

14.2 - 9:32AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

God the world is so beautiful today.


14.2 - 9:40AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

You saw him, didn’t you?


14.2 - 9:41AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

It’s windy outside, and I was just walking into the building, he came out and the wind blew away his hair revealing his shiny forehead, and it swept his jacket away, so his ripped abs were just too painfully visible underneath his shirt it hurt my eyes to look at him.


14.2 - 9:46AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

Jesus, Taemin. When will your balls come home from the war so you can finally ask your shiny-forehead guy out-or like at least, be able to stay in the same room as him without your face exploding?


14.2 - 9:50AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum



16.2 - 10:45AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum



16.2 - 10:49AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

What, did you just get fired because you’re messaging me during work hours?


16.2 - 10:52AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

No, if I was fired because I was messaging you, I wouldn’t be messaging you now.

God, he was here. Right next to me. Our legs touched for a fraction of a second. I think I need to go to the nurse.


16.2 - 10:55AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

Okay,, you don’t and b.why was he there?


16.2 - 10:57AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

He ran out of paper. That’s not the point though. God, I hate myself. He was standing here, beside me, his perfect, flawless face staring down at me as he spoke with his honey-like voice. He asked if he could get some paper because he ran out, and I just said, ever so stupidly, that I don’t have any. Could you please come up to my desk and stab me with a fork.


16.2 - 11:00AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

I’d like to, but he’s like, right here, two desks away from me and he’s being lectured for wandering around half the time, and daydreaming during the other half.

‘I don’t have any,’ honestly, Taemin.


17.2 - 9:30AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

Ah, I miss him.

Is he there? Can you see him?

Oh, is he wearing that black shirt that hugs his body so perfectly it made me spit my water the other day?

Is he?


17.2 - 9:32AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

Yes, yes, and no. In fact, he made us coffee when I got here, and I told him all about you. He kind of just….laughed it off?


17.2 - 9:40AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

He seemed put off.


17.2 - 9:44AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

I mean-you’ve spent months stalking the guy, he might’ve noticed you creeping around wherever he went.


17.2 - 9:50AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin



Just as the smirking black-haired boy hit enter, he felt someone spinning him around in his desk chair, so furiously he almost tumbled off.


“You did what?” he found Taemin standing in front of him, shouting.

“I thought you’ve had a heart attack or something.” replied Kibum casually.

“Getting there,” said Taemin, less angrily before he snapped back, “h-how insensitive can you be, Kibum?”

“Oh relax.” the brunette waved him off.

Relax? You humiliated me, how can I freaking relax? Oh my God.” the blonde walked away before he spun around and walked towards Kibum once again, then turned to stomp away again, making the other laugh.

“I was kidding, you idiot. He doesn’t even know you exist.” called Kibum after him, and ducked just in time, avoiding the stabler that the blonde threw at him.


18.2 - 9:00AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

You should’ve seen the look of horror on your face yesterday, sweet lord. It was hilarious.

But no hey, you’re still pissed off?


18.2 - 9:10AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

I’m taking that as a yes. You know, I was feeling guilty and I thought I might give him your sorry- number, but we’re not talking anymore so why bother.

See you around.


18.2 - 9:01AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

Hey old buddy! Me? Mad at you? God, no.


18.2 - 9:05AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin


Chinese for lunch?

18.2 - 9:07AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

Screw that. Where do we stand on the number?


19.2 - 10:02AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

He hasn’t called yet.


Kibum, do you think he’s one of those cocky guys who just get somebody’s number and never ever call them because if so, he’s ruining the future I planned for us together. He can’t do that. Why isn’t he sticking to the script.


19.2 - 10:06AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

Talk about creepy….

Taemin, it’s been less than 24 hours since I gave him your number.  Relax. Plus, you know nothing about the guy, I mean, don’t get your hopes up.


19.2 - 10:09AM

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

Gee, that’s comforting. But I do know him-I know like, enough?

His name’s Minho. He’s 24. He likes basketball, and I don’t know that because I dug up his address once to go there on the weekend to find him playing with two other guys.

I shouldn’t have said that.

From that I concluded that he lives alone. He likes the color green. He does not like cats because I heard him yelp once because there was one next to his car (it made him jump like, 3 feet into the air)(which was cute).


