Birth of a new empire (part 2)

Tales of Astora: Legacy




Chapter 27: Birth of a new empire (part 2)


It has been several days since Kaiser decided to stay in this cave. At first he complained how it wasn’t very worthy of being a king’s palace but then he started to get used to it, most likely since he didn’t want to let Syralth down. Then again it was not like the cave was a bad place to live in. It had a lot of space and only required some small adjustments to make it a nice lair.


“All right guys! Time to work!” Kaiser proclaimed at a group of knights in black armor.


Indeed those were the same knights Alastor used during his fight with Maria. But Kaiser didn’t really steal them or anything of the sort. Rather he created them himself. Perhaps it was an ability passed down to Kaiser when he was created, who knew. Though to be fair, a king did need an army and this one would do just fine.


And the first job of this outstanding army was to refurbish this cave, making it into a fortress. While Syralth did say that the castle was his now, Kaiser made sure to ask the girl before redecorating her lair.


Every day the little draconian came to watch over the works and even participated in the works herself. When she wasn’t doing that, she pestered her supposed new king for stories of the outside world. Being raised as a sheltered kid, the girl didn’t know much about things outside her home in Oros, not to mention what was happening in Mara nor the tension between demons and the rest of the world. But Kaiser didn’t tell her about such things.


He told her about wonders of the world, myths and legends he knew from Alastor’s memories, the way old Gazel told bed story to young Alastor. Syra listened carefully to his every word, with occasionally some questions. There were even stories that Kaiser kind of made up by himself but being a sheltered child she was, the girl was gullible enough to believe everything he said.


“By the way Syra, are you serious when you say you want to be my subject?” Kaiser raised an interesting subject. The question has been in his mind for quite a while now. The fact that Syra was a draconian already valuable but then he thought maybe she was too young to join him. His path would surely be filled with dangers and such a little girl might not make it.


“Yes!!! It has been only a few days but you have already gathered an army and have a castle for yourself. And I really like it here. Lots of fun!” answered the girl cheerfully.


“Fun…there will be people coming after me and if you are my subject, they will come after you too. So I ask you again, Syralth, will you be my subject?” Kaiser stood up and switched to a more serious tone.


“Oh are we playing again? Yes!” so did Syra but her attitude suggested otherwise.


“Answer seriously please!”




“Very well! I, Kaiser, the True Monarch bequeath my mark upon thee. Starting from today you are one of us, a subject of Ragna. Swear that you will serve Father Alastor as his agent! Serve him as you will serve me, your one true King!”




“Not YEAH! Say that you will!” Kaiser corrected.


“You will!”


“No YOU will!” he pointed to Syra. “Actually it’s fine. I give up!”


“So am I your subject now?”


“Yes yes you are.” Kaiser gave a long sigh. He just couldn’t keep up with her. “It’s late now. Go home before your father finds out!”


“You’re right. Bye bye mister Kaiser!” and there she was gone.


As much as he wanted to refuse it, Kaiser actually enjoyed the time with this small girl. It could be said that her presence kind of rubbed on him. ‘So this is how having a child feels. Not that I envy it!’ he thought.


The peaceful time continued for a while. But the girl was so excited everything she went to see Kaiser that she didn’t notice her stalkers. The adventurers have found her and followed her back to Celdora’s lair.



* * *



“Syralth, have you been sneaking out again?” a green haired woman asked her daughter.


“ Why do you think so?” the girl fidgeted.


“Then why did I found some dirt on your dress? You have to lie better if you want to trick me lady!” the mother scolded. She was the wife of the great Celdora, a mage named Nina. Once an adventurer herself, the two found each other and fell in love at first sight.


Though they encountered many hardship and disapprovals from many sides, they persevered to stay with each other in the name of love. How romantic!


Her secret has been unfolded again. The girl was scared to be grounded, not being able to see Kaiser and his companies at the cave.


“..Will you tell papa?” she quietly asked, keeping her head down. She was waiting for a scold from her mother and probably some punishment from Celdora later. But the mother only patted her head and smiled back at her.


“It’s alright dear. I won’t tell him. But you have to promise to stay safe and within our land ok? The world outside is not kind like you think it is. People can be very…. judgmental.


I am sorry for keeping you like this. I want you to be free. Believe me I do! But…” the mother couldn’t hold back her tears. While she didn’t cry out loud, a few drops has fallen on her cheeks. The guilt has been eating for keeping her daughter inside like a prisoner. But she had no choice. Celdora was not welcomed at Mara in any country and the only place left was his home in Oros. Did she make a mistake for bringing this child into this cruel world? No, she thought to herself. Syralth was no mistake. She was a gift, a testament of their love and she would do anything to protect her daughter.


