

The bond that tied us together after all these years,broken at last. 

Stripped from all the struggles we faced. All the love we had for each other.

Goodbye Iseul.

Goodbye Jongin. 


I still love her, I hope we could tie our love for each other beautifully again.



Author: I got my inspiration from Beast new song - Ribbon 

              I hope you guys like it :) 


"Iseul I'm sorryyyyy,it won't happen againnn tehehehhehe" Iseul scoffed as Jongin or better known as Kai slurred his words. They were coming out of a club, Iseul supporting Kai's weight on her hip and trying to balance the druken retard. 

"You said that last time Jongin.You promised." Iseul was trying to sound as calm as possible. She didn't want Kai to see the tears forming in her eyes, threatning to fall at anytime. "I CAN'T HELP IT !! Geez Iseul, all those hot noonas coming on to me trying to get into my pants, I think at least one of them should get that experi-" 

"SHUT UP! Jongin, your MY boyfriend. You think you can cheat on me and expect to be calm about it?! I'm sick and tired of this, I can't do it anymore. I think we should brea-" BANG Kai hit the floor and started vomitting. 

Great. Iseul thought to herself. I'll just call a taxi to take him home,I need to leave. 




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