

It was already night time and i just got home after my work shift for the day. After taking a bath and eating dinner, i walked up to the terrace to get some fresh air. I look up to see a beautiful, glistening full moon. I gazed at the moon for a while, studying its features. It looked so beautiful, so enchanting. They way it shoned its soft light makes me feel so warm with the cold breeze running past me. I also liked the way the stars look like little, bright christmas lights hanging in the sky, complimenting the light of the moon. As I was enjoying the beautiful sight, I remembered something from the past.


My mom and I were at the park. She was meeting up with her friends to have some catching up. When her friends finally got there, I told my mom that I would be walking around the park so as not to disturb them. I left them and made my way to the playground. When I got there, I saw a bunch of kids playing at the sandbox. I looked for a place to sit and I saw the swings. No one was there so that's where I decided to stay. I sat and started to daydream. I was too busy that I didn't notice someone already sitting beside me. I got out of my own world to look up to a beautiful, tall guy. My heart skipped a beat.  He had cute, large eyes, milky skin and soft, shiny black hair. I didn't  even knew that I was staring at him until he spoke.


"Yeah. Hi there."

"So, Why are you here?"

"My mom met up with her friends. I just came along to have a little stroll in the park.
How about you?"

"My mom also met up with her friends. She took me along to look after my little brother, the one with a bowlcut hair over there" 

I looked to where he pointed to see a cute little boy playing at the slides. He looked so innocent and happy playing with other kids. I felt happy inside seeing the little boy have fun enjoying his childhood. I looked back to the guy beside me and asked him.

"What's your brother's name?"

"He's Lee Taemin."

" He looks so happy."

"Yeah.  My mom saw him and how sad he looked at the orphanage. She wanted to raise him and make him feel happy so she decided to adopt him.
By the way, what's your name?"

"Shin Jae Yeon. Or just call me Jae Yeon."

"Oh. I'm Choi Minho. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I took a peek at my watch and saw that it was already time to go home.

"Minho-ssi, I have to go now. It was fun talking to you.

[A/N: for those who don't know, -ssi is used when you just met a person. It's like a sign of respect.]

*End of Flashback*

I still remembered that day like it was yesterday. I smiled as I reminisce those times when we'd meet up and talk about random things. We'd talk about how school went, how we hated math and other stuff. Just then, I felt the cold wind rush to me. But as I go back to those times, I also remembered how I realied my love for him, how he told me about his crush on this girl and how my first heartbreak felt like. When we met up, he'd talk about this girl for the whole time, ranting about how he'd like to court this girl. He also managed to confess his feelings for her and eventually, they got together. At that time, I felt like I was being stabbed and getting hit by a truck and being struck by lightning all at once. It was painful. Now that we've grown up, graduated and already working, we still managed to contact each other even with the tight schedules we have.  Even though the years have passed,  even if we'd text or call or meet up sometimes, my love for him still hasn't gone away but instead, has gotten even stronger. Somehow, it stayed alive even if we didn't see each other for a long time. I guess I really do love him. I look up to the moon and a tear slids down my face. Not too long ago, I recieved an invitation from him saying that he's gonna get married. Minho, my one and only love, is gonna get married. I was shocked to see that invitation. Hurting, I tried to console myself. I regretted not confessing my feelings for him and just let time pass me by. I was too afraid. Afraid that our friendship might go to waste if ever I told him how I felt. Another tear comes down my face as I remember that the wedding will be tomorrow. The moonlight was shining down on me. It was as if it knows the pain I was feeling. The pain was too much. Crying, I just tried to remember the good times and told myself that he wasn't meant for me. I took a final look at the moon and sighed.

Even though I have loved him so much, I am willing to give up my love for his happiness, and the moon will be the witness.


Sorry if it was too short for you guys and if it took me too long to update it..
Any thoughts? Don't worry, I don't bite.

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AAWW thanks.:))
very beautiful and sad...and I fell in love with the poster :)
sorry because i actually had no time to update this..<br />
maybe tomorrow or the next day, i'll be able to update this already..:))
._. *crick* *crick* *crick*