
Naturally, There Were Sparks

Seokjin sighs and spins around in his -now fixed- chair. No work was being done to fix the trails and Yoongi hasn’t show up to work for the past week. Of course, this could all be fixed by sending someone else out with Hoseok, but that would defeat the purpose of what Seokjin was trying to get across. He needed Yoongi to come to work today so that Hoseok would stop with his conspiracy theories as well.


“But Mr. Kim, there is something not right going on here! I swear I haven’t even been on most of these trails! Just ask Yoongi, I had never been on the couples trail. This was my first time being there, and my sister-!” Hoseok rambles on, trying to get out of his unfair punishment but Seokjin wasn’t having any of it. Seokjin picks up the phone and types in Yoongi’s phone number.








The phone is picked up and Seokjin hears a cough on the other side. “Hello, Seokjin. I can’t-.”


“Get your into work right now before give you the job of cleaning up animal dung for a week, Yoongi.” Seokjin hangs up before the younger can protest in aegyo. Seokjin hates aegyo. Especially when Yoongi does it because he does it well.


Hoseok shuts his mouth and tries to ignore the fiery glare coming from Seokjin. He seems like such a nice man until you’re suspected of vandalism, then you’re dealing with Satan himself. And he doesn't feel like pissing the older man off anymore than he has.


“Hoseok, unless you give me cold hard proof, I refuse to lift your sentence.” Seokjin tries to compromise.


“Throw me a trial.”


“What?” Seokjin deadpans. Hoseok sits up in his chair with a new air of confidence surrounding him.


“I said I want a trial. And Min Yoongi is my star witness.” Hoseok smiles smugly. Seokjin sneers at him but doesn’t object to the idea.


Seokjin leans forward on his desk and clasps his hands together. He smirks when he hears the audible gulp. “Well then,” he says in a low tone, “find Yoongi, evidence, and come back to me in two or three days. We’ll see then if you’re truly guilty or not.”


Hoseok doesn’t know whether he should groan or cheer, but he doesn’t do either. He instead jumps out of his chair and flies out the door to wait for Yoongi to show up.



It’s almost an hour later after Seokjin made the call to Yoongi that the male finally shows up at his office, but with Donghyuk in tow. Well, more like Donghyuk in the lead and Yoongi obediently following behind him.


It doesn’t make Seokjin any happier when his office door slams open, in true Donghyuk ‘I don’t care’ fashion. But this is an establishment with rules, not some city street where morons parade around with signs screaming about human rights. It is in Seokjin’s right and best interest to throw him out and slam the door in his face, but Seokjin has a reputation to behold.


Seokjin should know better though, where there is Yoongi, there is Hoseok. So naturally, Hoseok comes up behind a relieved looking Yoongi, shouting on about who he found him and that Donghyuk needs to find his place. All this noise makes Seokjin growl and rub his temples.


One sentence makes him freeze though, then his blood starts to boil.


“I want you to fire Yoongi.”


Seokjin looks up at Donghyuk with eyes that reflect back Donghyuk’s quick end if he didn’t retract his statement.


“What did you just say to me?” Seokjin hisses. Donghyuk is unfazed by Seokjin’s poor temper and instead sits down in one of the guest chairs. He pats his thigh and looks up at Yoongi, who looks utterly disgusted by what Donghyuk was implying. He simply scoots closer to Hoseok.


Donghyuk laughs at Yoongi’s reaction, then turns cold as he turns back to Seokjin. “I said, fire him.”


Seokjin just about rages. Instead he rants. “You come into my office, what, two months ago and demand me to hire Min Yoongi, and now you barge in here again and demand that I fire him? Are you thinking correctly, Shin Donghyuk?”


“Yes. Min Yoongi can no longer be of service to you, especially if he’s going to be working with Hoseok.” Donghyuk explains.


But Seokjin isn’t going to accept that bull argument. Why should he? Min Yoongi isn’t an object to be discussed like this, he has to make his own decisions. Seokjin can see the deflated look on Yoongi’s face and knew that the younger male did not want this.


“Give me actual reason, Donghyuk. I know for a fact that ever since Hoseok started temporarily working here, Yoongi has been doing better than before. He doesn’t even screech at the men at the front desk, he in fact waves at them. He even told Tiffany and Jessica a joke last time he was here. Don’t give me this bull excuse that he can’t work with Hoseok.” Seokjin raves, making Donghyuk angry.


“I…He’s… AH .” Donghyuk sputters. He glares at Yoongi from the corner of his eye. This makes Yoongi back away even more. Seokjin notices the intense nervousness coming off the boy in what felt like waves. Something isn’t right here.


