate about this kind of thing. I’ve told you before that I choose to not fall in love and allowing my heart to open for someone even if it’s you will never happen. And you too should not open your heart for me.”

“And then why are you doing this? This stupid game of dating. You should’ve ignore it and just let one month pass without even thinking about it.”

“Are you in love with me?”

“No.” Jungkook answered to that the second Jimin asked him.

“It’s just a way to proof that we both can’t be a thing even after trying to date each other.”

“But what if one of us failed in doing so?”

“Then we should try harder from now on to stop it from happening.”

“I really don’t understand you.”

Their conversation about the love thing stopped there. Jungkook found another topic to talk because he knew Jimin was too stubborn to tell he was wrong about this whole dating thing, that maybe they should’ve stopped to proof to everyone he would not let his heart to fall in love.

They spent their time with shopping, watching movie and wandering around the town only to be back to the dorm after taking their dinner.




Saturday was their date time. Sunday was their alone time in which both would spend time to complete unfinished assignment and they only messaged to each other from time to time. Monday to Friday, they would meet during lunch at the same cafeteria along with their other friends. Jimin and Jungkook talked to each other like messaging the night before was not enough. They were in their own world as stated by Hoseok after watching for them in silent.

It was Friday, the fourteenth day when Jungkook told them, merely more to Jimin that he had to go to Norway 10 days. His class had chosen Norway as their suitable place to complete their project. His lecturer had given them one big project to be completed in 3 months as to capture the beauty of the world. And Norway was their final decision. Jungkook will leave on Sunday.

“Why are you only telling us now?”

“What? it’s sudden decision and do I have to tell you everything? Besides, now I’ve told you.”

“Today is Friday and you’ll be leaving on Sunday. Yah why don’t you tell us on Sunday, before you board your damn stupid flight.”

Everyone was looking at Jimin and Jungkook with amused look. This was what we called as couple fight, thought by Taehyung. Jungkook, you’re stupid, Yoongi just shook his head. Ah, young love, Jin smiled at them. They were so cute, Hoseok shipped them hard. Jimin, please love again, Namjoon sighed and stopped looking at him to look at the blue sky above.

“Jimin, just admit it that you are sad because Jungkook won’t be with you for 10 days.”

“Hyung, is that true? Will you miss me when I’m away?”

“NO! bull.”

“I will miss you, so much.”

Taehyung and Hoseok wanted to tease them more but Namjoon stopped them knowing the tension between Jimin and Jungkook. The blushing on Jimin face somehow made Jungkook to feel some sort of relief because maybe, just maybe Jimin was starting to feel something to Jungkook. To say it was love was out of range but slowly Jimin will love him. Jungkook was falling deeply now and he really wanted his love to reciprocate.

Jungkook left to Norway on Sunday and Jimin forced his feet to go and bid him farewell. Jimin didn’t knew why his energy was drowning out the moment Jungkook back disappeared from his sight. The 10 days without Jungkook felt wrong. He talked less and was mopping for the whole days.

“Jimin, what is wrong with you? Jungkook will be back in two days. Stop pouting already.”

Yoongi who couldn’t stand anymore with mopping Jimin straightforwardly confronted him.

“No, I’m not missing him.”

“No one said you miss him.”

“I-I just tired from class. That’s all.”

“Whatever you say Jimin-ah.”




Day 26

Namjoon picked Jungkook at the airport since he was the only person who was free at that time. The other had promised to meet him during dinner. Jungkook was dissappoined a bit to see only Namjoon waiting for him at the arrival.

“Jungkook-ah, can hyung ask you something?”

“Yes, hyung. What is it?”

“Do you love Jimin?”

Jungkook was having war in his mind whether to tell the truth or not. Lying about it won’t bring any good to him but telling the truth could change everything.

“Yes, I love him but I don’t know if Jimin love me back.”

“Jungkook-ah, just try harder to win his heart. It’s not my place to tell you about his feeling but one thing for sure you change him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know him for 4 years already even before we all become friend. I won’t tell you about his past. He will have to tell you about it by himself. Please promise to be by his side always and don’t leave him.”

“Okay. I promise.”

Jungkook didn’t understand what Namjoon tried to tell him but he do knew he will always be by Jimin side and never leave him.

Later that night, Jungkook and Namjoon arrived first at the restaurant which they agreed to meet. Yoongi and Jin came after them. Jimin came later with Taehyung and Hoseok. The moment Jimin saw him, saw his most missed person, he ran to the said man and hugged him. Jungkook was shocked and only to hug him back after he was out from his shocking moment when he heard Taehyung whistled to them. Jimin released first.

“How was your holiday? Was it fun? Have you buy something for me? You look skinnier. Are you eating well there?”

