you and me

Young Forever



"The curtain falls and I’m out of breath
I get mixed feelings as I breathe out
Did I make any mistakes today" - BTS Young Forever




"People steer clear of them because they're dangerous" Jimin draws out slowly to Taehyung, hoping he understands.


"They don't look dangerous" Taehyung counters.


Jimin reaches across the table and grabs his arm.


"They might not look it but they are Taehyung. So please stay away from them, your the new kid and I don't want you to get into any trouble, especially with them"


"Honestly" Hoseok pipes up, "They're not good people. They've done some bad things. Really bad."


Taehyung swallows and glances at the table, harbouring the four terrifying students of the school. He turns back to face Jimin and Hoseok.


"I'm not going to approach them, I'm just curious" he shrugs.


Jimin retracts his arm and sighs, "I thought you were going to do something stupid"

Taehyung shakes his head, "Nah, my brother got caught up in some gang buisness and it didn't end well for him. I know when to steer clear"


Hoseok's eyes widen, "You have a brother? What's his name?"

"Kim Minho" Taehyung answers.


The sound of a chair being slid across the floor echoes through the canteen as it goes eerily quiet. Jimin and Hoseok's eyes widen to an impossible size at something behind him. Taehyung goes to ask what's going on when a hand grabs the back of his blazer and he's being hauled off his chair. A rough hand turns him around and pushes him forward.


"Move" a gruff male voice commands, "Or I'll make you"


Taehyung does as he's told and walks past all the starring eyes and out of the canteen doors. Instantly, he's shoved against the wall, an arm being pressed against his throat. It's the boy with green hair who'd been sitting at the table of dangerous people. He's surprising short for a terrifying guy.


"I've been wondering" the boy starts, breath fanning Taehyung's face which makes him incredibly nervous, "Why you looked so familiar to me and then I hear you say that your Kim Minho's brother and then I remember where I know you from"


Taehyung doesn't say anything, he's too busy holding his breath. The boy presses his arm harder against Taehyung's throat .


"Your brother and I go way back and I remember him bringing in his little kid brother, with a boxy smile, to some of our gang meet ups. That kid brother just so happens to be you and now, finally, I can finally get revenge for what your brother did-"


"Yoongi" a soft voice calls from behind him, "Don't"


Taehyung looks past Yoongi and at the owner of the voice. It's a young boy, younger then Taehyung, with black hair that falls into his eyes.


"Jungkook don't get involved in this" Yoongi gritts out, his venomous glare intentisfys and Taehyung shrinks further into the wall.


"Yoongi please don't do this" Jungkook calls again.


Taehyung can see Yoongi falter.


"Come on, come sit back with us"


Yoongi, with a deep sigh, removes his arm from Taehyung's throat and steps back and snarls at him.


"I'll be talking to you later" Yoongi grunts, spinning on his heels and returning the way they came.


"I'm sorry about him" Jungkook apologises, "Your brothers mistakes aren't yours"

Taehyung watches Jungkook turn around but he isn't finished.


"What did my brother do to him?"

Jungkook stops walking and turns around so that he's looking at Taehyung over his shoulder but his gaze isn't quite meeting his.


"It's not what your brother did to him but what he did to me"


With that Jungkook continues walking away, leaving a slightly shaking Taehyung behind.

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