“Hoseok and Yoongi, I need you two to find Taehyung and Jungkook. Hoseok, make sure to get the guest book. We’re having your trial today.” Seokjin says, not breaking eye contact with Donghyuk. When the two leave, Donghyuk tries to follow them but Seokjin stops him.


“Shin Donghyuk, we have much to talk about.” Seokjin mutters.



Hoseok is just about to pull his hair out. Mark, the only greeting person who is reasonable, way gone today so Tzuyu was helping Chittaphon run the desk today. This was not good for Hoseok because: 1) Yoongi likes Mark Tuan the most, so this change of scenery was something he could not handle. 2) Chittaphon had a weird obsession with the guestbook, usually Mark would persuade and ease the book away from Chittaphon, but Tzuyu only encouraged it. 3) Tzuyu kept talking about how she shipped all these different people.


Yoongi, thank god, made it past to greeting desk and went off on his merry-man way to finding dumb and dumber, a.k.a the ones who give Seokjin reading material when bored.


Hoseok notices Chittaphon look away for a moment and quickly reaches for the book, but Tzuyu quickly smacks his hand with what felt like the force of Rhonda Rousey (if she were to punch Hoseok’s hand). Chittaphon notices and takes his book back, clinging onto it as if it were his baby. Hoseok groans and pulls out his phone.




Yoongi peeks out through a bush in the woods when he hears the voices. It was his friends! Oh joyous, wonderful, spitfire happiness! His woodland-pixie-like friends finally show up where they are supposed to! Yoongi jumps out of the bush happily and runs up to an unsuspecting Jungkook and Taehyung.


“Hey, it’s Yoongi-hyung!” Jungkook cheers and happily hugs Yoongi.


Taehyung joins the group hug as well, just generally happy to be hugging someone. “Hi Yoongi-hyung! Say, what were you doing in the woods?” he asks.


“I was kinda hiding, kinda waiting for you guys.” He confesses. Both Taehyung and Jungkook both nod, understanding what exactly Yoongi meant when he said ‘hiding’.


“Well, we’re glad to see you, hyung.” Taehuyng says happily and lightly smacks Yoongi on the back.


“Yes, very glad. Usually we don’t see you around here that much, even if you do work here.” Jungkook says with a smile. Something didn’t settle right though, something in Yoongi’s aura that just wasn’t right. “Ding-dong is here, isn’t he?”


Yoongi nods and Taehyung turns to Jungkook. “Who is Donghyuk?”


“You know, the guy you always see walking the trails doing weird .”




Yoongi blinks once, then twice. “Wait. You've seen Donghyuk here?”


Taehyung nods and wraps an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders. “Yeah, he’s always with some chick and they’re always doing . Haven’t seen them in a while though. But Jungkook’s the once who’s seen this awesome dude who can set anything on fire! He once set a camera on fire, right Jungkook?” Jungkook nods and begins to nod off into space. He soon begins to giggle randomly, which then triggered Taehyung into a giggle fit.


“Dorks.” Yoongi mutters under his breath. He snaps his fingers to get their attentions before they start face again. “Guys, follow me. I need your help for a bit.”



Hoseok calls Mark five times before the man actually decides to answer.








“I need your help with Chittaphon again. He’s not letting me have the guestbook.” Hoseok whines and tries to grab for the guestbook again, but Chittaphon practically growls and flies to the back of the room on his rolling office chair.


“Ah, I heard him. What do you need the book for?”


“My own personal trial.”


“Oh. Well hand him the phone, I’ll see what I can do. No promises though.” Mark sighs from the other end of the receiver. It was hard being Mark Tuan, always having to dispel disputes between Hoseok and Chittaphon.


Hoseok hands the phone to Tzuyu and asks her to give the phone to Chittaphon, who takes the phone reluctantly.


“Yes… No, I am being good. Well jeez Mark, you’re starting to sound like my mother.” Mark must’ve said something embarrassing because Chittaphon turned a deep shade of red and started to laugh nervously. “I can’t believe you. Yes. You better. I’ll give it to him now, but remember your promise!” Chittaphon warns and scoots back over to the main desk. He hangs up the phone and hands the book and device back to Hoseok. Tzuyu starts to laugh maniacally, as if she knew what had actually happened during that conversation. Hoseok would rather not think about it.


He hurries off to the office for Seokjin to check the book.




Yoongi finally manages to drag to two laughing fools back to the main office. He doesn’t pay attention to the greeting desk staff, his mind focuses on getting back to the office so that Hoseok gets a fair trial. He really didn’t need all this, Yoongi knew what was going on, he found out when he stumbled into his house one week ago and caught Donghyuk on the phone with Hoseok’s sister. But for verification, they needed these two dorks.


“Hey Yoongi, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Taehyung asks, then he and Jungkook start to snicker. Yoongi rolls his eyes and sighs.


