Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

Early in the morning, when the sky was dark blue and not a single ray of light was in sight, Jaebum awoke to an eerie silence. Eye's still closed, Jaebum listened and heard nothing. To him, "nothing" was odd. Especially in their room. Prying his sleepy eyes open, the first thing Jaebum noticed was the area next to him was empty. There was no snores. There was no sleep talking. There was no Youngjae, curled up beside him like a puppy. This sudden realization nearly caused Jaebum to fall off the bed.

Forcing himself into a sitting position, Jaebum scanned the room for life only to find it empty. As Jaebum looked around again, he noticed a small light trickling from the cracks of the bathroom door. He stared at it for a while. 'Maybe I forgot to turn the light off...unless.'

Jaebum swung his legs off the bed and shuffled towards the door. He raised his hand and knocked, gently. "Youngjae-ah? Are you in there? okay?"

For a few fearful seconds, Jabeum heard nothing. Silence like earlier. 'Maybe Youngjae isn't in here, I must have forgotten to turn off the light again,' thought Jaebum. He shrugged and set his hand on the silver handle. Just as he was about to twist the knob, he heard heavy breathing and small whimpers from inside.


"Y-Youngjae? Is that you? Youngjae I'm coming in, okay?" said Jaebum, slightly panicking. He twisted the knob and pushed the door open. As his eyes scoured the bathroom, Jaebum let out a small gasp. To his horror he found Youngjae, face flushed pink and sprawled on the tile floor next to the toilet. "Oh gosh, Youngjae. No, what happened? Are you okay?"

Jaebum rushed to Youngjae's side, kneeling next to him and running comforting hands over the younger's back. "Youngjae, you're burning up!"

Youngjae's eyes cracked open slightly to see the elder's concerned face. He lifted one arm to rest his hand on Jaebum, who was completely in panic mode. "J-Jae...Bum."

"Youngjae? What is it? Do we need to go to the hospital? How long were you here? Why didn't you wake me up?" rambled Jaebum as he ran frustrated fingers through his hair.

"J-Jae, calm," whispered Youngjae as he put on a weak smile. "I-I haven't...been here...long."

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could've gotten you medicine," said Jaebum, voice shaking.

"Y-You...were cute...asleep. B-Besides...I can h-handle things...myself."

"Handle things yourself?" said Jaebum, eyebrows knitting. "You can barely talk right now, let alone stand."

"I-I can stand!" said Youngjae suddenly. "I-I was...going to...walk back."

Youngjae pushed Jaebum's hold away. Grabbing the wall, he pulled himself up to his feet. Though unstable, he said, "S-See? Standi-"

In a split second, Youngjae's legs gave out under him. Jaebum was already under him, ready to catch. As Jaebum cradled the groaning Youngjae, he said softly, "See? I told you. How can you walk if you can't stand. Just let me take care of you."

Youngjae looked up at Jaebum, eyes tired and cheeks red. He pouted and said, "B-But..."

"But what?"

Youngjae sighed before saying, "I-I'm sorry...I didn't w-wear a jacket...last time."

"It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. Now let's get you to bed." Jaebum stood up and swooped up Youngjae's legs to carry him bridal style. "Off to bed princess!"

Jaebum carried Youngjae out of the bathroom and onto the bed, carefully setting him down. Jaebum stood up to get medicine when Youngjae grabbed the hem of his shirt.

"W-Where are you going?"

"Kitchen for medicne. I'm not leaving the house, it's okay," said Jaebum petting the younger's head before walking out the door.

Jaebum's hands leafed through the cabinets as they searched for fever medicine. As Jaebum got the water and syrup ready, he remembered the warm, salty taste of soup. 'Soup for Youngjae...,' thought Jaebum as he grabbed a can of soup from the pantry and got everthing together.

Walking back into the bedroom, hands full of liquids, Jaebum beamed down at his sleeping princess. Youngjae still looked squishable like marshmallows and was just plain cute. Jaebum set the liquids on the table before kneeling beside the bed, staring at Youngjae's lashes that stood out against the pearly skin. Just as Jaebum was beginning to get lost in Youngjae's cuteness...

"Jaebum. W-What are you doing?"

"Oh, n-nothing!" said Jaebum quickly. "Anyways, food."

