Chapter 2 - The introduction


Before I could react to Rimmi, we turned hearing heavy footsteps from down the hallway becoming louder as it neared the door of the front of the house. The footsteps were distinct and quite heavy, heavy expensive leather padded oxford shoes came into view. A slim muscular figure entered the door blocking the light that use to grace the hallway where Rimmi and I were standing. The other girls were crowding the large arch way that divided the hallway from the livingroom. Rae was holding Lulu and ensured that the girls came no further into the hallway. The figure came closer. The man was younger than Mr Oh. His suit was more trendy and made sure to show his muscular body. He was tanned, jet black hair, chocolate cresant eyes and plump lips. I could hear the girls awe at the sight of him. I looked over at them. Rae's eyes widen at him, frozen holding Lulu. The older girls kept their eyes on him as if he were an angel and the little ones were confused looking back an forth from me and the man. I held the tray tight towards me and involuntarily I stepped in front of Rimmi, to protect her? To shield her from who I presume to be dangerous? Who was he? He was probaly with Mr Oh and Oh Sehun. He just came in the house without knocking, without waiting for someone to allow him inside, what hid behind the tux was not a gentlemen. Where was his manners?. He walked towards us and I remained silent waiting for him to make the first move. 

"Where is my father?" He said in a formal tone. My thoughts confirmed. His father was Mr Oh. He couldn't mean Sehun, he looked older by only a few years. I waved the tray towards the dinning room not noticing I almost dropped the kettle. To my relief, the man held the tray preventing the contents from falling to the ground. How embaressing? He looked up at me and smiled, a white pearly beautiful smile. He seemed as friendly as his father. 

"I'm sorry" I spoke, smiling apologetically.

"Oh Jongin" Rimmi spoke behind me, lifting on her tip toes to see above my shoulder. The man smile never faltered as he looked from Rimmi and I to the girls in the livingroom. I could hear Rimmi quietly squeal behind me and softly hopping up and down while Rae was smiling brightly at him. I could tell my sisters were falling head over heels for him. I bit my lip to stiffle my giggle. He smiled and moved towards the dinningroom. After he had entered the room Rimmi and Rae squealed louder. I looked back and forth at them not understanding their excitment. He was gorgeous but not worth having a seizure over, unlike my sisters. Rae walked towards us still holding Lulu.

"I can't believe both Oh brothers are here" Rae giggled lightly swaying Lulu in her excitment. I still looked confused and Rimmi sighed.

"Oh Jongin aka Kai is the second most wanted bachelor underneath his brother." My sister explained. That's all I really needed. Looks and money. I didn't want to hear more. I nodded and then the kettle shocked me. The heat from the metal came in contact with my hand holding the tray. The kettle had moved when I almost dropped it. I needed to get the heat away from me and give it to the visitors before it become cold. 

"Take the girls to the livingroom and stay there." I instructed my sisters.

"Can I give the tea to our guests?" Rimmi asked and Rae nodded her head in agreement. I gave in. My sisters desired to have a glimpse at the Oh brothers and I wasn't interested so I moved the tray to Rimmi who smiled wider. 

"Ms Song" A man called from the door. Our three heads turned towards him. It was Oh Jongin who stood on the other side of the door frame of the dinningroom. 

"Yes" My sisters and I replied in unison. Oh Jongin looked confused and furrowed his eyebrows at us.

"We are sisters." I simply explained and his face straightened. 

"Right I see. Song Aeri. The other employee at this orphanage." He called out. I raised my hand slightly and his gaze focused on me. 

"My father is calling you. We all must discuss something, which includes you too, as an employee... alone" He told me then the door closed as he made his way inside. My sisters high rise shoulders fell and I gave them a small smile. 

"Watch the children. You can see them later when they leave" I said in hushed tone and the lit up in excitment. They unwillingly did as they were told and sat with the girls in the livingroom. I turned my attention to the diningroom door and took a deep breath. Freeing my fingers I lightly knocked on the door. All murmurs and moving I could hear fell. The knob turned and the driver whom I saw outside opened the door and urshered me in. I smiled and said a small thank you and entered the room. The diningroom was all wood and large to fit all the girls. But the change from breakfast to now, struck me. The curtains were drawn, expensive cutlery we only used for occasions were out and the room was brightened by candles. It was onimous with the men in suits looking towards me. 


Mr Oh was at the top of the table with auntie Victoria at his left and Oh Jongin at his right. Sehun was a few chairs down from his brother. Unlike the others, Sehun sat lazily in his chair and his face showed me there were hundreds of places he'd rather be than here. He looked up at me and gave me a disgusted look. As if I had annoyed him, as if I was unworthy of him. 

"Song Aeri, please come and sit with us. We have matters to discuss with both you and Ms Jung." Mr Oh's voice was strict and low. I almost shuddered but all I did was nodded and went to sit beside auntie. She seemed worried as she fidgeted with her hands beneath the table.

"Ms Song, I have just explained to Ms Jung about the reason for our visit. We have come here personally to delieve terrible news. The organisation, though successful has had its setback. Therefore we have to make cut to some of the orphanages whom we support financially. Unfortunately, this orphanage is one of them." He spoke. I was angered by his words. I was appauled at his lack for remorse in his expression or his words. This was my home. This is my sisters home and the girls. 