“What is it? About 700 pounds?” Yoongi makes it sound like a question, but judging from the gasp coming from Taehyung, he got another one of his stupid questions correct.


They finally reach Seokjin’s office and Yoongi just about kicks it open, but Hoseok opens it at just the right time. Yoongi’s foot stops mid-air, but Hoseok doesn’t jump back. He instead trails his eyes up from Yoongi’s foot to his eyes and smirks.


“Found him.”





Again, Seokjin finds himself shaking from how angry he was. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are both high as kites, claiming that they don’t recognize who Hoseok is but Taehyung recognizes Donghyuk. Jungkook knows him by name but Taehyung, the one who actually saw Donghyuk doing what he was doing, did not know who the man was. And Donghyuk was irritated as well from how loud Taehyung and Jungkook were.

Seokjin flips through the guestbook to find Donghyuk’s name anywhere. On the first instance that Taehyung spotted Donghyuk and Hoseok’s sister, Donghyuk’s name showed up in the books. And after that, only one other entry could be found and it was Hoseok’s sister’s name and then ‘guest’ written beside it.


Hoseok, in a rage after hearing this, tries to choke out Donghyuk, but Yoongi holds him back. Donghyuk sighs and raises his hands in defeat.


“I hate to rat people out, but this is already pretty incriminating, so I might as well.” He says, giving up his pride and such. “I don’t like Hoseok, so why would I like a carbon copy of the guy? Seriously, she is too ‘goody-two shoes’ for me anyways. SO don’t misunderstand that I like her, okay? The real reason why I started coming here with her is because she caught me and Namjoon vandalizing certain parts of the property and threatened to rat us out. So like any good friends of Hoseok, we decided ‘why the hell not?’ Turns out Hoseok over here is super possessive of his sister and goes ape over any guy who even bumps into her. SO when he moved in after he accidentally burned down Namjoon’s house, she couldn’t see her hubby anymore. So we decided that we should vandalize more property and get it blamed on Hoseok. Hoseok starts leaving the house more, and his sister then gets to visit her hubby. It really started to get complicated when Yoongi got involved, eventually found out, and tried to come into work to tell Hoseok. But her hubby, Park Jimin, made him swear secrecy through boy scouts honor.” Donghyuk explains as thorough as he can. Seokjin nods and writes down something on a notepad.


“I figured-.” Seokjin starts but Hoseok interrupts him.


“She’s dating Park Jimin! That freaking pr*ck! I’ll kill him!” Hoseok rages, but Yoongi once again calms him down. (“It’s okay, I don’t like him either. But it isn’t nice to punch people in their admittedly pretty faces so…”)


Seokjin rolls his eyes and continues. “-that was what was going on." Seokjin sighs at his next sentence. "Taehyung and Jungkook get so high when they visit the trails, it isn’t even funny. Sadly, it’s only Xanax so I can’t have them arrested. But you sir have a debt to pay this park. Namjoon as well. And I’m going to sick the worst of the worst on ya if you don’t pay up.”


Donghyuk doesn’t even flinch. He just sits back and takes the punches. He just hopes Jimin will get fired soon.


“Oh, and Hoseok,” Seokjin calls out to the fuming younger, “I hereby let you go from your duties. You are free to go, but before you do, I must ask: would you like a job here? You seem like a good fit for this place, you’ve brought a few of the workers closer together and you’ve even spiced things up for our honorary ‘fireman’.”


The room falls silent, everyone seems to be looking at Hoseok, watching for any good or bad emotion that cross his face. Yoongi could his heart pound in his ear as waits for Hoseok’s answer, it is now or never. He rubs his hands together nervously and peers at Hoseok from behind him.


Hoseok doesn’t even hesitate.


“Yes, I would love to.”


Later that day, Yoongi meets Hoseok by the lake. He sits down beside him on the park bench and sighs.


"I'm sorry for how I acted last week, I should've-." Yoongi begins to apologize but is stopped Hoseok spontaneously kisses him the the spot. 


It was just a peck, but it shuts Yoongi up.


Hoseok grins. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one who is sorry, I pushed you into the woods."


"Eh. At least then it helped me realize something."




"There is no policy that says coworkers can't date." 


Hoseok leans forward again, looking Yoongi in the eyes before whispering. "I like the sound of that."

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kulitlang08 #1
Chapter 5:'s a cute and sweet ending...:D
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 3: hoseok shouldn't have done that...he knows yoongi has an issue with socializing...and i hope yoongi soon finds jimin...i haven't seen a namjin and taekook yet...aside from the side notes...and how they are connected...taekook as lovers and both nature freak...:D
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 2: what is happening to hoseok??? why is he always starting fire???

looking forward to the new update...:D