Tale 5 : LightUp Entertainment

The Tale of a Second Chance

17 January 2017 (Tuesday), 12.30 p.m.

Me and Cassie entered into a restaurant together.


Cassie : Where do you want to sit?

Sejin : By the window.


At this point, I did not even realize that I have been speaking in English. I guess I was too excited inside because I finally found someone I could speak with in that language.

We walked towards the table by the window and sat across to each other. Immediately, we went to look at the menu.


Cassie : You're paying, right?

Sejin : Yes, so please stop reminding me.


A hint of regret came out of my voice, which made Cassie laugh. I sighed as I had to accept the consequences of my action.

Soon enough, a waiter came over to our table.


Waiter : What will you both be having?

Cassie : Bulgogi with rice, and cold tea.

Sejin : Gimbap and warm tea.


The waiter took our orders and went to the kitchen.

As soon as the waiter left, Cassie giggled.


Sejin : Are you laughing about the tea?

Cassie : It's just so weird how we're so different! You prefer hot tea, while I like mine cold.


I smiled as I was surprised by how wary she was of her surrondings. I also had just noticed that we reverted back to speaking in Korean, thanks to the waiter.


Sejin : I've always liked warm tea. I cannot stand cold tea.

Cassie : I rarely drink any kind of warm water. Just cold or lukewarm.


For a moment, it became quiet between us. We had nothing left to comment on our tea preferences.

Cassie proceeded to thinking about our main dishes as a substitute topic of conversation.


Cassie : Did you only order gimbap because you have to pay for everything?

Sejin : Not at all! I'm actually a vegetarian.

Cassie : Really?!! But normally, there is crab stick in gimbap.

Sejin : I can still eat seafood. Sushi is one of my favorite foods. In case you did not know, seafood is a main source of iodine for our bodies.

Cassie : Anything else you don't eat?

Sejin : Hmm... kimchi? I'm not used to it's flavor yet.


I suddenly had so much to say, and so much I could talk about. Little by little, I was telling her more about me. When she asks a question, I became compelled to answer her. It's probably because I'm already too involved with her. If it was like yesterday, when I did not know her well, I would have completely shut her out and ignore her.

As time goes by, and our order has not arrived yet, I decided to know more about Cassie, the surprising singing powerhouse.


Sejin : Is being a singer your dream?

Cassie : Yup! I also like to dance. That's why I want to be an idol.

Sejin : But it can't possibly be that easy, right?

Cassie : Of course not! I'm training hard everyday to make my dream come true.

Sejin : Mmm... so you've decided on your future.

Cassie : I've been meaning to ask you about that. Are you not interested in becoming a singer? You have such a nice voice, and you're very good-looking.


I blushed as I avoided her eye contact. I have 'Sejin' to thank for all that. I never had a singing voice when I was in my dream world, nor did I have his rare looks.

'Sejin' has a rare 'baby face' that comes completed with natural double eyelids and decent eyebrow growth. No matter how odd I was since the accident, students from the school never really approached me, not only because I was silent, but because they were intimidated by how good-looking I was.

Cassie smiled as she saw how happy I was from hearing her compliment.


Sejin : Thank you, but I still don't know what I want to do after I graduate.

Cassie : It's okay. You should definitely take your time before you decide.


She smiled at me. I could tell she was trying her best to reassure to me that everything will be okay.

Now that I think about it, there is something that's been in my mind.


Sejin : I've actually been thinking about travelling... back to the U.S.

Cassie : Oh! You've been there?

Sejin : I'm from there... so to speak.


Cassie was not surprised that I had been from the U.S. She could already tell that I was not a local Korean, simply from my behavior and how fluent I was in English.


Cassie : No wonder your English is so good... and American.


I smiled from her comment. Personally, I had not felt like an American in a long time. Hearing her say that I was speaking like one made me very happy.


Sejin : Thank you. Maybe I'll study tourism after graduation.


Suddenly, Cassie pouted and had a dissapointing look on her face.


Cassie : Hmm... I feel like you're too smart for that.

Sejin : Yah! Just focus on your own dream!


Accidentally, my Korean had emerged once more. Cassie could not help but laugh at my sudden change of language as I scolded her.

After lunch, I ended up spending the rest of the day with Cassie. I have finally accepted her as a friend. Eventhough she can be annoying at times, and a handful at most, I enjoyed the things we've done together, and the effort she's put in to be friends with me.

Somewhere deep down, I had even hoped that this day would never end, because I haven't been this happy in years, and I worry that it will all end after today.


17 January 2017 (Tuesday), 5.30 p.m.

Cassie had just brought me to see her workplace, LightUp Entertainment.