Youngjae nodded as Jaebum helped the younger sit up. Once Youngjae was in a comfortable position, complete with pillows behind him, Jaebum got a spoonful of soup ready. "Say ahh."

"J-Jaebum, t-this is weird," mumbled Youngjae as he pressed his fingers against his lips.

"Just eat it," said Jaebum. "Princess."

"I-I'm not a princess," whined Youngjae.

"You're my princess, now eat," said Jaebum as he pressed the spoon against Youngjae's lips. It stayed there for a while before Youngjae gave up and ate. After the first spoon, Youngjae's eyes widened.

"J-Jaebum...this," said Youngjae pointing to the bowl. "I-Is chicken noodle soup...from a can. You actually cooked."

Jaebum stared at youngjae, giving him a I'm-going-to-get-you-back-later look. "Wow, thank's so much. I feel so appreciated."

Youngjae let out a weak laugh before continuing to eat. After the small bowl of soup was finished Jaebum said, "Medicine time."

Jaebum took the syrup and put it against Youngjae's lips, thinking he'd swallow it... but of course he didn't. 

"Yah, drink it. You have to to get better," said Jaebum, pushing the cup.

"MMM, I c-can't!" cried Youngjae. He clasped his hand over his mouth and shook his head. "It tastes bad!"

"You won't die from it."

"I'll throw it up!"

Jaebum sighed and shook his head. He rubbed his face in frustration and joked, "I never thought taking care of you would be like taking care of a baby."

"M-Meanie," mumbled Youngjae, crossing his arms and pouting.

"It's just like taking care of a baby. Now just drink it all up on three. Please?" said Jaebum holding out the cup which Youngjae took cautiously.

"On three?" said Youngjae, unsure about the taste of the purple sparkly syrup.

Jaebum nodded before starting the countdown. "One...Two...Three."

At three, Youngjae downed the medicine in one large gulp. His eyes were shut tightly, trying to keep the taste from entering his nose. But he couldn't. Once the liquid was swallowed, the taste exploded in his mouth and left him crying out, "W-WATER!"

​Catching the cue, Jaebum shoved the cup of water into Youngjae's desperate hands and watched the younger chug it down. It wasn't his fault but his eyes wandered down and watched how nice his neck looked...

"Bleh," muttered Youngjae, staring at the empty medicine cup. "That...was...crap."

"Crap that would help you get better," said Jaebum as he poked Youngjae's forehead. "Now go to sleep."

As Youngjae fell back into the pillows he pulled Jaebum's arm and Jaebum fell along with him. As Youngjae snuggled into the elder's chest, he whispered, "Stay."

Jaebum wrapped his hands around the younger's waist and nodded before whispering, "Anything for my princess.

There was silence for a while causing Jaebum to assume Youngjae was asleep. As he was beginning to grow drowsy, he heard Youngjae's small voice.

" did you like taking care of a baby?"

"I loved it. Especially since it was you," said Jaebum, leaning down to shower Youngjae with kisses. Everytime his lips pressed against Youngjae's skin, Jaebum could hear the younger gasp slightly. Enjoying it, Jaebum quickly dove in for a real kiss before letting the younger go to sleep.


"Probably wasn't the greatest idea I had...," Jaebum said through loud coughs. "Showering you kisses."

"Probably," said Youngjae, smiling as he set down medicine and soup on the night table. "But it felt good."

"Are you going to do the same to me?" asked Jaebum playfully as he pointed to his puckered lips.

"No chance. I'm not getting sick again," said Youngjae, sticking his tongue out.


I had to rewrite it completely because it didn't save when my computer turned off... ( T - T ) but it turned out better! (I guess, I didn't revise it :D)

Also, thank's for subscribing even when I haven't even released a chapter! Hope this met your expectations!

Yay, hope you guys enjoyed it! <333

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Chapter 1: Hahah Jaebum with no self control but really who would be in their right mind not to kiss an adorable otter to make him feel better Xd... Your illness is fpr the better Beommie... Xd thumbs up, heart flying and Im seriously a 2jae trash Xd 333DEF333
Chapter 1: Aww, so cute, really! I loved it hehe
It made me smile reading this story!
jesusandklife #3
Chapter 1: That was so precious omg
Chapter 1: wow!! Cuteness overloaded
Chapter 1: this is so cute aaah
Chapter 1: Cuteee... love it, esp because my 2jae was so adorable