
Nothing Special

Freshman year was when I experienced my first heartbreak. Freshman year was also when I made new friends, ones I never expected to be close with. Freshman year was when I lost some friends too. I met again with my first ever love, just beginning to get closer to him, and in the end he was taken away from me, along with my shattered heart.


I met a boy name Jung Hoseok, and already our friendship bonded in just a year span. I also met another boy name Park Jimin, but I realized he was just a 'trial and error' in my journey, for we became the kind of people to grow distant. Don't get me wrong, it was nice for a couple of months, but I guess his interests weren't compatible with mine. All he ever wanted was to be popular, to be part of the crowd. While I, although I do have those times where I want to fit in too, I didn't think about it as much as he did.


In a way I experienced many things. The anger, the sadness, the happiness, all in one tiring semester. No, it wasn't my greatest year, but it certainly wasn't the worst. I learned from my experiences immensely. I know for a fact that I changed a lot too.


From Freshman to Sophmore year there wasn't much of a difference in terms of how it progressed. For one thing, I still am very much in touch with Namjoon despite knowing he probably has no feelings for me for he's still dating Thea. I'm trying hard to get over him also, but it's still getting time to get used to.


Jimin and I barely even talk once our second year rolled in. He was in a different class with his friend Junhong (they were better off friends than I was with him anyway) and I was put in the same class as Jungkook while Yuna and Hoseok had a class together.


After seeing Jungkook at that underground club the way I see him now is different. Different to the point that I ended up being close with him (maybe solely because with him being in the same class as me we were assigned to sit next to each other) but I did end up knowing the guy a little more. I mean, I didn't expect to befriend someone like Jungkook, so that was an unexpected twist in my life.


Then came my Junior year and that's when things were finally rising up. For one thing, Yuna initially wanted to join the student council since we started high school, but she didn't have the courage to. Eventually she did and turns out she became the school rep for our grade, thus she quit choir. I eventually learned to open up a little more to people and became more friendly with others at school, rather to just being that quiet kid in the back of the class.


The little drama subsided a little on the other end of the line, but there was a few gossip here and there. I controlled myself and basically ignored them, unless of course it had something to do with my friends then I may sooner or later tell them in the long run. Because no one should gossip behind each other’s back – that's just cruel and horrible.


Officially Namjoon broke up with Thea on Junior year. I wasn't sure what the details are exactly, and the only thing I know is that they were dating for roughly around 2 years or so. Thea moved away at the end of that same semester back to New Zealand, so she wouldn't be there for Senior year.


And so, here comes my Senior year. The year where our grades mattered and where the pressure comes of going to University or College.


It was also my year of trying to finally clean up where I left off.


* * *


Class 4-B. Yuna and I stared at each other with wide eyes, but soon we broke into a grin and hugged each other. "We're finally in the same class!" she shrieked.


"I know!"  I laughed. Sooner or later we met with Hoseok to find out he's in a class with us along with Jungkook.


"So, what did you do on your summer vacation?" Yuna piped a conversation as I sat beside her; Hoseok and Jungkook sitting in front of us in their seats as well.


"I went to Jeju island with my sister! I even brought back oranges from there, if you want to share some during lunch." Hoseok pointed at his bag.


"I worked on a couple of drawing projects." Jungkook took out his sketchbook and showed it to us. he was really into the visual arts, for his drawings were always fantastic. He said he was going to major into a special arts and dance academy because he also had interest in hip-hop dancing. This guy is seriously multi -talented; after knowing him there's seriously nothing he couldn't do.


“You should submit some to the Art Department, especially in the upcoming Festival.” I suggested, sliding the book back to him. The bell rang and in came the last few bustling students before the teacher arrived last, shutting the door behind him.


We started off with just the basics of the lesson in maths and getting further into that whole lecture of 'it's your last year so make it count!' which by now everyone was just tired of the whole thing and had the pre-set already with the mind to graduate. But halfway into the speech The door busted open and another student rushed in with a hurried breath.


“Sorry for coming in late,” the boy's tone had a little Busan accent. The teacher wasn't fazed at all and indeed introduced him to the rest of the class. The student bowed politely and smiled. “my name is Oh Gwangsuk. I hope we will get along well.”


Yuna nudged my ribs and leaned closer to my ear. “He's cute. I call dibs.” she whispered.


“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back on him. I know she was just saying that as of the first impression – she still very much loves her Kim Bum. He was assigned to the desk in front of Hoseok's and Jungkook's, which Yuna then complained to Hoseok how he should have given up his seat for the guy. That earned a glare from the latter and a snicker from Jungkook.


During lunch there was no more room available in the cafeteria, so we went outside near the bleachers of the basketball court and ate. We watched as Hoseok and Jungkook attempted to play a round or so of basketball during the time period while Yuna and I just sat and talked among ourselves.


I thought that Gwangsuk would be joining us, for during class he got along with the boys quite well (not to mention Jungkook even volunteered to show him around) but I guess not. For the last 10 minutes just then I see Hoseok from the distance waving a hand in the air; and thinking that he was waving at me I was about to raise my hand when just then I see two boys coming over to the field.


Namjoon high-fived the other and did a casual guy handshake to Jungkook (they know each other?) as Yoongi stood beside Namjoon quietly with his hand in his pocket and his headphones up as per usual. How weird is it that even from a distance I still feel irked whenever I see him? That cold aura of his still never worn off on me, no matter how much I try to wipe it off my mind.


“It's too bad we have no classes together,” Hoseok said as he dribbled the ball and shot a hoop.