“Did I do something bad mama? Why are you crying?” Syra asked worriedly, seeing that her mother was crying.


“No no my dear! It’s just some dust in my eyes. I really have to clean up a bit. Haha!” the woman forced a smile to reassure her daughter.


Suddenly the woman felt several presences outside the house. Who could they be? Celdora didn’t inform her of any possible guest they might had. And he was not at home at this moment.


By her instinct Nina sensed trouble ahead from these peoples. Better to be overly cautious than regretting it later. She told Syralth to stay inside and kept the door close while she went out to check.


As she carefully walked toward the entrance, without warning the door blasted open, throwing her back against the wall.


“MOM!” the girl rushed to her unconscious mother’ side.


“…Syra…run!” using her last ounce strength as her head was bleeding from the blast earlier, Nina ordered her daughter to run away.


Then out of nowhere, a net was hurled onto Syra, trapping her inside. No matter how much she struggled, the net wouldn’t tear itself and only tightened further.


“All right boys! Bring them outside!” a voice shouted as the adventurers quickly grabbed the captured Syra and Nina outside of the house. “


“Where are you going?” asked an adventurer to the orator, representative of the person who proposed this expedition.


“Just looking for something. Watch them carefully! Wouldn’t want to lose our hostages when Celdora gets back!” Then as he searched the house, throwing everything on the shelf to the ground and breaking it all one by one, he muttered to himself “Now where have you hided it Celdora?”



* * *



Kaiser was sitting under a ray of sunlight, the only one that could reach the inside of this cave. It actually came from a hole in the ceiling that shined directly under the stone throne that Kaiser recently added. Sitting down on a huge throne with sunlight on his head, the golden crown he wore was even shinier than before, showing his authority in this place.


Yet something was missing he thought. Ah yes because Syra wasn’t here, or rather because she did come here but Kaiser wasn’t here at that moment so she decided to go back to her home. Telling her stories on this chair has become so routine that Kaiser actually didn’t know what to do now. But then he remarked something right next to his throne, a package with a letter from Syra.


“Hello Mr. Kaiser!


I brought you to eat but you weren’t here so I would just put it here for you. I have never seen you eat before so I don’t know what you like. I made this by myself so I don’t you if you like it or not. But there is a lot so you can share with your friends. Remember to tell me about it tomorrow!


Bye bye!  ”


What a sweet girl! Though Kaiser didn’t really have to eat thanks to his outlandish body. But what harm could it be?


Wondering what kind of thing did she make since the package was quite big and roughly covered by paper and some strings, Kaiser decided to open it. It was actually a basket full of rice balls. It seemed that she only put salt on it and nothing else. And their shape was funny: some were enormous while others were flat like paper. How did she even do this?


Kaiser couldn’t hold it looking at these ridiculous rice balls. He laughed out loud and his laugh echoed throughout the whole cave, making the knights wondering what their master was chuckling about. It was the first time they heard him laugh after all and it was hard to imagine someone without a face to laugh.


“Hum hum… a bit salty!”



* * *



“Damn it! Where the hell is he hiding it?” the leader of the adventurer group has been searching for something inside Celdora’s house. He already ravaged through everything but he still hasn’t found what he was looking for. What would his master say if he failed this mission? Then he was disturbed by multiples shouts outside. It seemed the master of the house was back and from the look of it, he didn’t seem very happy.


“You pieces of s dared hurt my wife and my child? Say your last words before I turn you all son of es to ashes!”


The great Celdora was finally here. Currently in his dragon form, he stood as imposing figure reaching the sky. An enormous body with a slender tail and neck that was covered in spikes. His two wings were so huge that they could wrap the sun itself. His claws, each at the size of an adult that could cut down tree as easy as cutting butter. And his scales, red as blood, served as an invincible armor against the attacks of these puny trespassers.


“Stop right there Celdora! If you move even an inch we will kill the kill together with this !” the leader said as he put a knife near Syra’s neck, holding her head. Her limbs were already tied up with these strange strings which neutralized completely all her strength.


“You dare threaten me? If you touch her, don’t even think about leaving this place alive!” just his expiration from his nostrils has already heat up the air around him. Behind his razor-sharp teeth, everyone could see that he has prepared for a fire breath attack. With something at this size, it would set ablaze this entire valley in a single breath.


