
Tales of Astora: Legacy




Chapter 30: Encounter


Alastor’s POV


That night I had a strange encounter with one of my so called Children.


As I went to sleep, I found myself in an unknown land. Unlike the Abyss where it was constantly under a heavy black mist, this place was simply blackness, yet I could still see myself clearly even though there was no source of light around.


As I strolled through this place, I couldn’t see anything, not even the ground below me nor the sky above. It was as if I was floating in this place of nothingness. Unlike the calming atmosphere I felt with the Dark, this however gave me a creepy uneasiness. Was I dreaming until now? If so I was starting to question my own sanity.


Suddenly I could see something beginning to take shape in front of me. It had a slim and tall figure wearing light armour with a purple veil attaching to the helmet. Judging from the chest armour piece, I guessed the figure was female.


Its limbs were much longer for something at its size. The shape was humanoid but it moved swiftly but gently like an animal on four legs yet strangely graceful. And the most astonishing feature was its faceless helmet. Somehow it reminded me a bit of the Abyssal Knight, the one I saw near the large flame down in the depth of the Abyss.


Immediately I recognized this creature. It was one of the three from that day, one of my children apparently. I believed her name was Odium. What was she doing here? Did she call me here?


Slowly approaching me, the creature stopped a few foot away and kneeled down before me. Even when kneeling down, it was taller than me. Or was it because I was too small? Either way it was quite intimidating to face her. Had I not known about her before, I would have made my move by now.


But pondering about these questions wouldn’t help me achieve anything. It would be better to speak to her.


“Your name is Odium, if I remember correctly!” I said to her.


“It’s an honour for you to remember my name, Father!” she said respectfully.


“What are you exactly? How come I am your Father?” I inquired.


“When you consumed Shana’ soul, you also inherited her strongest desires. Pure emotions that were transferred and intensified by the bond you two shared with each other. Using the combination of the three original aspects of Life, these emotions took form and were given life. And that’s our true form.” Odium explained her origin. 


Beings made of pure emotion? Was it even possible? If what she said was true then this might even be the creation of a completely new race, unknown to Astora. It made me wonder what we actually were. Could it be possible that demons as well as the other prime races were formed in the same way?


But then I remembered that Odium said that she was the manifestation of Shana’s spite that day. Suddenly memories of Shana came back to me. Her smile, her last moment before she…Could she have hated me too for my failure? If only I have realized it sooner, I could have saved her. Shana….


“I may be her hatred but I knew that she loved you Father with all her heart. You can’t put the blame on yourself. Both you and I know it. Mother knows it too. If you want to blame anyone, blame the world! For it was because of man’s greed that led to her death.”


 “Was it you who is responsible for the recent events concerning the rise of the undeads and the sudden, let’s say accident, in the court of Malatas?” I asked Odium. It was too much of a coincidence that right after their appearance, these happened.


“For Malatas yes! Sinforma, our youngest is the one controlling the army of undeads and currently launching a siege on the capital of the Theocracy. As for our eldest Kaiser, last time I heard he was going to Oros but I haven’t heard anything from him.” Odium reported.


“Such capable children I have. Though if I have to say, I think Sinforma is a bit hasty in his movement. Or was it intentional to gather as much as attention to him?”


Indeed if anyone learnt the news about an army of undeads, all countries, not just the Church, would try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Compared to what happened in Malatas which would be considered a failed coup with only a few casulties, no one would bat an eye to think that these events were related.


“You are truly insightful, Father. My plan was for Sinforma and Kaiser as much attention as possible while I will do my preparation in Malatas.”


“What on earth are you doing in Malatas anyway? What kind of things that would need to much distraction?” I asked.


“I call it an experiment. As of our current situation, we don’t have any force that can conquer the world that easily. It will be a very long shot even with the demon force. We need something more … efficient and practical. And that’s also one of the reasons why I am here.


First to present myself to you in place of the others. Secondly I have two requests to ask.”


“Hum…I suppose if you are my daughter then I must oblige to my dear child’s request.” I joked “What do you need?”


So far Odium hasn’t shown any hostility toward me. On the contrary she was rather polite and calm. The kind of people I liked the most but also dreaded the most. For those who managed to keep their calm while maintaining their courtesy all time usually were the most cunning and dangerous. Yet I only felt sincerity in her words and actions. A father’s intuition perhaps? Either way I shouldn’t let it get over my head. It wouldn’t hurt to at least listen to what she wanted to say.


