

          “You’re so stupid, Cara!” Kris’ loud, low voice boomed in the room, making Cara flinch a little. “You can never learn to be contented, can’t you?” The moment Kris called Cara by her name instead of the usual “baobei” (baby), she knew he was furious.

          Cara and Kris have been together for three years. Recently, the couple have had petty fights just because of small things: the toilet seat being up, the bedroom being left messy, Kris getting home late and all sorts of things that would irritate the other, mostly it was Kris who would get infuriated. This time, it was about Cara’s shopping. Cara told Kris a few moments ago that she would like to go shopping for a new dress for work. She worked as an editor for a local newspaper in Vancouver. She started working there five years ago when she moved from Toronto to Vancouver, and then she met Kris during one of the interview sessions assigned to her. They got to know each other, and they hit it off. At first, they were a sweet couple; everyone was jealous, including Cara’s workmates. Then they started to drift apart a little midway.

          “It’s just one dress, Kris!” she matched the volume of his voice as she ran a hand through her hair. “It’s not like I buy dresses everyday. I’m wondering what makes you ticked off!”

          Kris knew Cara was right, but he did not want to lose the argument. “You should put the money into our bills or something,” he retorted, crossing his arms.

What he said made her scoff and roll her eyes. “I pay the bills monthly, you idiot,” she snapped more and looked up at him.

“Huh, really?” he smirked as he held up a white envelope. “This bill is due tomorrow and you’re going to prioritize your stupid dress?”

“At least I don’t spend my money on drinking everyday,” she mumbled under her breath but it was audible enough for Kris to hear.

“What did you say?” he raised a brow as he said that. It was true. Recently, Kris has been hanging out too much with the people from the company, going to places, drinking late at night and going home at around 2 AM, the earliest.

At least I don’t spend my money on drinking,” she repeated, emphasizing the whole sentence.

“Get out,” Kris mumbled, his eyes shooting daggers at Cara.

“Fine!” she exclaimed, and walked out without turning back. She grabbed a coat from the hanger by the door and her wallet before slamming the door shut. Kris closed his eyes and took a deep breath before retreating to the kitchen. He grabbed his phone and dialed Luhan’s number. Luhan is one of Kris’ closest friends, and the former moving to Vancouver made it easy for the both of them to see each other.

“Hello?” Luhan answered sleepily.

Kris unconsciously fidgeted with his fingers, forgetting to answer Luhan. “Yifan?” Luhan answered again.

“Oh, sorry. I was just fixing something,” Kris said as he cleared his throat. “Do you want to meet at the bar at around 9?”

Luhan checked the time, it was already 6:30 so he had 2 and a half hours to prepare. “Of course,” he said as he got out from bed.

“Alright,” Kris replied, his usual coldness becoming more obvious. For people who know him well, his cold aura is normal.


Meanwhile, after thirty minutes of driving, she found herself stopping at a hilltop. It’s not just any hilltop, it’s where she and Kris would usually be alone. She stepped out of the car and leaned against the door, just admiring the view. She needed this serenity after all that is happening with Kris. It was chaotic and she needed her space. She hugged herself, the warmth of her coat not enough to battle the cold air. She didn’t want to break things off with Kris; she loved him so much, although her friends are telling her to end things because he was becoming toxic for her already. Being on the hilltop brought so many good memories but she brushed them off. She wanted to forget Kris for the night.


Two years ago…

“Baobei…” Kris’ voice rang in Cara’s ears, who was sleeping peacefully. He sort of felt bad for waking her up because she has been staying up all night the past days, trying to finish her work before the deadline but he really had something in mind and he felt that it was the perfect time. She groaned in response and stirred in bed. “Baobei,” he whined playfully as he sat beside you on the bed.

“What time is it?” She sleepily asked him as her eyes slowly fluttered open. He chuckled deeply and checked his wristwatch.

“8:30,” he simply answered.

“AM?”  She asked, rubbing her eyes to adjust her vision. “Don’t you have work?”


“What?!” She asked again, groaning and burying her face on the pillow next to her.

“Get dressed. We’re going somewhere,” he simply said, chuckling deeply and got up from the bed. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

“Aish!” She muttered and scratched her head but she had no choice. She got up and headed to their closet. Kris’ clothes were neatly separated from hers, making it easier for them to look for their own clothes, except for a few of Kris’ shirts that Cara would use from time to time. She finally got dressed, wearing a long-sleeved fitted top, some jeans and a coat to top it off. She wore her black sneakers and headed to join Kris in the living room.