The mercenary has just realized they might have awoken a sleeping terror. Compared to this colossal creature, they might as well be insects waiting to be crushed. The tension rose as fear began to eat them from inside. They sweat not just from the heat but also of what might happen to them. In fact they already knew that the only reason they were still standing here alive was thanks to his daughter.


“Sure you can kill us but are you prepared to lose your daughter and wife in the process? Or perhaps these two es are not really worth your time anymore? Not that I don’t understand though. A who loved a dragon and their freak hybrid. You have some weird taste here.”


“DON’T YOU INSULT THEM! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!” raged Celdora. His eyes were filled with fury. He wouldn’t let these people get away alive after what they did. But his family’s life was on the line. Would he risk it all?


Living as a dragon may seem envious at first. Having all these power for yourself and you could do whatever you wanted. But when you lived for centuries, things started to get dull. Things you might enjoy to do didn’t seem that interesting anymore. Why? Because you were all alone.


But Celdora found a place he could call home. A family: a loving wife and a beautiful daughter. He just wanted to spend the time he has left with his family, knowing that one day they would die before him. And now these people wanted to take it away from him? Him who was once known as the Crimson Terror of Oros?


“So what is going to be Celdora? Which life do you care more about? Us or her?”


The dragon had no choice. Not his family. Smoke came out of his body as it shrank down to the size of a human with two black horns on his head. A tall stout man with red hair and two snake like amber eyes. But the man had a defeated expression.


“You win. Let them go!”


The tide has turned. ‘Who knew Celdora was such a naïve man? This was the man behind tales to scare children, the man who killed the demon lord together with the other heroes and survived? What a joke’ thought the bandits. If they killed Celdora here, they would be famous across the entire world.


“Not so fast. First give us the Crown Celdora!” said the boss. At that moment the seemingly defeated Celdora made a stunned expression.


“Where did you hear about it? It’s impossible for you to know such thing!!” yelled Celdora.


“It doesn’t matter who I hear it from. Now give it or I may give this girl to some of our boys here. One word of warning: they don’t like being gentle!”


“Dad….I am scared!” sobbed Syra. She has never seen her father like this. Him unable to do anything? How could it be? Weren’t he supposed to be the strongest person in this world?


“It’s alright honey! Daddy is coming to get you now.” The dragon turned to the man holding his daughter, clenching his fist in anger. “Fine! Take it!”


Celdora took out a small pouch. A dimensional pocket. He put his hand inside, making all the adventurers nervous for a moment, and pulled out a certain metallic object. A not so impressive black crown but it had something special on it: the insignia of a gear.


He threw the crown forward to be caught by one of the adventurer. The guy quickly brought it to their boss.


“Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Unfortunately I can’t let you live. I have received my order and that’s what I am going to do. If you please, Sword of Justice!”


Three individuals stepped forward: a dwarf, a human and an elf. The trio of Sword of Justice. Though how ironic for someone with that name to be doing this kind of thing.


“Do we really have to? I want to fight him when he is on full force, not begging for his daughter’s life like a wimp.” Said the human male.


“You have already been paid so stick to your job!”


“…Promise me that you will let my family go unharmed!” pled Celdora. As long as they lived, Celdora wouldn’t mind sacrificing himself.


“Yeah yeah! Go ahead! Do it now!” shouted the boss.


“All right fine. Sorry about this old man!” said the human as he raised his sword. Normally this kind of weapon wouldn’t even harm a dragon but Celdora has already resigned his fate. If he resisted, his daughter might have to pay the consequence and that was definitely not his intention.


“NO Dad! Let my daddy go!” yelled Syralth as she struggled even harder, making it difficult to hold her.


The bandit did his best to hold her down but his carelessness for underestimating a draconian almost cost him his arm as she bit heavily his strangling arm, making him shout in pain. Now he didn’t care anymore. Not Celdora, not anyone would stop him from killing this kid. He slapped her in her face, making her fell down on the ground.


“You ing brat! I will kill you!” the guy took out a sword and lifted it to the air. “Die!”


Suddenly a lightning strike fell down from the sky and hit the sword he was holding. In an instant the boss busted in fire and he screamed in pain before falling down. His charred body lied motionless, dead.


Horrified, the adventurers had no idea what just happened. Then they noticed that dark clouds have gathered above them. How? It was so clear just a moment ago.


Then they spotted a figure floating on the sky, slowly descending to the ground. A strange creature with black trees branches poking from his back, forming into two wings. Its body was tall, wearing a white robe and a golden crown which slid down into a golden mesh covering the faceless creature.


