Chapter 21

Mainstream of Love
It was a bright Sunday afternoon in the last throws of summer, a cloud swam cross the clear blue sky. Seohyun in her yellow floral dress standing pensively in the middle of beautiful flowers in bloom lined backyard. Her eyes flick skyward scanning the bright afternoon sky. She craned her head backward, a few picnic tables lined up neatly above the green grass. Today Seohyun, Kyuhyun and some of their friends gathering to do their usual weekend routine in their backyard, they always gathered every week just to chat, picnicking or held a tea party and enjoying the beautiful evening sky together. They always take turns choosing a place to gathered and this week is the Cho’s turn. The routine is always manage to tighten their bonds of friendship. Seohyun saw her friends Yuri, Taeyeon and Hyoyeon were busy put up the sheets on the picnic table and set up the utensils, while the other one, Jessica, was busy sharing her love with her beloved husband, Donghae.
“Ya! Can you guys stop making love here? The kids are watching” annoyingly, a petite woman shouted to the couple, but the two lovebirds ignored the warning and just flirting each other without doubt
“at least help us draw up the utensils and you can do what you wanna do after that” but still no respond from them “aish… to whom I was talking to?”
“just ignore them Hyo, you know we can’t stop them in this case” The oldest one told her
“tsss… they both absolutely passionately in love, can’t believe they’re still the same for years” Yuri added with her high-pitched tone
“don’t get me wrong girls, I’m just doing my mom’s advice. She said that marriage relationship will be strong and harmonious if we continue to make love, you guys should also follow this advance” Donghae jokingly blurt out after hearing Yuri’s babbling
“yeah but not all the time, every time and in every place neither in front of our kids you pabo! I don’t want my kid smells fishy like you” Hyoyeon said jokingly
“but I love the fishy one the most” Jessica said, as again showering her husband face with million kisses
Even Seohyun can’t help but laugh and rolled her eyes upon her bestfriends behavior. Four years have passed and they are still the same, nothing has changed; still her beloved friends.
“hey guys come here! Look what I found” a shrill voice filled the air, Seohyun’s eyes directed toward a little boy. He was wearing a plain white shirt with jeans and his favorite red hat. Her boy, their boy was an exact copy of him. He got his eyes, his nose, his plump lips even his trade-mark smirk. it was obvious that he carries the features of his father perfectly.
“what is that yoowol-ah?” a cute brown-haired little girl asked the 4-years-old Yoowol and running toward him, followed by two other behind
“this is a worm” he answered simply
“worm? Ewww… you slovenly little boy, keep it away! You know they’re dirty and full of bacteria” the younger girl scolded him with her shrill voice
“that’s only a worm haeyeon-ah, it’s not going to bite you”
“yeah, eunhyo right. It won’t make you die with just a touch. Here…”  yoowol reached out the worm
“kyaaa… keep it away from me” scared, haeyeon ran away toward her parents and hide herself behind her mom
Yoowol was about to catch the scared younger girl but before he can run closer a strong arm caught his waist, gently but strong enough to stop him from any movement. Yoowol turned his face backward and was greeted by a gentle smile of a man in his late 20’s
“A-appa…” taken aback by his father presence, he just blinking innocently and smiling as wide as possible, knowing how it is always managed to melt his mom’s heart
“stop showing me that face. It doesn’t work to me” the man, who is none other than Kyuhyun, patted the little boy’s head playfully
“how many times I tell you about this. Don’t compare Haeyeon with you and you’re two other friends. She’s a girl, she wasn’t like you, she’s different, so you also have to treat her differently” Kyuhyun advised him “now apologize to her!” He locked his eyes right in Yoowol’s eyes. Just like him, Yoowol’s weaknesses is in his eyes. He can’t say anything and just do what his father said as he walking toward Haeyeon and say sorry
“good boy” Kyuhyun smile proudly as she ruffled Yoowol’s hair lovingly
“now, do you wanna play hide and seek with me?”
“ne…” he answered excitedly jumping up and down. His eyes shining and sparkling even more after his father took him to play one of his favorite games 
Once again, Seohyun smiled slightly by the scene in front of her.
Who would have thought, her greatest regrets are the source of happiness for her life.
Five years ago when she first learned that she would have a baby at such young age and the worst part was the man she hated the most was the father of the baby. She tried desperately to stop the tape and rewind, back to that day and avoid her meeting with Kyuhyun and delete all the ‘accident’ scene from her recording of life. But she can’t do anything and just let fate played joke to her life. She always thought how unfair God to her. But now the story has changed, she had a different mindset, she finally knew behind all her not-so-good way of life, God has a wonderful plan for her. Those who had not expected to come into her life, now has become her reason of live the biggest gift of her life. Her time ticking just for them, her heart beating just for them, she can’t breathe without them.
It really mean the world, pure bliss for her. To have two boys in her life; one her precious cute little son and one her perfect boyfriend image, the perfect next-door-boy that every girl’s dream to spend they’re rest of life with, which now has been turned into a fully grown man. Well, for her to Kyuhyun, it wasn’t really love at first sight, but the important thing now is that she is very, very loved him, love them both more than anything.
“Seohyun-ah, can you get the chopstick for me?”
“ne?” heard Yuri’s squeaky voice in her reverie, Seohyun finally brought herself back to life
“the chopstick, next to you, can you get it for me?” Yuri repeated her request, pointing to a chopstick on the table next to Seohyun