"I'm sorry. I don't quite understand." I said in a stern tone. I was angry but I held it in. These were people who had power. Getting on their bad side and leaving clean was not possible. From down the table I heard Oh Sehun groan in annoyance and I saw him roll his eyes. His eyes then darted towards me. 

"We have money. A wealthy empire. Our empire did not grow by giving away money. Especially to run down places such as this orphanage, so we will stop giving money to this place and it will close down" I heard auntie Victoria sob at Sehun's words. His words were slow obviously suggesting that I'm too dumb enough to follow along. I patted auntie's back to calm her down. She stood and spoke in sobs. 

" some.... fresh e...xcuse me" She said. Mr Oh nodded and with that she rushed through the other door of the dinningroom which led to the kitchen and the backdoor. She didn't want the girls to see her in that state, my heart crumbled mixed in with rage and I shot back at the Oh family.

"Why would you do that? What is wrong with this place that you cannot support us anymore? How are we any different to the other orphanages that you so 'charitably' support? I assume you men are smart enough to know that finacially supporting orphanages does not expand your empire, so why do it in the first place?" The Oh family was dumbstruck. Mr Oh's eyebrows furrowed and I could tell he was offended by my outburst, Oh Jongin to my surprise was amused but held it back and Sehun's eyes narrowed at me obviously trying to kill me with his gaze. He stood from his seat and placed his palms on the table infront of him, intimidating me with his stare. Then he slammed his palms on the hard wooden table making the cutlery shake from his force making a metal sound and I jumped in my chair. 

"Who are you to speak to us like that? You wouldn't have this life if it wasn't for us" He spoke in a hushed deadly tone. My body froze in fear. I know he would never hurt me physically but I could tell from his expression how much he wanted to. I took a deep breath remembering the girls and opened my mouth to speak to Mr Oh. 

"I apologise. I didn't mean to sound disrespectful or unappeciative. I would just like answers and to possibly negotiate this" I said calmy as if the men were ticking time bombs and my words could easily set them off. 

"Negotiate" Sehun huffed but I didn't look at him. If I had any chance to save the orphanage, Oh Sehun was not the right person to persuade.

"Now now Sehun. She deserves answers and this news would not settle well with anyone" Mr Oh said in a softer tone appeasing his son who I could hear slump back into the chair. Mr Oh turned to me and spoke. 

"I'm sorry dear. But we have to close the orphanage. The stocks are falling and we have to take precautions. Including no wasted money" Mr Oh explained. 

"Wasted money? Your money goes to the foundation and future of girls who have lost everything." I said in a pleaded voice. Mr Oh sighed when Oh Jongin spoke up. 

"We are not closing down all the orphanages. Just some. The small ones in paticular. Then we send the children to the larger ones." Oh Jongin explained to him what seemed like a simple matter. 

"The small orphanages like this one takes in a small amount of children. Then we can pay more individual attention. More like a family. These girls I have helped raised. I am an older sister to them and auntie Victoria is a mother figure to all of us. Being together helps us mend our broken hearts and shattered souls. From the broken lonely infants with no family to finding it here." I said with passion which seemed to grow on the two men next to me. 

"How would you know?" Sehun huffed. I looked towards him with a troubled face. "You're an employee" He stated as if I hadn't known my place. 

"9 years ago my parents died. Leaving me and my two younger sisters with no family, no money no home... nothing. We were sent here and this is our home now and those girls out there, the lady outside and our unnies who have left are our family" I stated back at him. 

"I'm sorry Aeri" My head snapped at Oh Jongin who looked remorseful and shattered by what I just told them. I then realised he used my first name, throwing formalities out the window. I suddenly felt more comfortable with him. I shook my head indicating it was okay. I turned to Mr Oh. 

"Please, if there is anything I can say or do, that will make you change your mind just say so and I will do it" I pleaded almost bursting to tears. I heard Sehun loudly sigh and stood up. 

"Marry me" He said. I thought he was joking or I didn't heard him correctly. I turned to him wiping the tears before they fell over my cheeks. 

"Pardon?" I said. He gave another annoyed expression and rolled his eyes. 

"Marry me, yes or no answer" Sehun shortly replied before carelessly throwing a ring on the solid wood table. The sparkle reflected on the wood. The silver safely held the diamond. It was simple. It was beautiful. It symbolised a bond of love for enternity. With that Sehun left the room. I looked from the door he left from to the engagement ring on the table. 

"Excuse my son. He has to find a wife to be able to get his full inheritance" Mr Oh explained to me. He was now amused. How could he be? His son just proposed for money? 

"Marry for money? Why would you let your son be bound like that?" I asked and his serious demeaur came back. He sat up straight and placed his hands on the table. 

"It is a contract which is bounded by all first born male heirs of the Oh family tree. My great grandfather created it. He created Oh industries but he claimed it wouldn't be so great without the love of his wife. He believed that men would strive with a wife by their side. Therefore our inheritance is locked up until we find a wife." Mr Oh explained. 