Even Celdora was stunned by the appearance of this new party. At first sight, it was clearly none of the Prime race. And its aura that emerged from his body, a creature of Dark: a demon. But something else felt different about it. The Dark represented a calming but chilling to the bone place while this thing also had a certain … chaotic feeling about it. What could a such creature like this be doing here?


Kaiser looked down at the frail girl lying on the ground. He felt something emerging from inside him. Sadness? No. Anger? Could be. Wanting to kill someone? A lot.


“Are you alright?” he asked.


“I am fine. But please save my father!” pled Syra.


“You are my only subject. He isn’t so I have no obligation to help him.” Kaiser coldly replied.




“HOWEVER…Consider this as thanks for the rice balls!”


On spur of moment, two greatswords materialized in Kaiser’s hands. The right sword was coated in a flaming aura while the other one with darkness. He walked forward with both of his arms widen, exhibiting his weapons.


At that moment everyone was sure of one thing: this creature was at least as powerful as Celdora, if not more. On its left, the grass enclosing it withered wherever it passed by, out all of the life force from its surroundings. On its right side, the coiling sword has turned the ground into molten lava, incinerating everything on its path.


“What the hell are you?” shouted an adventurer.


“I was wandering looking for a dragon nest when I detect a large surge of mana coming from this place. But to think I stumble into something like this….Do you what is a king, young one?” said Kaiser calmly.


“What is this guy talking about?” everyone was confused by the sudden question. This thing came out of nowhere and started babbling about king and such. How could they understand?


“A king is the shield of his people. You who dare raise your sword against my subject, prepare to meet your Maker!”


In an instant Kaiser vanished into thin air before appearing again in front of one adventurer. He flung his sword into the poor soul and raised it like a skewer. Without even realizing what has happened to him, his body shriveled as his life was draining from him, leaving behind a dried corpse like a mummy.


Seeing their friend being killed in such gruesome manner, the other adventurers charged forward. Some mages stayed behind and cast support spells like barriers and protections for their comrades.




With a single swing of the coiled sword, Kaiser created a vortex of fire ravaging the battlefield. Those unfortunate to be caught by it were flung into the air and trapped inside the whirlpool. But it wasn’t just a simple tornado. It was a tornado on fire, burning everything it caught. Just standing near it could burn your lungs as the air itself was boiling.


Those lucky who managed to dodge that attack and come closer to Kaiser received another welcome: stabbing the fiery sword into the ground, Kaiser created a large explosion, turning the entire place into lava. Yet he remained unharmed.


The last hope of the adventurers was the three S-rank of the party ‘Sword of Justice’. Only they could defeat such monstrosity. But there wasn’t just one beast. A shadow rose from behind. Its shackles were now gone. Whoever or whatever this thing was, it created enough chaos for Celdora to rush and grab both his daughter and wife.


“Syra, are you ok?” asked Celdora as he removed her restrains. The mother was still unconscious and lied on Celdora’s back.


“I am fine father!” answered Syralth.


“Good. Then let’s get out of here!” Celdora wasn’t afraid of the puny men. But the safety of Syra and Nina came first. He took Syra’s hand and dragged her away.


“No. I won’t leave him here alone! He saved me.” Syra pointed to Kaiser, refusing to go with her father.


“Honey that thing is a monster!” Celdora tried to reason with his daughter. He knew nothing of this thing. Despite the fact that he knew some demons were good people, he was still on edge after what happened.


“No!!! Mister Kaiser is a good guy! He tells me stories about the outside world, unlike you who just want to keep me here!” yelled the little girl.


“I…” the dragon didn’t know what to say. He knew he was making a mistake when he tried to confine her at home. In a way he was an overly protective father who genuinely cared about his daughter. But her nature was a touchy subject, he thought he could protect her from the dangers outside as long she remained here. He had his fair share of troubles when he was outside so he knew. The world was not a kind place. But now even his home was not safe anymore. Clearly these attackers have been backed up by someone powerful. How else would they dare to infiltrate this place? If not for this stranger’s intervention they might not be alive at this moment.


“Do you trust him Syralth?” asked the father.


“I do!” said the girl.


“Very well then. Take care of your mother! I will make sure none of these bastards reach you!” he put down Nina and carefully placed her head on the grass bed.


Then he proceeded to charge into the ongoing battlefield, although at this moment it seemed more like a massacre.