“Wherever you’re bringing me, this better be worth it,” Cara pouted at him, making Kris laugh and poke her cheek.

“You’re so cute, baobei,” he said admiringly. She blushed madly when he called her cute, just like a kid in high school. She loves it when he calls her baobei.

“Let’s go.” He took her hand and walked her to the car, opening the car door for her before he went to the driver’s seat.

Cara slowly buckled her seatbelt, looking ahead. She was still sleepy but she was holding onto Kris’ hand while he was driving.

“You can go to sleep if you want,” Kris suggested as he took her hand, kissing the back of it as he drove. “It’s going to be a long drive.”

          He woke her up thirty minutes later. When she opened her eyes, she saw that they were on some sort of a hilltop.

          “Are you going to kill me?” Cara joked, making Kris smirk playfully.

          “Yeah, probably,” he shrugged, making her hit his arm. He pouted at her and got out of the car to open the door for her. She got out and turned around, her jaw dropping at what she saw: the city lights flashing before them and the streets of Vancouver below them. It amazed her since she really did not know the feeling of looking at it from above.

          “Wow,” she said softly. “Babe, this is amazing. How come you’ve never brought me here before?”

          “I just didn’t think of a right time to do so,” he shrugged.

          “Is this where you bring all your girls?” I asked as I nudged his abdominal area gently.

          He laughed and shook his head. “I never bring just any girl here. This is my safe spot, and I want it to be yours too.”

          She wrapped her arms around his biceps and leaned her head against it. “It’s a beautiful view,” she whispered in admiration.

          Kris stayed silent, admiring his girlfriend who was taking the view in. “I love you, baobei.”

          “I love you, too,” she said as she scooted closer to him, both of them now looking ahead at the view in front of them.


          Kris had been with Luhan in the bar for almost two hours. Neither were drunk, they took their time and Luhan didn’t want his friend to get drunk tonight.

          “Maybe you just need to talk it out.” Luhan suggested as he took a sip of his third beer.

          “I don’t know,” Kris sighed as he looked at his friend.

          “It’s your pride again, isn’t it?” Luhan asked as he raised a brow. Kris is known to have pride, never wanting to talk to a person first to make amends.

          The taller man did not respond and took a sip of his beer instead.

          “You need to talk things out, you know,” Luhan suggested again, hoping Kris would listen this time. “Swallow your pride and be the better person.”

          Kris stayed silent once more, contemplating on what Luhan said. After five beers, Kris was a little bit tipsy. Luhan was still sober, but on the verge of getting tipsy.

          “I should get going,” Kris slurred softly as he grabbed his jacket.

          “You sure you’re going to be okay?” Luhan asked, wanting Kris to assure that he will be truly fine. “I could offer you a ride if you want.”

          The taller man agreed, making Luhan sigh in relief. He didn’t want to deal with tipsy, stubborn Kris. He helped Kris to the car and buckled his seatbelt for him.

          “Can you bring me to the hilltop?” Kris suddenly asked, making Luhan raise a brow.

          “What?” Luhan asked in confusion. “Not that I want to bring you there but what are you going to do there?”

          “I just need air,” Kris leaned back and massaged his temples. Luhan sighed and drove there. When they got there, Kris unbuckled his seatbelt and signaled Luhan to drive home.

          “Thank you,” Kris smiled softly and tapped on the window gently. Luhan drove off and Kris turned around. He squinted his eyes when he saw Cara’s car there.

          “Baobei?” Kris called out. Cara flinched slightly, breaking the flow of thoughts in her head and turned around.

          “Kris? What are you doing here?” She asked and hesitantly walked up to him.

          “I knew you’d be here,” Kris slurred a bit and took her hand.

          “You’ve been drinking?” Cara asked and looked up at him.

          He simply nodded and pulled her into a hug, closing his eyes as he rested his chin on top of her head. “I love you so much, baby. I’m so sorry.” He mumbled and rubbed her back.

          Cara stayed silent, not wanting to talk to him yet but leaned her head against her chest. It seemed like she was drowning in the embrace because of Kris’ tall build and it gave her comfort.

          “I love you,” he repeated and pulled her closer.

          “I love you too,” Cara finally responded and hugged back. Kris opened his eyes and placed his hands on either side of Cara’s face. He leaned down for a kiss which Cara returned.

          “Let’s not fight again, alright?” he asked of her after pulling away from the kiss.

          She simply nodded and rested her head on his chest again.  She once again found comfort in him, and it made things better for the both of them.

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