Third Times A Charm
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Over the next few days, Mark and Donghyuck try to get along. Sure they fight, but one of them always, albeit reluctantly, apologizes the other. Their parents were pleased to see how they try to get along.


On Sunday, it was Donghyuck's turn for his session. Donghyuck arrived at 10:00 AM sharp, and entered the familiar room.


"Good morning,Donghyuck."


"Good morning Hyejin noona." Donghyuck responded before taking a seat on the couch.


"How was your week?" Hyejin asked.


Donghyuck shrugged. "I don't know. Really confusing?"


"Confusing? Why was that?"


"Because of Mark! All my life, I've been fighting with him! Now all of a sudden, he's talking about being friends! Like, who does that?!" Donghyuck really didn't know what he was saying, but he was just letting everything out. When Mark came to him, Donghyuck was utterly confused. He didn't see where Mark was coming from, and that scares him a little.


"I see. Donghyuck, do you want to be friends with him?" Hyejin questioned.


"I don't know, maybe? I mean, Mark is an okay person, but it's so weird."


"I know it's weird, but you'll get used to it eventually. Now how about we move on to our exercises?"


"Okay sure." Donghyuck said.


"Okay, let's play word association. I'm going to say a word, then you'll say the a first word that comes to mind, okay?"


Donghyuck nodded, "Okay."


"Alright let's start with this word. School."


"Work." Donghyuck answered instantly.






"Beautiful." Hyejin said next.


Donghyuck hesitated before saying, "Flowers."


Hyejin looked at him skeptically. "Donghyuck, let's not hesitate, okay? You don't even have to think."




"Alright. Next word, scared."


"Gay." Donghyuck blurted out before he realized what he said and slapped his hand over his mouth.


"I didn't mean to say that."


Hyejin shook her head. "No, I think you did mean to. Tell me Donghyuck, are you gay?"


Donghyuck sighed. "I don't want to be. Really."


"What do you mean?"


"Well, there's this… guy I like. And I really didn't mean to, but I ended up falling for him."


"And you're scared because of that?" Hyejin asked.


"Kind of. I just don't know how to feel. I've never been the type of person to feel self conscious, so I say and do some things that I really don't mean, just to cover up how I'm really feeling." Confessed Donghyuck.


"I see. Does anyone know about you being gay?"

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uwutrashh #1
Chapter 2: This is really amazing
Chapter 16: Before i read this..can u tell me who is the seme and uke
_usernamenotfound #3
Chapter 17: SO CUTE OMG UWU!!! Can't wait for your upcoming story,
jonginnie89 #4
Chapter 17: I really love the story!!
Thank you for the great story ???
eunhae4eva #5
Chapter 16: Yassss.. this was a good read ! It's short. But sweet. Thank you author-nim xx
eunhae4eva #6
Chapter 14: Annndddddd just like that we're back to square one
eunhae4eva #7
eunhae4eva #8
Chapter 10: I love this demanding Hyuck , like "Boy if you don't give me some body heat right now I swear I'll cuddle you to death" lol.. and WHAT IS THIS ABOUT KISSING DONGHYUCK! That's some brave son
eunhae4eva #9
Chapter 8: Oh gawd Mark will so regret leaving Donghyuck alone now
eunhae4eva #10
Chapter 7: It's usually like that huh ? When you're cornered about feelings that you don't want to admit you end up saying things that you'll regret ... well if it's any indication I think Mark's walk off is confirmation that this isn't just a one sided situation and that they're both dumb for not realizing their love for each other ... but yeah Hyuck that was harsh