Precious Moments

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               It was a beautiful Sunday. Breakfast at the balcony where everything can be seen, what a picturesque view. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, the sun is shining brightly, and the calming sound of the ocean can be heard. Everything is perfect.


“Are you okay?” The man asked his wife as he reach for her hand.

“Yeah. It’s just that, it feels like everything’s happening so quickly. I can still remember the very first time we saw her, held her. Her first times are still crystal clear in my mind.”



                The sound of a baby crying filled the room, it was the most beautiful sound for the parents. 

“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Tuan. You have a very beautiful baby girl.” Said the doctor as he carefully gives the infant to the couple. Tears of joy instantly flowed through their cheeks.

“We made it, baby Aly. Thanks for staying with mommy.” Wendy whispered. “We’re really parents now.” She added as she turns to her husband. Mark gave a nod then kissed his wife’s forehead.  

                Hours later, the baby was brought to her mother’s room from the nursery. Their friends are also there.

“What a beautiful baby girl. We have a new princess.” Seulgi, one of Wendy’s best friends, said.

“She looks just like you.” Irene added.

“She got Mark’s eyes though.” Wendy replied. Mark’s just looking at his wife and their daughter like they’re the most precious gems, because they are.

“Look Lexi, Aunt Wendy’s baby girl. You will take care of her, okay?” Her sister, Stella, told her daughter.

She now needs to feed the baby. The nurse assisted her, told her what she needs to and not to do then left. The nervousness can’t be avoided.

“Mark, girls... I’m not sure how to do this.” Wendy said while trying hard to hold back her tears.

“Wendy, look at me. Everything will be okay. There’s always a first time for everything, so that we can learn. I assure you, we’re here for you. I’m here for you. Everything’s gonna be okay. Okay?” Her husband said as he kissed her head. That simple action eased Wendy’s mind. 


 “Mark’s right. Don’t worry, you two will be great parents.” Seulgi said.

“You really think so?”

“We know so.” Irene replied. They gave her their sweetest smile.

                Baby Aly’s first meal went well. Wendy was still uneasy at first, but little by little, she’s getting used to it.



                The new family went home the next day. Their first night, they literally got no sleep because they’re always checking on Aly. Even though they already put her to sleep, they’re still not letting themselves rest. Mark was convincing his wife to take at least a nap so she can regain her strength while he watches their daughter, but she doesn’t want to.



With the weekend coming, Stella, Irene, and Seulgi plans on having a small dinner party at the Tuan’s, while their husbands pick up Mark, and Wendy’s parents at the airport.


“Mom! Dad! Bam!” / “Mom! Dad! Yeri!” They greeted each other’s parents.

“Oh, our children. We’re so proud of you two!” Wendy’s mom, Monica, said.

“Where’s our little princess? Still sleeping?” Dorine asked.

“Yes mom, but you can see her in the nursery now if you want to.” Mark answered his mom.

“Oh no, we can see her later. I’m sure your lovely wife here had a hard time putting her to sleep. We wouldn’t want to wake her up.”

“We should eat dinner first. The food Stella, Irene, and Seulgi prepared smells scrumptious.” Wendy suggested.

“That’s a good idea sis.” The younger brother, Bambam agrees.

                After dinner, the family spent the night catching up with each other. A little while later, Baby Aly started crying.

“Oh! She’s awake, I’ll just go get her.” Wendy rushed to the nursery room.

“There she is. Our dear sweet baby Aly.” Raymond said as his daughter-in-law re-enters the room.

“Aww.  She looks like her mom.” Mark’s mom said.

“And her eyes, so pretty like your son’s.” Monica followed.

“Can grandpa Jack carry her?”

“Of course!” Wendy carefully transferred her daughter to her father’s arms. Aly looked at his grandpa for a sec, then she started crying. They all started laughing.

“Shhh dear. I’m your grandpa.”

“She still doesn’t know you dad.” Stella teased.

“Well, obviously.” She won’t stop crying, so Jack cautiously gave his granddaughter to Mark.

                The evening went well. With the help of their parents, Mark and Wendy now has more knowledge about parenthood. 



Six months passed.

“M-ma! M-mom-my!” 

“Oh my goodness. Maaaark!!!! Come quickly!!” Wendy called Mark.


“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.”  

“Why? Why? What happened? Are you okay?” Her husband came rushing in, panicking.

“Nothing, nothing. Everything’s okay!!”

“You scared the hell out of me. Then why are you screaming??”

“She said ‘mommy’! Aly’s first word!!” His face brightens up upon hearing.

“What? Really?” Mark was surprised by his wife’s news. “What did you say baby? Can daddy hear it?” He added as he reach out for their princess, who is now also crawling, fast.

“D-dad-da.” The couple looked at each other with wide smiles painted on their faces.