“I believe you are already aware of the first issue. Yesterday you must have felt its presence descending on earth somewhere in the territory of the Theocracy. And as you might have deduced, Father, one of the Six Gods has finally appeared.”


So it really was a God I sensed, although not his location like she said. Nonetheless I shouldn’t destroy her image of me so I probably should keep quiet about that. Still could this be what Eden was talking about? They were coming to me already?


“And that’s my first request, Father. Please come to the Theocracy and meet up with Sinforma! The army is yours to command. And if the situation allows it, please defeat this God as the first step of our plan!”


“Defeating the Six is already part of my plan. My only concern is whether this plan of yours will continue to correlate with mine. Why not telling me what are you scheming?”


“The ultimate goal is still to conquer the world and to present it to you. However I am still trying to figure out the best way of doing it, in the most glamourous way. Therefore my plan is nothing concrete yet. Like I said, it’s still only an experiment. And this is about my second request, if you don’t mind Father!” Odium insinuated.


“Alright the first request of my daughter is to kill a God. What could possibly surprise me more? Go ahead!” I emphasized.


“The second is actually very simple. I would like you to give me access to the Abyss!” the woman implored.


“That doesn’t sound very simple at all to me. And actually quite dangerous. For me! How do you even access the Abyss anyway?”


“My skill grants me the ability to cross any dimensional space as long as I have something linked to it. The Abyss, in every of its form, is a separate dimension in itself residing between the boundary of the living and the dead. And thanks to your bond with Shana, from which I inherited, I could find the way to go there. I am after all a part of her soul. All you need to do is to allow me to do that in your mind.” Odium explained.


“If you can go there already why do you need my permission?” I asked.


“The Abyss is after all a manifestation of your soul. If I am going to poke around in it, I would prefer to ask your permission first, as a token of my sincerity. I know you can’t fully trust me yet Father. It’s understandable.”


“But what do you plan on doing there?”


“The secret of Magnus, Father! I believe I could create a certain object that will be crucial for the final phase of my plan. If you could lend me your ears for a minute.”




I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard what she was telling me. Indeed that thing has been bothering for quite a while as I never found out what was the reason behind its existence aside from a simple indication of my lineage. But Odium’s hypothesis did sound very convincing. If she really managed to create it, world conquest would be a simple matter.


I also wouldn’t need to worry whether she could betray me or not if things would be done this way. And so I made my decision.


“Very well! You have my permission! However do behave when you go there! I don’t want you messing around with the other demon lords!” I instructed her.


“Understood! Then I shall go make my preparation immediately! But before that may I have a word of advice?” Odium asked me.


“What is this?”


“Don’t trust anyone, Father! Not the demons or anyone you might consider friends!”


“What do you mean?”


“Darkness lurks in the heart of all men. They would do everything to achieve what they want. The demons are only using you to win this war. Have you considered what would happen after you help them defeat the Prime Races and their Gods? They would just toss you aside like a used tool and the same thing would happen all over again. Only this time the demons will be the dominant race.


The celestial Ikarus used to be your enemy. Who could say if all she did wasn’t a part of an act?”


“No she isn’t like that!!!” I shouted angrily.


“Maria initially wants to use you for her own goal. Perhaps now she realizes that you could be used for something more?”


“No stop!”


“Even your so called sister is a lie in the end. Who knows if Lilith and Magnus are actually working together to defeat Eden? To them you are just a mean to an end!”


“I said STOP!!!”


Before I realized it, I already had my hand around Odium’s neck. Holding it tightly, for a moment, I wanted to crush it. I refused to believe that any of them might be plotting something against me. To me it was certain.


“If my death could allow you to awaken to reality, please do not hesitate! I would be more than happy to be killed by you, Father! But please remember my words:


One day someone you consider a friend, a part of your family, will stab you in the back. For that is the nature of men!


I am not telling to stay away from them. But keep your guard up all time! Don’t think them as a friend. Think them as tools! For when the time comes, you can always cast away your tools much easier!”




Suddenly I realized what I have just said. Odium might have been harsh with her words but in the end it was out of concern for me. And I….


“You are right, Father! I am a deceiver. I wouldn’t hesitate to kill a child in front of its mother. I wouldn’t bat an eye when I stab a friend in the back. But whatever I do, I do it for you. For you are the only one I will never betray!”