“coming” has fully awakened from her reverie, she took the chopstick beside her and gave it to Yuri
“are we done yet?” out of the blue, Donghae with his starving  men club came over, patting their stomachs
“we’re hungry” Leeteuk added
“be patient boys, just one more touch and we’re ready” Taeyeon said as her hands were busy grilling the rest of meat
“aish… we’ve been waiting for nearly two hours. Faster! we’re starving” Eunhyuk said
“excuse me? You could say that while you don’t help us preparing at all? Moreover only the three of us who do the ‘duties’ here since Jessica was busy doing her business with her Dongahe oppa, and Seohyun was busy daydreaming over there” Hyoyeon replied
“mianhae eonni, I just got carried away by the beautiful sky above” with pleading eyes, mouth pouting, she reasoned and say sorry
“okey, I accept your apology, just please don’t show me that trying-to-look-cute face again, you’re old enough it doesn’t fit you anymore” they burst into laughter while Seohyun was embarrassed by her cute-silly act just now
“Ya! How dare you say such thing to my Seobaby. She’s the most adorable woman in this world” Kyuhyun with his piercing eyes gave Hyoyeon a death glare as he gave Seohyun a back hug, linked his arms around her waist and gave her raining kisses from her neck trailed kissed down her shoulder
“oppa…” Seohyun can’t help but let out a single moan by her husband little action
“guys… the kids” Yuri warned
Realizing their children are lined, watching them with wide eyes filled with curiosity, Kyuhyun stop the action and positioned himself sitting among the others, waiting for their wives preparing the feast.
Happiness, how strange. He didn’t rightly know what it mean then. His life just filled with one-night-stand relationship, go on the razzle without a clear purpose of life. For him happiness is slippery. It doesn’t like to stick around. What we refer to as happiness is really just what the absence of suffering feels like. Until she came into his life, brought him millions of happiness, who grab his hand and pulled him out of the dark. Even when he’s struggling, he can smile still because of her. Even when he’s fall down, he can get back up because of her. And there he comes, his little precious little thing, his everything. Who made his  life complete. It feels like all the happiness in this world is his.
While waiting for the food, Kyuhyun carefully observed every movement made by his lovely wife who was busy giving seasoning on the meat. He loved it, this is such a habit for him, sit quietly at the dinning table, watching every moves she made when she was preparing breakfast every morning. He still remembers four years ago when she made her first breakfast; tasteless. But she was fully grown woman now, she has become one of the best cooky in the world. Well, at least that’s what Kyuhyun said.
As he watched his wife silently he couldn’t help but smile. She always had that effect on him, had had it, in fact, for years, since he first saw her-her deep, enthralling, hypnotized eyes that seemed too large and mature for her when she was child, that she had grown into a beautiful woman and that still always made him smile.
“I really had a great time today” Yuri said as she let go of her arms of Seohyun
“me too eonni” Seohyun replied
“we’re going”
“ne. Yoowol-ah say goodbye to Yuri ahjuma and Yesung ahjussi”
“annyeonghigaseyo” Yoowol waved his little hands cutely as they bid goodbye to their last guest
“now it’s time for my little hero to sleep” Kyuhyun said as he kneeled down to composing his body to Yoowol’s eyes level. The little fellow nodded and came barging into Kyuhyun’s arms, linked his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck as he pulling Yoowol’s little body into his embrace and carry him to his bedroom.
“and they’re live happily ever after” Seohyun ended her bedtime story. She tucked Yowool’s little body who have fallen asleep in a blanket to keep his warmth. She kissed his forehead softly before turning off the lights and rushed out of the room slowly trying to make no sound
“is he asleep?” out of the blue, Kyuhyun walked over and gave her a back hug, his favorite position ever.
“aigoo… you startled me”
“really?” he replied seductively in her ears, gave her a goose bumps. Kyuhyun turned Seohyun’s body backward to face him, with no doubt he kissed Seohyun’s irresistible lips. From her cheeks his hands trailed down to her shoulder, her waist and finally reached her firm buttocks. He squeezed it hard bring in a moan from , as always her moan is a perfect melody in his ears, and as always his little action always success made Seohyun fall into his ‘trap’
Kyuhyun  let go of the kiss, took a small, whimsical breath and paused a moment
“waeyo?” disappointed, she asked Kyuhyun. He smirked
“follow me!” Kyuhyun said as he pulled Seohyun’s hand
“just follow me, I’ve prepared something for you” he answered simply. Curiously she was just following his orders


-------- hello ...
I'm finally back after the long long long hiatus *bowed
I went back to finish the final chapters
to pay for my sins (?), I made two updates in a day.
The last chapter will publish after this. so sit back and wait patiently
-------- and sorry for my grammatical and spelling errors


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Guixuxian0206 #1
Chapter 22: Make another story again for seokyu.. We really like your stories..
leeontae #2
Chapter 22: Really really really nice story.......good job author,,,I Love U'r fanfiction,,,,seokyu ......keep writing :)
Chapter 12: they finally did it again lol
i'm happy to the max
Chapter 5: emotional in this chapter. why? seo is down
Chapter 4: seomma says yessa. how kyu reaction
Chapter 2: first meeting in long time but you do that kekekekkee
seems intresting then
Chapter 1: finally I could read this although it slowly to read this.
i love chapter 1 like introducing :)
Lyzza1726 #8
Chapter 21: Very nice ending.. Good job.. Kip it up.. Thumbs up to you..
mydearestmia #9
Chapter 22: AAAAA!!! It's so cool!!! DAEBAKKKK!!! <3 <3
kyubaby23 #10