Pilot (Final)

Lose It
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It had been about four months since Jungkook moved in with Taehyung in America. Because there were two people, the younger had to go to work to be able to support them both.

Taehyung knew Jungkook would have a hard time making a living here not only because he was barely an adult, but Jungkook didn't know much English, which is essentially what everyone spoke in America. So naturally, Taehyung wasn't surprised whenever he saw the other male struggle with communicating in said language.

There were many times Taehyung had to translate for the younger. There were other times where Jungkook would get help from a friend who spoke both languages when Taehyung brushed him off.

The first couple of weeks went well, but as time went on, Jungkook has gradually lost his shine. And as much as Taehyung tried to ignore it, it was just too obvious to go by unnoticed. But Taehyung let it slide every time because Jungkook didn't put up much of a fight about it.

Despite getting up at the same time, Taehyung worked less hours than the younger did, so he came home early and went straight to his PlayStation like he did every day. 

Right when his game started, he heard the door opening to signal Jungkook returning from work.

Ocassionally, Taehyung would drop whatever it was that he was doing to greet him. But most of the time, he ignored Jungkook and continued on with his life. And this time, he did just that.

Not long after the door closes, Taehyung felt a light tap on his shoulder. Too focused on the screen, he only spared a short glance up at the other and quickly switched back to his game. "What?"

"Hyung, could you help me with this?" Jungkook said in Korean.

"Later, Kook, I'm busy right now," Taehyung replied, eyes never leaving the screen.

"Tae, please," Taehyung heard Jungkook stress behind him, "This is urgent, it'll only take two seconds."

"I said later, I'm busy right now."


Taehyung banged his controller against the table. "Jungkook, I swear to ing God, what part of 'later' do you not understand? Go bother someone else for 's sake!"

There was a marked silence on the other side of the couch. Taehyung didn't know Jungkook left until he heard the bedroom door shut from a distance. 

The other team won.


"Jungkook, you're not gonna eat?" Taehyung yelled from the kitchen. 

The 'no' from inside the bedroom was awfully belated, but Taehyung let that slide since he was still aggravated from earlier. He blamed Jungkook for this loss anyway. It won't be his fault if the brat starved to death. 

Taehyung ate alone. It was a rare feeling to say the least, having no one to talk to. Usually, Jungkook was there to ramble about small topics, like how Jimin would buy him his favorite boba flavour back in Korea, while Taehyung stayed quiet and listened to the younger running his mouth.

Taehyung quickly lost his appetite and wrapped up his half-eaten bowl.

Jungkook was already in the shower when Taehyung entered the shared bedroom. Deciding he needed to wash up too, Taehyung sat on the bed until he heard the water turn off. 

The door opened, and Taehyung heard a lo

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Chapter 1: Damn Taehyung you idiot. The least you could do every ing time Jungkook goes home is to actually ask how his day was or at least check on him. Gosh! My heart clenched when Jungkook called himself stupid. BABY NO =(((