“She’s gonna say daddy! Wendy, she was gonna say daddy! ” Mark said enthusiastically while hugging his wife using his other arm, the other holding Aly. “Can you say it again, baby? Say ‘daddy’”


“Maybe she’s still learning it, Mark.” Wendy told her husband. “How about ‘mommy’? Can you say ‘mommy’ again?”


“Oh, Mark. I’m so happy. She’s learning her first words.” Tears are forming by the corner of her eye.

“Me too Wendy, me too.” He smiled then kissed her head.



                BABY ALY’S FIRST BIRTHDAY!! The whole family is now boarding to Seattle, since the grandparents weren’t able to file a week leave at work.

“I’m so excited, this is the first time I’m gonna visit the US since the day I moved to Auckland.” Jackson said, and yes, by ‘whole family’, I mean each and every one of the gang.

“This is my first time going to Seattle so I’m really excited too.” Seulgi added.

“D-daddy!” Baby Aly said. Her pronunciation has gotten better, and she also learned new words.

 “Daddy won’t be seating with us baby. He’s flying the plane.” Yes, Mark’s flying the plane, this is his first flight after his 2-year break.

“Fly fly?”

“Yes baby. Fly.” Wendy let out a smile because her daughter is just too adorable.

                They reached the Son’s residence in Seattle around noon, and everything’s already prepared. Food, decorations, gifts. Bambam and Yeri arrived on time with the cake.

“Happy First Aly Day!!” Aly’s aunt, Yeri greeted, the others greeted as well.

They celebrated until evening. Mark and Wendy’s moms insisted on putting their granddaughter to sleep since they want Wendy to enjoy the night, telling her that this is also a celebration for her, for all her hard work.

 The guys suggested to watch movies, the girls agreed. They all have common interest when it comes to movie genres so they didn’t had a hard time choosing what to watch. The day ended with all of them, except Wendy and Seulgi, sleeping in the entertainment room. All of the kids are in the guest room, while Wendy and Seulgi’s kids, both infants, are sleeping in Wendy’s old room, their moms watching over them.

“Hey, Seulgi?” Wendy called her best friend.


“I’m getting kind of nervous.”


“Mark’s going back to work. Half of the week, he won’t be home. I’m scared that something might happen at home while he’s gone.”  

“You know what? I experienced the exact same thing when Jinyoung has to go back to work when Jun was the same age as Aly, but remember what you guys told me? You said that you’ll always be by our side to help me whenever I’m having a hard time, and that I will get used to it as time goes by.”

“Yeah, I remember that. That time it was easier to say because I had no idea what it feels like.” They chuckled at what she said.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. You know that you can always call us whenever you need help, and just like what Mark said in the hospital, these first times will help you learn. You’ll get used to it, and everything will feel just like you’ve been doing it for a very long time, and take note, I’m saying this as someone who already experienced it.” Seulgi replied. Wendy laughed at the last part. “Lastly, you’re a strong, great woman. You can do it.”  

“Thanks a lot Seulgi.” They hugged each other before going to sleep.      



                Years came by so fast, Aly’s in first day in pre-school!

“You think she’ll be okay?” Wendy asked Mark, he got home last night after 3 days of work. They’re now standing by the hallway, watching their princess as she walks towards her classroom.

“Of course, don’t worry too much.” Her husband assured her.

“Sorry. I just can’t help it.”

“I understand. C’mon, you should take a rest for a while.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Just like Mark said, they went home so they could get some rest while waiting for Aly’s dismissal so they can pick her up.

                They’re back at Aly’s school, waiting for her to come out. Not too long, they saw their daughter walking towards them, but they noticed that she’s holding her small backpack in front instead of wearing it on her back.

“Why are you carrying your bag like that Aly? Is the strap broken?” Mark asked, the latter just shook her head, not saying even a single word.

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Raeminniepotpot #1
Chapter 1: Such a good read!!!!
GotVelvet-Liss #2
Chapter 1: This is beautiful fam that everyone always dreaming.
7380ssiw #4
Chapter 1: I love the fact that it's somewhat different than the other markdy fanfics. A story well written. Beautiful!
Chapter 1: OHMYGOD the feels of your story, it's so beautiful, I seriously shed tears, it's so sweet, so..... OHMYGOD this got me speechless. I don't know what more to say than thank you for this, it is really beautiful, from the first part then this one.... <3 thank you!
Chapter 1: Yaaas!!! I've been wanting to read a markdy story where they're married.
This was so good, and the fact that their daughter got married in the end got me in tears.
Thank you for sharing this amazing shot <333
HufflepuffBaby #7
Chapter 1: Oh my god!!!!!!!!
The feels, the tears ;A;
I'm so emotional right now, omg this was so beautiful..