19.2 - 10:11AM

From: Kibum

To: Taemin

You didn’t ing do that!

Jesus, Taemin.


Taemin’s obsession with the tall, caramel-skinned brunette started when he began working at the publishing company. He would see Minho here and there, wandering around, spontaneously chatting with people and smiling at Taemin when he caught him staring, wide-eyed, red-faced and dry-mouthed.

Despite how weird it was, Taemin would follow Minho around whenever he got the opportunity to do that, he would pretend to go into the bathroom when Minho was leaving it, print cute puppy pictures when Minho was by the  printer, act like he was fond of coffee despite the fact that he hated the taste of it just so he can go to the lunchroom when Minho was there.

Yet he never really spoke to the boy. What would he tell him? ‘Hi I'm the weird guy who follows you around all the time and messages his friend about how shiny your forehead is. Please don't be scared and love me forever.’

So instead of embarrassing himself, the blonde took advantage of the fact that Minho and Kibum worked in the same department and that's how Kibum became the co-author of the future that Taemin built and his head of him and Minho together, the tool that fueled his fantasy.

That's how in the past year-and-a-half Taemin got to know Minho; by irritating Kibum with questions about the older boy, accidentally being in the same room as him whenever he got the chance, waiting in his car seven extra minutes in the morning so he can see Minho when he got there. Also yes, drinking coffee.


19.2 - 11:00AM

From: Kibum

To: coolshoelaces

As much as it pains me to message you (I mean seriously, Minho, what kind of username is that. Couldn’t you use your freaking name?) but why exactly haven’t you called him?


19.2 - 11:02AM

From: coolshoelaces

To: Kibum

Well, I’m kind of nervous. I’ve never asked a guy out before and he’s so extremely cute. Plus, your shoelaces aren’t even that cool, give it a rest.


19.2 - 11:07AM

From: Kibum

To: coolshoelaces

I’m going to ignore that.

You have to know that he’s more scared than you are. I mean he nearly cried the other day because I pulled a prank on him, for god’s sake.

And he’s been in this relationship for a year-and-a-half already so….


19.2 - 11:08AM

From: Kibum

To: coolshoelaces

I didn’t say that.


Taemin sat by his desk, staring at his phone longingly, waiting for it to let out the merest sound when he heard someone clearing his throat behind him. He swivelled in his desk chair, ready to apologize in case it was his boss but it wasn’t, and Taemin felt the last bit of air leave his lungs as he saw Minho standing there in his black trousers and white t-shirt, holding a bouquet of red roses with a stupid grin on his face.

“Hello. Goodmorning. Whichever.” the tall one said nervously, shifting his weight from one leg to another.

“Hi.” Taemin rasped out. Kibum can say anything he wants, he did need the nurse now.

“Minho.” the brunette extended a hand.

The younger fought the urge to tell him ‘I know.’ and choked out “Taemin.” as he took the older’s hand in his.

It was warm and soft and clammy and he wished he had the option of never letting go, but damn those social norms.

“You look nice today.”

“Thank you.”

“Yes yes, I really like your hair color, you look even cuter, you know. It suits you much better than your natural one, makes your lips stand out more now, I’m not saying you didn’t look good before-no, God you looked so hot-” Minho stopped himself when he realized the stuff he was saying and noticed the taken-aback, shy look on Taemin’s face, and cleared his throat once more, “would you like to, ah, have a cup of coffee?” Minho said briefly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Sounds great.”


20.2 - 9:05

From: Taemin

To: Kibum

He made coffee taste like the sweetest beverage on earth.

i hope you guys liked it.let me know what do you think.

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Chapter 1: Hi I'm the weird guy who follows you around all the time and messages his friend about how shiny your forehead is. Please don't be scared and love me forever.’ omg this is soooo hilarious! I really like this story.. Especially the text between taekey
elektriklily #2
Chapter 1: It was perfect. I really liked the texting that Key and Tae did.
Melirix #3
Chapter 1: So adorable ! I love it so much !
pikasquad #4
Chapter 1: this was adorable and incredibly endearing omggg im loving wingman kibum lmao ;; ah and the last line was super cute and just a lovely way to finish??? absolutely adorbs and I squealed a bit at awkward 2min ;;