“Jimin, I’m fine. I eat there times a day and it was so fun. Everything is so beautiful and amazing. Yes, I bought you a souvenir.”

“How about us?” Jin asked with sad voice.

“Don’t worry. You all have your own gift.”

Jungkook promised to give them their gift after dinner. The dinner time was filled with Jungkook talking about his journey. Jimin was smiling very wide everytime he heard about Jungkook journey. No longer mopping, Jimin was smiling that sometimes his eyes disappeared. They had finished their dinner and everyone was ready to get their gift.

First, Jungkook gave a shirt with Norway style to Namjoon. A couple bracelet to Hoseok and Taehyung. Jin got a cap, a pink one. Yoongi, who was not really excited at the thought of receiving a gift got 3 pieces of new underwears.

“To replace the underwear that I’ve stole from you before.”

Jimin, the last one who was anticipating it the most received a small box from Jungkook.

“I was wandering alone when I found this. It remind me to you when I saw it.”

Jimin opened the box to see a silver ring in it.

“I hope you like it. I know you like ring.”

Jimin took the ring and put it on his fourth finger. It was a little big for Jimin small finger.

“It’s big.”

“You can wear it on your pinky finger.”

Jimin took the ring out to wear it on his pinky finger.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I like it so much. Thank you.”

He said that but he was crying. Jimin was crying. The tears on Jimin cheek  made Jungkook to panic on his seat. The next thing he knew Jimin was running out after saying sorry to him. Jungkook wanted to chase but Namjoon stopped him.

“Jungkook, let me talk to him. I’ll meet you later.”

Namjoon went out to find Jimin. After 30 minutes, he found Jimin who was alone at the playground. Sitting on the empty swing.

“Jimin, why did you run away?”


“Come here.”

Namjoon opened his arm and Jimin walked to him. Namjoon was hugging the crying Jimin while patting his back to calm him down. When Jimin was no longer crying but sobbing silently, he cupped his face to look at him. Namjoon wiped the tears away and smiled at him.

“Jimin, why are you crying?” His voice was soft and calm.

“I had promised SeungDo to only love him. And now I’ve break that promise. I’m a bad person.”

“Jimin, SeungDo is no longer here. You should have forgotten about him and it is not wrong to love other person. SeungDo will be more than happy to see that you are able to love other.”

“No, it’s wrong. I forgot about him when I’m with Jungkook. I had promised to always remember him.”

“Do you love Jungkook?”

Jimin couldn’t answer that.

“Jimin, you should talk with Jungkook. If you don’t love him, just tell him. And if you do love him, tell him that. He needs to know.”


“Let’s go home.”




Day 30

Jimin was avoiding Jungkook after that night. He no longer hanging around with them during lunch, giving them lots of excuse. Jungkook had enough when now he was standing in front Jimin dorm telling Sungjae, Jimin’s roommate to give them some time alone. Sungjae who still couldn’t accept that Jimin had a boyfriend left his room immediately.

“Jimin, I love you. And I want to spend my future with you.”


“No, hyung listen. I don’t know how but now I’m deeply in love with you. I want to hold you, to hug you, to kiss you and just simply be with you. Do you love me?”

“I-I—I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Let’s stop our bet today. I’m sorry. Please just don’t avoid me. I’ll never annoy you with my feeling. I will bury my love to you deep down my heart. Just be yourself. I can’t stand this awkward situation between us.”

“Jungkook-ah, I-I—I’m sorry.’

“It’s okay.”




The next day, Jungkook acted like usual and Jimin was no longer avoiding him. Jimin looked happy and so did Jungkook. What was wrong with it? Taehyung was fed up everytime he saw Jungkook looking at Jimin sadly when he thought no one was looking. Yoongi had enough everytime he caught Jimin retreated back his hand from touching Jungkook.

Hoseok never missed the time when Jimin told him about the café which sold the best grapefruit tart. Jin had to stop his tear whenever he saw Jimin teary eyes every morning when he greet him before they went to class. Namjoon couldn’t ignore anymore whenever he saw Jimin looked through Jungkook picture every single day.

Namjoon told Jimin to meet him at the playground alone.

“Jimin, SeungDo is dead. Please, let him go and be happy.”

“No, I can’t. I promised him to always love him.”

“Jimin, my brother won’t be happy to see you like this. Broken and unsecure.”

SeungDo was Namjoon brother who had died 4 years ago in an accident. Jimin was his boyfriend and Namjoon knew about Jimin when his brother introduced Jimin to him one day. Jimin and SeungDo had been in relationship for two years before Namjoon met Jimin. They love each other so much and promised to never leave each other.

