day seven, eight and nine alone were serene

darlings and butterflies
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  Day seven, eight and nine alone were serene. At Sana’s vanity, she started brushing her hair with a contented smile plastered on her face. The past few days all she’d done was to engage herself in a deep slumber and strenuous household chores. 
It was a hundred percent to infinity better than cleaning dog dung and sleeping herself with a lurid, ear-crashing music. And thank heavens, she hadn’t seen any wonky limbs.
Cancel day nine because at 11pm Mina held another party that made Sana sleep in woe and distorted music.


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Chapter 6: Oh God. The last time I read this, there were only 3 chaps and now there's 3 new ones yay!

The dares are so funny lmao, you're so witty and creative ㅋㅋㅋ and I literally squealed at the last paaaart!!! Omgggg 2na's finally progressing (at least on Sana's side XD) Sana insisting the sprinklers' the one at fault and denying her feelings for Mina is soooo cuteee like damn asdfghjkl

Can't wait for more 2na "lovely" bickerings (and the other members' scenes as well~) Tbvh author~ssi, I could go on and be contented with Sana just blushing here in this fic. Man, I've probably gone mad as well lol~ Thanks for the update! ^^
Chapter 6: ahahah omg sana is totally falling for mina XD tzuyu has no filters! u tell her~ tysm for updating/editing! tuna4lyfe <333
MinaLove00 #3
Chapter 6: Tis cute. The dialoques are funny. Keep up!
joonataesic #4
Chapter 6: I like this lol. I like SaTzu's convo theyre so funny. And then Sana crushing on Mina is so cute. And Mina is having fun annoying Sana...
Chapter 6: sana fell for mina XD
Chapter 6: I'm so sorry for the terrible mistake. I have been reading this really cool Satzu fic a while ago. I've messed Mina's and Tzuyu's names >.< Mianheeee~ Here's the edited chapter.
Chapter 6: Wait what?! Are you reversing Mina & Tzuyu's characters and make this story a SaTzu?
TotoroAndPooh #8
Chapter 3: why are tzuyu's and mina's characters suddenly reversed??
Chapter 5: hahaha every move is to penny huh