Ice Cream

Have you ever fall in love?
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A sound of Eunji breathing heavily today more than the usual. It’s Saturday and she’s gonna be meeting Seungyoon for their ice cream “date”. Well it’s not necessarily a date, but you can count as one. She doesn’t know what Seungyoon’s motives are but she will make sure, she’s doing it better this time so she could end this quick and forget all that as soon as this business done.

The thing is, she has been conflicting for she’s not sure why. She was wondering from last night, what outfit she’s gonna be wearing for the “so called date”. Let’s be honest, she wouldn’t want to appear ugly even if Seungyoon isn’t her someone special. She wants to look good and appreciating Seungyoon’s manner the last time, helping her. But she also thought of whether Seungyoon will think the same. Worst case scenario, what if she wears make up and dress up but then Seungyoon wears something more casual? It would be a total embarrassment.

She stared at that big closet in front of her and checking out all of those best outfit she has. “Well, I should have thought simple” she self-talked.  She stared for sometimes to the many clothes scattered around her bed. She has been trying to wear the clothes and finding the best possible one for the meeting. It was apparently not easy to find something that really matches you when it’s not a date or not a formal meeting either.

“ I hate this” she muttered in front of the big mirror next to the closet. The last time she did this stupid stuff was when she was in Junior high and she had this first date with someone she admired because of his academic performance. Eunji has this “smart guy” standard for her to finally looking up to somebody. It’s either not easy for her to fall in love again or it’s her too high standard that makes her too difficult to get into a relationship again.

“Eunji—yaa” a voice from outside the room, sound of someone knocking the door.

“yes, Eomma” She response lazily while laying, curling into her pillow.

“breakfast is ready, sweetheart” she’s standing in front of the door.

“I’ll be there in five minutes” She says, lazily. Losing her appetite.

“oh, okay. I’ll see you downstairs” Her mom leaves her wondering why she’s acting so strange lately.



03.30pm and Eunji is already in the car.

The park is not that far, it will take around 10 to 15 minutes there so she would be fine. She will arrive on time. She breathes in and out, getting ready to meet this guy whom she has avoided for a year or so. She doesn’t know what to talk later so she’s really nervous about this. She hopes it will just end with no issues. You know, she got mad really easy when she got into an argument. She was thinking of making a list of possible topics she would want to talk to Seungyoon just in case the conversation turns really boring. But no, it is not her style. Why does she bother to do that? Seungyoon should do all the talk and she will just response with a soft yes, no, or may be. “It’s gonna be easy, Eunjiyaaa.. Relax.” She determined.

She started her car and for some reasons, the weather looks really nice for a park stroll. Seungyoon picked a good date. She thought. Eunji has never been to this park before. Well, because her house has its own beautiful garden, so she doesn’t really need it to go somewhere far.


15 minutes later, 3.45PM, she arrives in the park area. The park is pretty big. It’s one of the 3 biggest park in the city.

“He’s here” Inside her car, Eunji checking on Seungyoon from afar and that guy is already there waiting, sitting on a bench near one of a small lake just next to the parking lot. “I gotta be ready”. She adds.

Aside from her nervousness, she is actually curious what Seungyoon has for today. She walks fast after parking her car and Seungyoon spotting her just before she arrives, waving his hand.

“why he dressed so nicely?” she thought while walking toward him. And she waves back to Seungyoon, acting all good, because she’s apologizing for her improper gesture the last time. They met few times at school before this meeting and it was super strange because Seungyoon seemed to avoid her. May be because he didn’t want Eunji to feel awkward today? Anything could be very possible.  

She approaches him and he looks so nice in his light grey t-shirt.

“hey, have you been waiting long here?” She asks him first.

“No, I guess around 10 minutes ago?” He smiles and answers her.

“So, shall we?”

Eunji nods in agreement.

“Was the traffic crowded today?” Seungyoon tries to open up for a conversation while they’re walking to the ice cream place.  

It wasn’t bad. But it’s Saturday so I was actually expecting people will be on the road, probably travelling or going to check some places out. She tries her best to not looking very awkward while answering and walking beside her school president.

“Good to know. So, how’s your car now? Has it been fixed?” Seungyoon sounds concern.

“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t checked that yet. Dad takes care of it. I drive my mom’s today.” Eunji tells him.

“I see. Anyway, we will walk around 5 minutes to the ice cream place. Will that be okay for you?”

“Ya, sure. It’s not a big deal. The ice cream better be good, tho.” She smiles.

“Oh, you will like it a lot. Don’t worry. They have one of the best homemade ice cream in town. Of course, if you like eating ice cream tho. You like ice cream don’t you?”

“Yeah, I love ice cream.” Nonchalantly.

The place is a neat cute little ice cream place that could hold only few people not more than 30 possibly. But the line is already long. The place looks so nice from outside. Salem green with white and some adorable flower plants that looks new to Eunji’s eye or may be the owner keeps the plants well. She doesn’t know. But the exterior looks simply stunning.


“What’s the best flavor would you recommend me?” Eunji asking for Seungyoon’s advice.

“Hmmmmm. I like many of them. The green tea, mint, and the mango are probably my favorite. But you may want to mix it a little b

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Maribella #1
Chapter 2: Hi...
It has been a while
But seriously..this is dangerously sweet..
Keep writing!!
Maribella #2
Chapter 1: Oh hi there

I think i will attach to your story

Storline is good, i love both seungyon n eunji, and i think your english is superb
Till your next chapter. Bye then:)
Chapter 1: Its my first time to say hello, so Hi!!
Your first chapter feel so refreshing, despite well-known theme it has^^
I feel related maybe because I had once that kind of rivalry with someone back then in junior high and Eunji's pride somehow feel funny, like I was remembering my younger self once again. Yet, my rival not as warm as Seungyoon~ I really want to pinch him here, especially when he asked Eunji to go for ice cream~ *good job, boy* haha
Expecting next update, fighting, author-nim!!^^