"Father why not?" Oh Jongin said as he leaned over the table. His father furrowed his eyebrows at his son. 

"No other respectable girl would marry EXO's infamous playboy. The contract defies time but it has an expiration date which Sehun and I found." Mr Oh shook his head at his son's idea.

"No son, generations has searched for a loop hole in that blasted contract. There are none" Mr Oh spoke in complete denial but Oh Jongin would not take 'no' for an answer and took a piece of thick paper covered in fine ink written italic words from his back pocket. 

"Yes there is. 'Till death do they part'" Jongin read out following the words with his finger and looked at Mr Oh and I expectedly. Although both of us remained in a state of confusion. 

"Are you considering her death?" Mr Oh said in an appauled manner and I felt queazy at this words. Death? They were willing to kill someone for money? 

"Not exactly. The death of Sehun's 'wife', If Aeri was not Aeri. We change her name to something... Nara. Then Nara and Sehun gets married. Sehun gets his inheritance getting the money we need for the orphanage. Then Nara dies and Aeri re-emerges." Oh Jongin said happy with himself and fell back on the chair. Mr Oh seemed to understand his idea and nodded slowly in agreement. 

"That is a manipulative plan." I said grasping the situation. I was still in shock but I knew my morals and my inner self knew that I had to take control. 

"It is but if it goes well and trust me Aeri I will ensure it does. We all get what we want." Jongin tried to persuade me. I can't believe him. He seemed absolutely in love with his plan. How could he be so comfortable in this treachery and defy a sacred contract? If only his great great grandfather was here to slap some sense into him. 

"Marry for money?" I repeated my words again to make them grasp reality. 

"If we gave this offer to girls in EXO they would marry for money. And we would have to give them a heavy sum of money for them to agree and they would have to leave their homes and disappear forever. No girl would want to do that. But you, you are marrying for love" Jongin stated pointing at me. I gave him the 'are you serious?' face. 

" for your sisters, for Ms Jung and for this orphanage. You agree to this plan and this orphanage will continue to be supported by us. You could easily disappear without any trouble. The girls in the orphanage will stick together and still have their bright future and probably more. Maybe a playground in the front of the house or more pretty dresses. More money for their education. For you sisters' future" Oh Jongin's words moved me. A playground would be nice for the girls. They would have more clothes. Rimmi would be able to go to law school and Rae would go on to be a writer. I loved that scenario. My sister's dreams would come true. The girls at the orphanage would have a more priviledged life. But wait. This was ludicris. The plan was crazy and who knows if I could trust these men. 

"I can't. I don't condon lying or manipulating others, as I have told the girls and I am not going to go back on my word." I said firmly. No way in hell am I going to be a part of something so scheming and conniving. I don't want the orphanage to be supported on money so wrongly possesed. 

"Alright, then consider this a 2 week notice. Pack up the girls things and they will be moved in two weeks time to different orphanages. I don't know about Ms Jung. She couldn't afford this place on her own." Mr Oh said and they both got up from their seats and went to the door. Auntie Victoria would habe no place to live. What if she became homeless? No! She didn't deserve to end up like that. This was her home and the reminder of her husband. This was the girls home and they loved her and each other. I could not let that happen. What about my sisters? I have no money to support all 3 of us. What if they were separated too? Before I knew it the word came out of my mouth. 

 "Wait" I said and the two stopped before reaching the door. They hadn't turned but I didn't care. I closed my eyes and came to a decision that would effect my life. 

"This offer was given to me suddenly. Can I think about it?" I asked calmy. I needed time. I needed time to digest everything. I needed time. The heartache, the worry, the anger, the pressure. I was in no state to make a rash condition. 

"Ofcourse" Oh Jongin said and slid a business card to me. I graciously accepted it and gave a small smile. The men left the room and I was left in the dark diningroom to drown in my emotions. I heard the girls saying their goodbyes at the front of the house. I slightly pulled the curtain to see Rimmi talking to Jongin as he got inside the car while Rae still held Lulu surrounded by the girls and waved them as the car disappeared. I turned holding my arm to my eyes as the diamond ring on the table shone brighter from the sunlight. I decided to text Oh Jongin from my phone in my pocket I kept with me at all times just in case there was an accident with one of the girls. 

Aeri: This is Song Aeri. You have forgotten the ring on the table. 

Oh Jongin: That ring could be yours if you say yes. Hold on to it for us and think it over. 

Oh Jongin replied and I took the ring and admired it's clarity when my phone recieved another message. 

Oh Jongin: Also, I advise you not to tell anyone. The less people know the more efficient the plan would carry out and there would be less trouble. 

I agreed, besides I wouldn't be able to face my sister or auntie knowing that they were aware I was a part of a heinous crime.

Aeri: You're right. I will keep it to myself. 




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WeWantSugasSwagHere #1
Chapter 2: Update plzzzzzz , and hope they're gonna fall in love with eachother Aeri and Sehun ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: waiting for your update...plz update soon
soohaehunnie #3
Chapter 2: I hope you update soon ;)
soohaehunnie #4
Chapter 2: Your story is so interesting.