“Need some help?” shouted Celdora as he changed to his dragon form and smashed a bandit to the ground.


“Hum as if I need your help to deal with these maggots!” Kaiser said arrogantly.


“You think you can take on those three S-rank by yourself?”


“Between a maggot and a high rank maggot, there isn’t much of a difference!”


“HEY who are you calling maggot?” a voice shouted at Kaiser.


It was the human S-rank. He has been listening to their conversation for a while now and it pissed him off when someone dared underestimate him, despite the fact that he was a S-rank.


“Maggots don’t talk. They die! Now please die!”


Kaiser created another firestorm targeting the human. The whirlpool engulfed the man whole as it burned everything else around him. For a moment it was thought that he died. But a S-rank was still a S-rank after all. He wouldn’t go down that easily.


As the storm dispersed, a figure emerged from it. Though his armor showed sign of severe burns, the person himself didn’t seem too injured, a part from a few scratches.


“I seem to be mistaken. You are not a maggot. I promote you to cockroach.” said Kaiser.


“YOU DIP!” screamed the human as he charged hysterically toward Kaiser. “”


Englobed in a luminous light, the human deflected everything in his path at incredible speed. But Kaiser only needed to move slightly to the side, dodging it completely.


Unable to stop in time, he charged into the forest and made a clear path into.


“So he can only charge in one direction at a time. While it’s easy to dodge, if I get hit by that, it will hurt a lot! I have to be care….” But Kaiser was interrupted.


A second person has joined the fray. The dwarf with his mighty hammer smashed down onto Kaiser. Using his two swords, he made a cross and defended against the attack. However it was so powerful that the ground underneath Kaiser made a crater.


Suddenly Kaiser felt something moving under his foot. Using all his force, he pushed back the dwarf and jumped on air, evading the earth spike. The sorceress, staying well afar from the frontline, has planted many magical traps across the entire battlefield. One wrong step could be proven fatal.


‘This just keeps getting more interesting!’ thought Kaiser. It seemed that he underestimated S-rank adventurers.


Seeing that Kaiser might be in trouble, Celdora decided to jump in. If he could take out the sorceress hiding behind, it would make the battle much easier for Kaiser as he wouldn’t need to worry about traps and sudden spells. For now she was too busy dealing with Kaiser. He could take her in one shot from here.


However as if he has sensed the dragon’s intention, Kaiser threw the coiled sword right in front of him. This was his battle and he wouldn’t let anyone interfere with it. The two men, without exchanging a single word, each understood the other. With that Celdora stepped back, leaving the battle to Kaiser. He still had another task: to protect Nina and Syra from the leftover adventurers.


Kaiser, now surrounded by three sides, had nowhere else to go. If he jumped on air, he would be vulnerable to the witch’s attack. Both the dwarf and the human have fixed their eyes on him. They were used to work together, therefore explained their perfect teamwork. Although it might seem cowardly to fight one with three persons, it wasn’t stupid if it worked.


Remaining calm even in the direst situation, Kaiser relaxed his stance, lowering his swords. Such odd behavior in the midst of a fierce battle! Did he give up, seeing that he had no chance to win against three S-ranks? Or so thought the Sword of Justice.


“Finally giving up? Now you understand not to underestimate us!” said the human.


“Hehehehe! Splendid! Truly wonderful! You are the first to force me to use this. You have done well against a tenth of my power. Now let’s see how you will do against this! Come, my shadow!”


Suddenly, the shadow cast by Kaiser started to stand up from the ground. Imitating his form, the shadow was black as nigh and held the same two swords as Kaiser himself.


“Now let’s dance!”


The shadow vanished again. The trio tried to look around to find it but they forgot that the real one was still there.


“Don’t forget about me!”


He swung his dark sword but the dwarf used his hammer’s handle in time to deflect it. What he missed was the shadow that materialized behind him and stabbed him with its dark sword. The dwarf quickly turned into a mummy as all his blood and life essence was by the sword.


“Agon!!! You will pay for what you have done!” screamed the sorceress, watching her friend’s corpse collapsing. She cast multiple fireballs and stones spears toward Kaiser.


But her attempt was futile. Kaiser plunged both his sword into the ground and gave his command.


“In the name of the True Monarch, I forbid the use of magic in this land!”


An invisible dome covered the entire valley. All these spells the sorceress has cast instantly turned into dust. Without magic she was no more than a common woman. No matter how hard she tried, her magic didn’t work. How could it be possible? It didn’t matter as her end was already here. Without a word of warning, the shadow decapitated the woman and threw her head to the side.