“I have said too much. I will return when you need me, Father!”


With that Odium disappeared, as quietly as when she first showed up, as if she was never there. As I opened my eyes again, I found myself back to reality, back to the real world. But I couldn’t forget her words. Someone would betray me? That was impossible. I knew these people. They were my family. Yet why did Odium’s words still echo inside my head?



* * *



Odium’s POV


So finally I was back in this place. It seemed the Abyss has suffered quite a few changes due to the influence of Light and Chaos.


The place now was divided into three different sections.


The first area, I recognized it easily. It was the dark place under a constant heavy black mist. The usual Abyss but now a bit more illuminated. Above its sky was a black sun with a red orb looking down which I supposed it was Magnus.


The second area was an endless crystal field that extended to the horizon. Walking there was just like a maze as it was so easy to get lost because of all the reflections by the crystal. A giant blue sun, or at least it looked like a sun, was floating right above. This explained the sudden eye colour change of Father as the Hero’s Light element finally revealed itself.


Finally the last area, which was a total mess. A giant fiery ball of flame scorched the ground, turning it into lava. It was so hot as just being on the borders of that land could burn anything to crisp. Yet I saw some shadows flying around in that area. Did they use to live in a volcano or something? How could anyone like this? But I supposed living for centuries in a dark place was kind of boring compared to the new place. Truly this was a chaotic place.


But enough sightseeing! I should focus on finding him first.


The one thing I needed in this place for my experiment was unfortunately guarded by something rather troublesome. I was proud of my strength but I was not an idiot like Kaiser who just charged at everything. Perhaps I could ask for help from one of the locals. And I thought I found the perfect candidate for this job.






Everything was ready. By now he should realize that I was already here. After jumping off a huge cliff, I found myself in a valley with a giant door in front of me. The place I was born and also my goal.


Suddenly I could hear the sound of clacking armour with the noise of something heavy being dragged on the ground. So he noticed me. I turned my back to the door, took out my daggers and prepared myself. This would be a tough fight.


“You…do not belong here!” said the figure as he raised his great sword above his shoulder, preparing for a stance.


“Greeting! I am Odium, Alastor’s daughter! Would you let me pass this gate?” I asked jokingly, knowing already the answer I would get.


All of the sudden he charged at me. “I guess not then. Let’s dance!”


Dodging one of his swing, I could feel the force he put into that sword merely from the wind it caused. If I took a direct hit from that, it wouldn’t be pretty.


“” my body became transparent. In this form, any kind of attack would simply pass right through me as if I were a ghost. However it also meant that I wouldn’t be able to touch him either. But by switching between the two states continuously, I could launch an attack then switched back to dodge his.


Actually this skill was not unique to me. Both Kaiser and Sinforma could also use it. In fact Sinforma himself was always in this state since he didn’t have a body in the first place.


With his sword passed right through me like hitting a mist, I immediately switched back and used my two daggers to plunge them in his back. I then twisted both daggers to make it as painful as possible since the blades were now inside him, cutting through his bones and flesh. As he turned back I switched again, evading his attack. So far so good.


But something felt weird. I swore that my blades did pierce his armour. Yet I couldn’t feel like I have stabbed anything beside the armour. It was as if it was hollow inside. And it wasn’t just the only surprise I got.


All of the sudden his sword turned transparent and sent me in the sky. How was it possible? I was in ethereal form, he shouldn’t be able to touch me, not to mention to even send me flying. Did he use the same skill as I did for his weapon? That could be the only explanation. How else would the knight be capable of hitting me?


Without letting take a moment of rest, the warrior dashed toward me and swung his sword at me. Using my two daggers I managed to block his sword but he pinned me to the gate. His strike was too heavy for me to take on. Just what was he?


“You are not a demon lord! Yet you are as powerful as one. And that skill…how can you use it? Just what are you?”


“…..” but he remained silent.


Immediately I transformed my body into a black liquid, covering the ground of the entire area. He can’t cut me if I was in this state. Or so I thought.


The Abyssal Knight’ sword busted in flame and hit the ground, creating a giant explosion. But that wasn’t the worst of it. The fire he created from the explosion lingered and burned everything it touched and now the entire place was on fire. Not even I couldn’t extinguish this fire.


“ *heavy breathing* I see now. I know what you are!!!” I claimed, making the knight stop for a second. Although it was just a theory and I didn’t have any concrete proof yet, the facts I have seen so far could only mean one thing: this guy was the same as me but he was incomplete.