One sunny day, SeungDo and Jimin had a date. SeungDo wanted to surprise Jimin by buying him a ring, a couple ring. He told Jimin to stay at the traffic light while he crossed the road to go to the shop where he could buy the ring. After buying the perfect ring for them, SeungDo was crossing the road again when suddenly a car came crushing into SeungDo making him to fly before falling on the road. Jimin ran to him and placed SeungDo head on his lap. Jimin was crying hard when he promised SeungDo to love only him and to never forgot about him. His heart stopped beating when SeungDo closed his eyes and his hand went limb.

“Jimin, I know you love Jungkook too. Just think about it. Jungkook love you. You can forget about SeungDo now and start a new life. Jimin, please be alive again.”




Jimin did thought about what Namjoon had told him. He really did but couldn’t bring himself to confess to Jungkook. He was not ready and didn’t know when he would be ready. During lunch, Taehyung and Hoseok told Jimin that they had changed their venue to the rooftop.

Jimin opened the rooftop door and saw Jungkook was standing in front of Yoongi who had held his hand. He moved closer followed by Taehyung and Hoseok from behind.

“Jungkook-ah, I-I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?”


“NO! NO!” Jimin yelled at his spot and every head turned to him.

“What are you trying to say Jimin?” Yoongi asked him.

“No, Jungkook can’t be your boyfriend.”


“Because I-I—“

“Jungkook-ah, don’t worry. I’ll make you happy. Just be with me.”

“Yoongi-hyung, I love you too.”

That word from Jungkook left Jimin to gasp for air and he couldn’t stop his leg from running to stop Jungkook when he saw Jungkook leaned his face forward to kiss Yoongi. Jungkook face was one centimetre away from Yoongi when he grabbed Jungkook wrist to turn his body to him.


“Then do you love me?”


“I’m sorry I can’t love someone who doesn’t love me back.”

Jungkook wanted to turn his body back to Yoongi but then Jimin stopped him by kissing him on the lip. Jungkook blinked his eyes several times and he stopped breathing when Jimin pulled away.

“No, you can’t love anyone else except me. I really want to say that I love you too but I’m afraid that you will leave me alone after I say that. I want to be able to hold, to hug you too. To say that I love you many times until you had enough from hearing that. I want to go date every Saturday and then we can message to each other on Sunday while finishing our assignment. On Monday to Friday, we can meet during lunch. You can wake me up on every morning, I don’t mind it. We can---“

Jungkook kissed Jimin to stop him from talking. Jimin closed his eyes and kissed him back. Jungkook brought his hand to cup Jimin face to deepen the kiss while Jimin linked his hand on Jungkook neck. After some times, they both broke the kiss to get some air. Jimin smiled to Jungkook and Jungkook pecked him several times.

“I love you.” Jungkook confessed again.

They leaned to kiss again but stopped in the middle when Yoongi coughed to signal them that he was still there. Jungkook and Jimin turned to look at him and their other friend while smiling sheepishly.

“Yah Jungkook, I thought you were going to kiss me for real.”

 Yoongi hit Jungkook head hardly making him to jolt forward. This all was Yoongi idea. He told Jungkook that he will confessed his love to Jungkook the moment Jimin opened the door. Jungkook just needed to play along and he really did. Kissing was not in the script and Jungkook could see the panic look on Yoongi eyes when he leaned forward. Jungkook was smirking when he saw from the corner of his eyes that Jimin was running to him and he knew his plan was working.

“You-you plan this?”

“Err, yes. No, no. it’s yoongi---“

“I hate you.”

Jimin make his way to leave Jungkook behind but he managed to grab Jimin wrist before he could reached the door.

“Hyung, no, no, please. I’m sorry. I love you. Please, hyung.”

Then Jimin smiled to him.

“I love you too, idiot. Don’t ever prank me like this again.”

“Did-did you—“

“I love you too Jungkook-ah.”

Jimin linked his hand at Jungkook neck again and Jungkook hug his waist. They leaned to kiss again but then Jimin’s stomach was growling loudly.

“Looks like someone is hungry.”

“Umm, yeah. I’m hungry. So hungry.”

“Anyone want to go eat now?” Jungkook shouted to his friend. Everyone shouted yes simultaneously.





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Chapter 1: Im dead! Seriously im dead! Roarrrrrr this is sooooo soooo soooo cuteee...
elle_ne #2
Chapter 1: it was wonderful as always ^_^
Chapter 1: This one shot story is sooo goood :)
Like reading one novel in one hour.
Chapter 1: This one soooooo goood :)
Like read one novel in one hour..
mxv0109 #5
Chapter 1: this is sooooo cute I'm dead. I swear jikook are going to be the cause of my death *drowning in jikook love* I like your one shots author-nim they are unique and always make me smile. thank you for writing this beautiful piece of art <3