“Jana!!! YOU MONSTER!” shouted the human as he recklessly swung his sword, only to be dodged easily by Kaiser. His mind was clouded with revenge. His sword and his attacks now seemed so slow. Like a child holding a sword for the first time.


Kaiser caught his sword with one of his hand and smashed it into pieces. He then proceeded to lift the human by his neck.


Unable to breath, the human desperately hit Kaiser with his fist in hope that he might drop him. Yet it was difficult to tell if his punches were too quick or simply because Kaiser was too strong but none of that even made the Monarch flinch a bit.


“Tell me your name human!” asked Kaiser as he continued to strangle the poor soul.


Why did he ask him his name? Usually it was the killer who gave the name as a provocation. He obviously won the battle already. Why did he need to know this insignificant human’s name? But when face to death, people often disillusioned themselves. They would do anything to survive. Perhaps by abiding to what he said, the human could live. Or so he thought in his last moment.


“Lu…kes” the human muttered.


“Agon, Jana, Lukes. I will remember your names. For forcing me to use a fifth of my power!”




Kaiser twisted his neck in a single motion.


Three S-ranks have died today. Even if they were not the strongest of the Guild, they were clearly not weak. Yet they fell so easily. Though what they did was illegal, the Guild wouldn’t forget so easily someone who could kill three of their top members.


“Mr. Kaiser….?” A small voice called Kaiser.


“My apologies Syralth! I have made you saw some awful things.” Said Kaiser. He forgot that Syra was watching the whole time.


“It’s.. alright! They were bad guys!” though she might have said it, Syralth was still a little shaken.


The two remained silent, knowing not what to say to each other. And their silence was broken by the girl’s father.


“Thank you for your help stranger! If you have not been here, things might have turned very wrong. Both me and my family own you our life.”


“I merely do this on my own volition and since Syra is my first subject, it’s my responsibility to keep her safe.”


“Subject?” asked Celdora. He didn’t hear anything about this. Was this some kind of play or game these two have been doing?


“It’s a long story dad! I will tell you later!” explained Syra.


“You better do! But still you save me and I am pretty sure I am not your subject!” added the dragon.


“For that I have already receive compensation from Syra!” answered Kaiser.


“Really? What did she give you?”


“Rice balls”


“You see my life as equal to some rice balls….”


“They were quite salty.”






“HAHAHA! I like you! You have to stay and have a drink with me! It has been a long time since I have someone over!” laughed Celdora.


It seemed Kaiser couldn’t get his way out of this.


“Alright then!”


All of the sudden Kaiser spotted an object on a pile of ash. It was the guy who took Syra hostage. He remembered hearing that he came to get this crown. What was so special about it? From outside, it just looked like a rusty crown. However it did resist the thunder strike from Kaiser without taking even a scratch. What was this thing made of?


Most surprising at all, when Kaiser picked it up, a line of inscription emerged on the inside of the crown. And that specific line made Kaiser realize that this crown was much more significant than it looked.


To my son Alastor: May you use the crown to shape the world to your will




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I am new to the website and this is my first attempt of writing a novel. If you don't mind, please leave some comments and tell me your opinions about it :)


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WiTTyFF #1
Chapter 119: Wow, I'm in awe from reading this story! I have to admit there was several scenes that I had cried on, but there was also moments I felt happiness while reading. Your style of writing is very pleasant to the eyes!

I thank you for writing this amazing work and I hope to see the next!
Chapter 2: Before anything elsez I just want to say, thabk goodness I found this story, my type of genre, i hope its completed though
Realmz #3
Chapter 113: Ah decoding the weird alphabet messages making my head hurts XD



Now... this has something to do with lilith?!
BabyHyun96 #4
Chapter 4: The last time I checked, it's around chap 70 and now, woah! Have you finish written it or? x)
BabyHyun96 #5
Chapter 2: it seems the boy was connected to the doll somehow.. o.O gonna continue the next chapter!
BabyHyun96 #6
Chapter 1: This looks like a very promising story. Gonna stay subscribed and read it til the end. :)
Tho i am abit disappointed that there's no idols in it but the whole story is totally my cup of tea. Good luck with writing and expect comments from me ;)
Does this involve any idols?Because there's no idol name in the characters section or in the tags. I've read the prologue and i'm curious to know before continuing. I can see this as a MAMA au xD.
Chapter 1: Wow this is really good and it's only just the prologue! Can't wait to learn more about these characters and where the story takes them!! XD Great job :D