I Miss You

I Miss You


Jung Taekwoon.

I miss him.

He was never a man of words.  He would rather use movements or his stare to tell me what’s going on inside his mind. And I find it wonderful that I was able to understand him.

He loves coffee. He would crazy over just the scent of it being brewed. Latte is his favorite, mine’s cappuccino. And because of this most of our dates take place in coffee shops.

And as I walk pass the nearest coffee shop to our apartment, I miss him.


He knows Taekwondo. And using his skills, he knocked down my ex boyfriend who kept bothering me.

And that same day said that he loves me, for the first time. And I told him that I love him too because it’s true. I do.

He plays football. He’s the team’s captain and swooned by the cheerleading squad and almost the entire female population of the school. Not that he cared anyway. He said he can only see one girl and it was I.

I walked pass by the football field. I miss him.


We both love cats. We adopted one and named it munchkin. We treated her like our own child.

But a cancer hit her and she died. It was one of the darkest days of my life.

And later that night, with the hopes of trying to cheer me up, he told me we could just have another baby.

A real baby.

He was crazy.

He has a weird sense of humor but I miss him.


He has a hidden talent for singing.

But he said he would only sing for me.

And he did, on our anniversaries, on my birthday, when I can’t sleep, when I’m upset.

His voice would always make me calm.

And now I’m listening to his voice. I miss him.


We always understand each other. We barely fought.

But we did. Two weeks ago before he left for Japan. It was horrible.

He was angry over something. I was jealous because of someone.

And we haven’t talked ever since. He’s supposed to be back today.

I regret it and I miss him.


But he called and I immediately picked it up.

But I can’t say anything.

It was a long silence before he speak up and said,

“You are the first person I want to see as soon as I’m back.


“ I miss you.”


So now I’m running, rushing to hail a taxi going to the airport.

I want to see him so badly. I need to see him. I can’t spend another moment not being with him.

Jung Taekwoon.

“I miss you too.”



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