Nonetheless, the situation looked bad for me. I still had a couple more tricks but I didn’t think it would work against him. Our difference in strength was too much. I really wasn’t suited for combat like Kaiser. Time to call for reinforcement!




From above a roar growled loudly as a winged giant figure descended. The demon lord Xenes has come.


“Lord Xenes, please keep him busy!” I shouted at the dragon.


“No problem!” Xenes turned to the knight as right now the dragon was standing between him and me. “I have heard much about you. Let’s test how long you will last against me, strange knight!”


Since both of them were busy fighting each other, I would use this time to take what I came for. I dashed toward the giant gate from earlier. Normally it wouldn’t allow anyone except for Alastor and the knight to enter. But I already had something up my sleeves.


As I touched the door, its gate slowly opened up to me. Just as I planned.


“How? How did you..?” shouted the knight in disbelief. He thought no one else was supposed to be able to enter his sanctuary. I didn’t blame him though.


The door functioned as a protective barrier against intruders. However there was a way to pass by it even if you were an outsider.


When the Archduke tried to open it, it wouldn’t even budge, yet for some reason Shana was able to come in by herself. Or rather the door opened itself for her. The difference was simply because Shana had Father’s permission to enter his soul while the archduke did not. That was why I needed his permission to seek what I wanted beyond this door: the Flame.


But of course I knew the Flame was Father’s own soul and therefore under no circumstance it should be put in danger. The knight was probably here as a mean of protection in addition to the gate. But who put him here in the first place?


Again I was taken by my own curiosity and forgot what I was here for. I wanted to be linked to the Flame. If I had a fraction of it, I could also be linked to the Abyss and to Magnus himself. Doing that would allow me to create that.


As the door fully opened, I could finally see it: the Flame. Never have I seen something brighter than this. A lonely flame residing deep in this darkness. A Flame filled with power emanating from it. So this was Father’ soul.


With no time to waste, I slowly put my hand into the hand. This heat…it burned. But I must endure this pain. For my plan to succeed and for Father!






I felt as if I died. My insides were burning. My clothes were covered with ashes. It felt as if I have been reborn but burned alive just before. I truly hoped I never had to experience this ever again. I could barely walk straight anymore.


Step by step one at a time, I moved my feet toward the door. Xenes and the knight were still fighting. I was right to call him after all. The others wouldn’t probably be able to handle him like Xenes.


“Xenes! Get me out of here!” I shouted to the dragon. I must leave this place quickly.


Rushing to my side, the dragon picked me up on his back and flew onward, leaving the knight down at the valley. He wouldn’t pursue us up here. He couldn’t risk someone else coming anywhere near his sacred flame again.


“Did you get it?” Xenes asked me.


“Yes,,,I have it now. With this I will be able to create it!”


“Then why do I feel like you are not very happy?” I was surprised by his question. I didn’t expect Xenes to be perceptive at this kind of thing.


I guessed I was still sensitive to what Father said earlier.


“Nothing much…just a small argument with my father. That’s all!”





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WiTTyFF #1
Chapter 119: Wow, I'm in awe from reading this story! I have to admit there was several scenes that I had cried on, but there was also moments I felt happiness while reading. Your style of writing is very pleasant to the eyes!

I thank you for writing this amazing work and I hope to see the next!
Chapter 2: Before anything elsez I just want to say, thabk goodness I found this story, my type of genre, i hope its completed though
Realmz #3
Chapter 113: Ah decoding the weird alphabet messages making my head hurts XD



Now... this has something to do with lilith?!
BabyHyun96 #4
Chapter 4: The last time I checked, it's around chap 70 and now, woah! Have you finish written it or? x)
BabyHyun96 #5
Chapter 2: it seems the boy was connected to the doll somehow.. o.O gonna continue the next chapter!
BabyHyun96 #6
Chapter 1: This looks like a very promising story. Gonna stay subscribed and read it til the end. :)
Tho i am abit disappointed that there's no idols in it but the whole story is totally my cup of tea. Good luck with writing and expect comments from me ;)
Does this involve any idols?Because there's no idol name in the characters section or in the tags. I've read the prologue and i'm curious to know before continuing. I can see this as a MAMA au xD.
Chapter 1: Wow this is really good and it's only just the prologue! Can't wait to learn more about these characters and where the story takes them!! XD Great job :D