When I met her

When I met her


"The first time I met her was in kindergarten. She was the new child from overseas and at first she was kind of a loner, since all the other kids were scared away by her looks. Grey-ish blue eyes, a small pink mouth, a skin that seemed even whiter than paper and blonde short hair framing her face. She didn't speak korean, but I still wanted to be friends with her. Eventhough I've always been shy and not good with girls, the both of us got along well. I don't remember much of that time, but I'm always seeing her bright smile before me, that smile which she had, when she spotted me after beeing alone before my arrival in the kindergarten.

We grew older, and with months and years passing by she learned the language and finally found a lot of friends. I've always been by her side, and she never forgot about me, although she became pretty popular in primary school. I often recall our talks on the way from and to school, where we would always joke and laugh about everything that came to our mind. After the first year, some other children from the neighbourhood joined our little conversations - when I'm now thinking about it, they were probably joining because of her - and that's how our clique formed.

 We would often go to the playground together and fool around. When primary school ended, we had to say goodbye to each other. She was now attending an all girls school while I and some of our mutual friends attended another junior high. Of course we promised to keep in touch, but that didn't work so well since we now had to study alot and the little free time we had both of us used to meet up with our new friends.

The second time I met her, was when I was already a senior in Junior High. It was more of a meeting by chance. At that time I had only a few friends and they liked to go to that little cafe, and one time we went there again but not as ususal after school but in the evening. She was the waitress, and I recognized her immediately. We talked a little and when she brought me my bill, her number was written on it. After that, we grew closer. We used to talk a lot through the phone and even texted during classes. I liked to go and meet her in the cafe she was working. It was enough for me to just watch her, see her smile and beeing the vivacious girl she's always been.

Then I applied for BigHit and things changed. As you know, I was practicing all the time, it didn't even come to my mind to look at my phone. All I could think about, was to debut. To debut as a member of an idol group and showing off my skills. If it was singing or dancing or rapping - I didn't care. As you can imagine, we lost contact since I never answered her messages."

"Why are you telling us that, all of a sudden Jungkook?", Namjoon asked him after he had finished his story. They were in the dancing room and practicing their new choreography. However, at the moment all of them sat on the ground and took a break. It's been an exhausting day for them all and since it was only 3 pm, they had a few more hours of practice to go.

"Because of the third time I met her", he answered while starring at the ceiling.

Jimin opened his mouth, to ask when the third time was, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Their manager opened the door and walked towards them. "I know you probably don't have time now, but I needed to present you my new assistant, since you will meet her more often in the future. I think Jungkook already told you about her, since he stumbled across us when I toured her through the building.", he indicated someone who was still outside of the room to come in.

A girl entered. Her long dark blonde hair framed her face and the colour matched very well with the big blue-grey eyes she had. She seemed to be rather small (even smaller than Jimin ;) ) and had very pale skin. She bowed and introduced herself. "Hello. I'm the new assistance manager and since I just finished my studies at university, I hope to accustom soon to my new position here. I look forward to working with you."



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