“I know. But hey, our rooms aren't so far, just right beside each other.” Namjoon smiled, grabbing the ball and shooting it into the net with a swish. Although Namjoon is the one person that broke my heart – correction: shattered it, made me miserable – I think I did a fairly good job of moving on from it...kind of. I mean, I still do have those lingering feelings whenever I see him, not to mention those little things he does that make my heart skip a beat still and leave me all fluttery in the stomach, but I learned to control it.


I have to remember that Namjoon is just a friend. A boy I have feelings for. Jungkook called me over and shouted how much time we had left, and for that I yelled back, '2 MINUTES!'. We all hurriedly grabbed our bags and somehow walking back into the school atrium I ended up walking alongside Namjoon. I glanced behind me briefly only to see that my friend was too busy talking with my other friends and immersed in a conversation. I internally groaned and prayed I would try to act normal beside Namjoon for the time being.


“So, how was your summer?” he brought up suddenly. I pursed my lips and my grip tightened on my shoulder straps of my bag.


“Oh, it was alright. I mostly stayed home,” I said. It's amazing I didn't stutter. I then asked how was his. He shrugged nonchalantly, inhaling a deep breath.

“It was alright for me too, I mean I just visited my uncles' music studio from time to time and recorded a few mix tapes for the very first time.”


I couldn't help but scoff. “What, you call that 'ordinary'? Dude, that's better than what I did!” I exclaimed. He broke into a large grin and chuckled.


“But it was tiring, trust me. I was so busy that I didn't even have time to just stay home, so consider yourself lucky to getting at least some good sleep.”


“Fine, fine, you win.” I put my hands up in surrender. Indeed, I was smiling saying it, and he did too. We made it to our hallway and we said goodbye for we were in front of our classes. Yoongi; one who also was walking on the other side of Namjoon the entire time, didn't even bother to wait for the guy as he pulled down his headphones before he strode inside his classroom.


Seriously, what is up with Yoongi? Such a strange guy... I went back in my own class room and I can already see Yuna's try hard apologetic face from what she did earlier. “I hate you,” I growled.


She shrugged, and we resumed back into our lesson. At the end of the day Jungkook went on the opposite end of the road to his neighborhood while Yuna went her way. Hoseok offered to take me back home and while we were walking he asked me a very random question out of our discussion of music suggestions for each other: “Say, Aeri. Do you still contact Thea?”


I had to stop walking and face him for my answer. “Can't say I have. She moved back to New Zealand.” I remembered when I heard the news I deleted her number completely out of my list – I didn't see any reason to contact her afterwards since she's pretty much out of the country’s border.


Hoseok just nodded and kept looking onward, an expression I couldn't quite read. “Figured. Namjoon told me the same thing – he deleted her number immediately afterwards too. When Namjoon told me about their break up at first I was really surprised, but for some reason in my head I was relieved. I wasn't sure myself at that time. I was surprised but at the same time I wasn't.” his voice became lower in almost a hollow tone.



Do you just ever get that feeling where it's so overwhelming that you can't even describe it? Because that's how it was whenever I see Namjoon and Thea together. They looked like a couple, but to me the atmosphere around them were different. It just seemed so tense. When I heard the news that's when I realized. Most definitely I knew.” I didn't notice anything between the two, for I was too heartbroken to care at the time. But Hoseok seemed serious. Completely different from the happy pill kind of guy I am so used to.


I noticed I was holding my breath the entire time when he said the next sentence:


“Namjoon really didn't love Thea.”




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Chapter 39: Finally I’ve come around to finish reading this story! :3
I was so happy that she ends up with Yoongi because I’ve been lowkey shipping them together even when she’s crushing hard on Namjoon
Idk but these accidental and unexpected moments with Yoongi is kinda heart fluttering in a way <3
Chapter 35: My bias changed to freaking Suga because of this fanfic! I love it!
Chapter 40: Thank you for this awesome story!
It also made me think aboit some personal stuff and figure that out a little.
Can't belive the story is over :D
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this wonderful journey of memories during Aeri's youth. I had fun while reading and for me its good if you'll put yoongi's pov bc i really loved his personality here. I want to know how he saw things back then. Anyways thank you again and good job authornim!
Chapter 39: I cannot believe this is over ;-;
The feelings for this story is so real, because once I finished reading the very last chapter especially the quote I just felt felt a warm fuzziness in my chest (lmao does that even makes sense) and I got so emotional over these characters and oh man I really will miss em. Thank you for the wonderful story <33
Chapter 37: I always end up coming back bc i love ur story so much and since im a yoongi stan, i really love how u portray his character here I AM SO DEEPLY INLOVE WITH HIS PERSONALITY HERE i think the min yoongi here has become my ideal type, him being observant and quiet that u wont notice every moves he'll show to u makes it more lovelier :)
Chapter 38: I got chills from the last sentence! Oh my goodness you're killing me here ;~;
ChanSang #9
Chapter 37: Your story gives the bittersweet feeling you get while listening to Agust D. It touches deep down. Perfect slice of life. <3
Chapter 37: this story is so good i cant stop reading and i was so immersed i kinda shipped aeri with namjoon tho they're so cute but as i read every chapters i also noticed yoongi's little movements towards her that i found it very suspicious then bam u told the revelation and i said to myself "I KNEW IT THERE'S SMTH" and i was so happy I LITERALLY SCREAMED AND SQUEALED when aeri finally realized things. it makes me want to read it from the start and focus on every scene where there's yoongi.