Above Clouds

Waiting in The Wings
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The black haired man turned his head in surprise and let out an awkward smile. “Yeah?” he tried to speak with a little more confidence, but still sounded shaky. His arms were holding the arm rests tightly.

“You’ve been sweating a lot despite the coldness and you’re holding the arm rest too tight. Are you okay?”

Seunghyun nodded without saying any words, hand wiping his sweat before he put his arm on rest again.. Daesung put his palm on his chest and caressed Seunghyun’s backhand, “Thank God you’re okay.”

For a while, he didn’t know what to say and enjoyed the soft caress of the warm hearted man beside him. Seunghyun took a deep breath to loosen himself up.

“I’m sorry to keep you worried about me,” a faint smile was drawn on Seunghyun’s face. “It’s nice to have someone worried about you.”

“Indeed,” he responded. “Besides your anxiety, you seem to have any worries, Seunghyun-ssi…”

“As you could see,” Seunghyun shook his head and pointed his temple. “This almost exploded because it’s filled by worries and problems.”

“Well, they say that the best thing to solve the worries is to talk about it. I’m a stranger, but you could trust me if you want to talk about something. Maybe I could help?”

Seunghyun examined the brunette’s face. To his great surprise, he didn’t find any sign of lies; he seemed sincere when he said that he would help Seunghyun. His face was bright, as if he was a light to Seunghyun’s dark road. The black haired man sighed, slightly agree at the thought that the brunette was a stranger and he might be a great help to Seunghyun.

“So…” Seunghyun started to open his mouth. “Honestly I don’t want to land on the airport later…”

“Excuse me?” the worry was clear on Daesung’s face and Seunghyun laughed.

“I mean, I want to land, but I don’t want to go to finish my business in Japan. Kinda hoping that this plane will go back to Seoul, without landing on Tokyo,” Seunghyun scoffed. “But the chance is small to none, right?”

“You got me a mini heart attack there,” the brunette grinned weakly, then he looked outside the window. The plane was above the cotton candy like clouds, covering some of the sea view they’re supposed to be able to see. His mind was trying to search for appropriate words to answer Seunghyun. He looked back at Seunghyun, “It’s true that the chance is small. But a chance still a chance…”


They were quiet, busy with their own minds after the last sentence from Daesung. When Seunghyun took a glance, the man beside him only played with his fingers, sometimes biting his thumbs as if he was nervous.

Silly, Seunghyun chuckled almost quiet.

It was the first time they met but Daesung had touched him like he knew Seunghyun by heart. The gesture was like his mother’s when she tried to calm down Seunghyun. Minus a warm hug, actually.

A warm hug from a mother.

He missed that, but he was too stubborn to admit.


The thought of going to the blind meeting and married to the girl he didn’t know were enough to stress him. He didn’t want to be with the person he couldn’t love. He didn’t want the marriage like some of his his friends’ –a mere political marriage to expand or strengthen their businesses. He witnessed his friends had affairs, underestimating the value of marriage. Or marriage has no value these days? Seunghyun thought. What will Dad do if I run away from the blind meeting?

“I hope that I am able to know what it’s like to walk on the roads I don’t take so I won’t as terrified as I am now…” Seunghyun sighed. He had thrown the question. He turned his head to see Daesung.

“Eh?” the other man was surprised. He didn’t expect Seunghyun would say something. He tilted his head slightly while looking at Seunghyun. “Excuse me?”

“I hope I know what it’s like to walk on the roads I don’t take…”

It was a sudden question and Daesung took some seconds to say something. His eyes rolled, as if he was rummaging through some special book of words in his head. The corner of his mouth arched up when he responded to Seunghyun, “But what’s the surprise if you’re able to know the feeling? You will choose the safest road to your destination –I guarantee it.”

“Why did you say that?”

“The need of certainty and assurance,” the brunette sighed. “Why choose a rocky road when there is a smooth road to take?”

The black haired man nodded slightly.

“The future is sure a scary thing. It can’t be seen from the present, but you could project what you want to be or want to do at the future,”

“But some people work hard to get at the point they project themselves, which is the peak of success, but they don’t get to that point anyway. For example—” Seunghyun pointed at himself, “—me. I believe I’m trying hard to cure myself from my anxiety attack, but I am not able to reach the point that I can relax before the plane takes off. I’m sick of people seeing me as the weird man in the plane…”

“If working hard is the standard, I think the people on the mining site will be the ones with the most money or the rich ones,” a faint smile was drawn on his face and a sigh escaped from his mouth. “As for your

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daesung2689 #1
Chapter 5: i want to write 'sequel please'


forget it
Hinatory #2
Chapter 5: Seunghyun will hide at dae's place from his family while eating all the vanilla ice cream. Daesung is happy that he finally has someone who doesn't judge his huge Lego collection and they live happily until they die XD
Chapter 5: sequel please..... why u stop here N chan????? TT TT
Chapter 5: forever and ever happily together together..such a wonderful story..please a sequel
eunzai #5
Chapter 5: A sequel, please? /giving puppy eyes and tail wagging.. hehe
Thank you so much, N.
Chapter 5: they will talk on the phone, meet somewhere sometime in Japan, still get in touch when they're back to Korea. After a while there will be read dates, and bam, we'll have Todae couple kkkk

My dear Authornim, this MUST have a sequel. Maybe a dramatic and fluffy and ty sequel kkkk
sayasayangtodae #7
Chapter 5: Is it finished already? I hope it s finished for this chapter. They would be a good friend first of cos before escalated to something else
sayasayangtodae #8
Chapter 5: Is it finished already? I hope it s finished for this chapter. They would be a good friend first of cos before escalated to something else
Spunky3012 #9
Chapter 5: NOÒOOOO.. i don't want this to end... its soooo sweeettttt
Please make a continuation on this nad..