The Morning Before

Wish upon a Star(light)

Hidden behind an oversized couch in Heaven's lounge, an angel of small stature with a lopsided halo waited patiently. On the other side of the couch, Sowon sat with Minmi, fanning her signed album enthusiastically. 

“He offered me tea! I don't know of that's ooc but it totally screamed domestic au, do you think he does that with the other members?” 

Minmi bounced herself on the couch as she assured Sowon that no, that wasn't too ooc and yes, it totally screamed domestic au. 

Behind Sowon, her sling bag idled unattended. It perked slightly as a hand s between the couch cushions to slide in, but it didn't do much as the small angel slid her hand in and picked out Sowon's clipboard. The clipboard disappeared behind the couch, unnoticed. It went back into the back soon though, the tiny addendum's to Han Sanghyuk's all but invisible. 


Sanghyuk woke to the persistent blare of his phone alarm, feeling as well rested as a high school student. In other words, he felt like a zombie. 

He shuffled about his small apartment, trying to at least not look like a zombie and like an idol, as he waited for the tell-tale screech of the manager's van. He pandered to the bathroom, yawned through a quick shower and pandered back out for some decent clothes. He wandered back into the kitchen, finding his persistent lethargy strange, 

As Sanghyuk fought the coffee maker into a state of function, the district feeling that something was off nibbled at the back of his mind. 

From his door, the sounds of enthusiastic banging arose. 

“Hyuk! Hyuuuuukkkk!” 

Ah yes, Sanghyuk mentally groaned. Cha Hakyeon the morning bird. 

“Hyukkie are you ready yet?”

“Coming!“ Sanghyuk yelled as he left the coffee maker to do it's work, yawning as we shuffled for the door. He threw it open and sure enough, Hakyeon was grinning in the hallway, looking like it was one in the afternoon and not seven in the morning. 

The second the door was open, Hakyeon swept in for a Hakyeon-styled-hyung-hug™ and Sanghyuk grunted as the air vacated his lungs. 

“How've you been kid?”

“First of all,” Sanghyuk mumbled into Hakyeon's shoulder, “I'm not a kid. I'm in my twenties. Second of all, you saw me just yesterday.”

Sanghyuk's sleep muddled mind didn't see anything wrong with the picture, but as he coaxed the coffee out of the machine and into his mouth, he noticed that he felt oddly… weighted.  

“Hakyeon?” Sanghyuk asked the elder tentatively. “What are you doing clinging to me?” 

“Dunno.” Hakyeon shrugged into Sanghyuk's back. “Just feel like it.” 

Sanghyuk eyed him suspiciously as he dumped his mug into his sink. Did Hakyeon tack something weird on his back again?

“Sanghyuk!” A voice trilled from the doorway. “We're coming in!” 

Sanghyuk heard Jaehwan push his way past the shoe rack in the hallway Sanghyuk knew was overflowing, closely followed by Wonshik's deep rumbles. 

“We got breakfast!” He yelled, and as the rapper came in ahead of Jaehwan, Sanghyuk saw him carrying two bags of packed food. Behind him was Taekwoon's silent form, nodding politely in greeting. 

“Chicken noodles from that cheap place with the fast delivery.” Jaehwan chirped. 

“Great!” Sanghyuk cried out, lunging for the food. When Jaehwan handed it out happily, Sanghyuk pulled back to eye him suspiciously. 

“Is it chilli laced?” 

Jaehwan blinked. “What? No, I literally just got these from the delivery guy.” 

Sanghyuk judged Jaehwan's sleepy, morning smile and decided that he really didn't have the energy to pre-check his food. If it had chilli, then so be it.

As Sanghyuk set the food on the coffee table, he remained oblivious to his unusually cheery hyungs. 


Sorry the chapter is late! I was sick-ish last week and Hari Raya called me away…

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Chapter 3: Update soon!! o u o
Chapter 3: Selamat Hari Raya!!
I love your story~