We were simply standing outside, admiring the building. Although it was cold, Cassie continued to stare at the building, as if she could do it for hours. After all, this building is where she's nurturing her skills to achieve her dream. It must mean a lot to her.

After a while, I decided to bring her back to reality. I snapped my fingers in front of her face, causing her to return to her senses.


Cassie : We're here! Thanks for following me all the way.

Sejin : What is it that you want to show me?


Moments ago, Cassie had to leave for her practice, but she had asked me to follow her here. She said that she wanted to show me something.


Cassie : Nothing! I just wanted to hangout with you more before practice.


She began acting cute, expecting me to throw a fit for her nonsense, but I did not. Instead, I began laughing, because I too enjoyed those extra moments with her on the way here.

I realized now that she really enjoys my company, but I'm curious as to why? What was it that made her so persistent to befriend me this morning?


Sejin : Why did you want to be friends with me so badly? I've been pretty mean to you since you transferred to our school.

Cassie : Mainly because we sit next to each other, but I felt like I annoyed you yesterday, so I wanted to apologize for that.


I smiled as I looked away from her, trying my best to hold back my laughter, because this was a very sincere moment for Cassie. I didn't want to insult her by laughing, but her explanation was too funny and predictable.


Sejin : You "were" pretty annoying.

Cassie : Don't ruin the moment!


She playfully hit my arm as we smiled at each other.


Cassie : I'll see you in class tomorrow?

Sejin : All right, but let's talk in Korean when we're in class.


Cassie laughed as she learned that I too noticed how frequently we've been talking to each other in English.

Although I was comfortable with it, I still needed to practice my Korean, and who else will I communicate in Korean, if not her or the teachers?


Cassie : Deal! I have to go now. Thank you again for today.

Sejin : For what? Hanging out, or skipping school?


We joked around before we parted ways. As I turned back to see Cassie just outside of the front entrance of the building, I could see her waving her arms in my direction, before immediately entering the building. It was easy to guess that she was waving 'goodbye' to me.

What a weird girl...

As Cassie entered, a man in a suit was sitting on a couch at the lobby.


LightUp Ent. Agent : You're here early today.

Cassie : My last class finished early, and I'm just very excited for today's practice!


She attempted to cover up the fact that she had skipped school today. Did it work?


LightUp Ent. Agent : Wait a minute, Cassie! I want to ask you, who was that outside with you?

Cassie : Oh him? He's just my new friend and classmate. His name is Sejin.


17 January 2017 (Tuesday), 5.50 p.m.

I was sitting by myself at a bus stop, waiting for my ride home.

Due to the cold weather, I was shivering constantly. Why did it suddenly got a lot colder now?


Sejin : It's too cold to sit out here! I should just go take the subway train.


I stood up and began walking away to find the train terminal. Before I could even walk 10 feet away, I heard a voice behind me, calling my name.


LightUp Ent. Agent : Excuse me, Sejin-ssi!! Do you have a moment to talk?


I turned around to see a man in a busines suit, breathing heavily. Did he ran here, in this weather?


Sejin : Yes, but who are you?

LightUp Ent. Agent : I work as an agent for LightUp Entertainment, the agency your friend, Cassie, is working for.

Sejin : Oh! Is she okay? Did something happen?

LightUp Ent. Agent : She is fine. I came here to talk about you.


Hearing that, my first thought was whether I had done something wrong when I was near the LightUp Entertainment building.


Sejin : Me?

LightUp Ent. Agent : Sejin-ssi, are you interested in modeling, or maybe acting?


At this point, I was very confused, unable to process the agent's words.


Sejin : What?

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5unny_50nkyu #1
Chapter 8: Wish this can get updated it was fun reading
snorlax808 #2
Chapter 8: Great update! Lol the awkwardness with dahyun was great haha can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 7: Authornim i want here to be with other girlgroup like aoa perhaps i dont want him involve in twice members who take on liking to jinho hyung but you can still pare him with tzuyu , chae maknaes haha
snorlax808 #4
Chapter 7: Awesome date! That cross over moment was great keep up the good work. Can't wait to c what happens next
Bryancan #5
Chapter 7: Cross over !!!! Best but Jinho sounds very mature and nice here. Maybe cuz its a male hoobae
drecoxz12 #6
Chapter 7: Nice update but im still waiting for jinho's story :D
yuansaga #7
Chapter 7: Authotnim this story is going on sooo well ^^ ... When the time comes jinho story will be updated too ehh hahaha.... Meanwhile hwaiting
yuansaga #8
Chapter 5: Authornim, I hope you have been doing well, thanks for the update ^^ , I hope your studies are going ok, and take care ^^
Bryancan #9
Chapter 5: Jinho gets a new junior. Great story. Is this story and Jinho's gonna intercross with each other?
Chapter 5: Great to see you back!